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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. As I have said in a previous thread; however, it looks like the posts were deleted for some reason, I definitely think it is parenting. l do struggle with the comparison of our parenting to other countries as it is hard to do based on culture and societal norms being very different in each. But for the US, parenting as swung way over into more of the enablement of a kid, lack of accountability, and guarding them from ever having to cope with difficult situations...just to name a few.
  2. What happened to BnG? Did he decide to take his own advice and get help? Maybe he got a 2 for 1 deal with Askren? While he was a little out there, I enjoyed his wackiness! I like when people LOVE their team so much they become irrational.
  3. So everyone knows this, but what are the solutions? Other than the ole tired "Get Rid Of Guns" rhetoric. Readily available and cheap mental health programs for children and adults. Makes it more "Ok" in our society and normal to talk about (but not force pills down people's throats). Start getting our society to refocus the role of parents and on parenting skills. Bring back some of the accountability norms for people and their actions...including how they behave on the internet. Tell people to turn off their tv. Demand our politicians work together! Severe punishments for crimes that occur while in possession of guns. I could go on but these are my some of my simple mind solutions. But I will say...my No. 1 thing that will help reduce tragic events like mass murder is PARENTING!!! We need to change our culture around parenting and what their role is. And we can start by holding parents accountable for the action of their kids!
  4. Also, funny story, a really good buddy of mine has had for a long time one of the smaller charcoal smokers and has always cast a jealous gaze over my brother and my smokers (Oklahoma Joe and Traeger pellet smokers), well his wife and kids got him a nice big Traeger pellet smoker for Father's Day....he sent a pick and said he can't remember crying that hard since he was a little kid when he saw it! LOL
  5. Has anyone done a braided pork loin before? Saw how it is done and it looks like it cuts down the smoke time (not that they take that long), looks cool from a presentation standpoint, and also looks like a good way to get a lot of seasoning across more of the meat.
  6. Stupid thing wouldn't let me edit...forgot to add...I know there are closed minded people on the "other side" too.
  7. Again...don't disagree. But any sensible person who truly is open minded about root causes of problems, wouldn't use pure emotion when formulating their opinion, or possible solution to a problem. If Bernie Boy could formulate a logical argument using both emotion AND some data/logic/common sense, then I'd be open to listening and debating in a respectful manner. Even his follow up response right yours is nothing but emotion, narrative, name calling, and generalization of a huge swath of people he has never met nor probably ever listened to except for what he hears on MSM. He is blaming everyone under the sun who have NOTHING to do with killing of honorable police officers, kids, etc. And he somehow thinks shutting down gun manufactures or suing them will somehow stop bad people from doing bad things. And the worse part of it is he comes back with the emotional trope "You must not care that kids are shot!!" And in my opinion, it's people like him that hurt the ability for people to work together to make things better. People do, and should, have different opinions...and if they are able to work together you more than likely achieve a better outcome then a group of like-minded people doing it themselves.
  8. Did you just reply to your own post....are the voices in your head especially talkative today....I know mine are!
  9. I agree with most of what you said except the part that I'm more guns for everyone. There is a sensible approach to guns in our country and am all for our idiots in congress working together. But what I can't stand is when people use tragedy to push a political narrative.
  10. Funny when people need to look in a mirror
  11. Thanks for making my point...again. You just can't make this stuff up....
  12. Their breakfast pizza is though....
  13. I'll try that technique...thanks!
  14. Sounds amazing! Turkey is on my list to smoke this year.
  15. Double smoked hams = AMAZING!!
  16. So you are using the death of police officers and your nephew who got shot to push some stupid political agenda...and what's worse is how you twist it in your head to make it okay to do so. You just can't make this stuff up....
  17. One of the best things I have made was mixing up Cowboy beans (pork n beans, with ground beef and bbq sauce (sweet baby rays)) in my cast iron skillet and then cooked them under a pork shoulder I was smoking so all the drippings went in it....so good!!
  18. Have you ever ordered from Snake River Farms? It is amazing...super high-quality meats and they not that expensive and are top notch...they send the meat frozen in a cooler and include a free reusable insulated clothed shopping bag.
  19. Anyone had teras majors? Total hidden gem! Some people call it mock tenderloin. It is a small cut behind the shoulder next to the chuck. Butcher I got it from said most places don't mess with it because it is hard to get to and it isn't very big, comparatively. Recommend waygu...don't over cook...and cook it until it plump's up like a ball park hotdog will come off medium rare.
  20. No truer statement @WrestlingRasta!
  21. That is for sure. Have you ever had smoked hamburgers? The recipe I got from my brother is amazing...get Lipton beefy onion soup mix packets and mix that into the burger...patty it and smoke at 250 for like 20-30 minutes depending on how you like your burger...then top it with siracha mayo. So good!
  22. Ugh...that sucks...sorry man!
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