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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Ummm...duh me...read it to fast and didn't realize it said Anthony's IG...probably did get hacked then.
  2. AJ posting and doing completely ridiculous things...I'm not buying the "I was hacked" routine.
  3. Have any of you heard of this? Just read about it...it's like Uber but the drivers are armed. Guess it is in ATL but expanding. Sounds like they have an exclusive client customer in mind, but also want it available to the general public. Not sure what to think about it other than it sounds like a good idea, but guess I didn't realize it wasn't safe to ride in an Uber/Lfyt?
  4. Oh man...that stuff is instant vomit for me. Not Don Julio specifically but tequila in general
  5. I was a beer guy until I did keto... now I'm a girly seltzer guy.
  6. Trump Sucks! Mikey rocking back and forth in the basement....dude...get over it...
  7. Just watched one of his specials on Prime and laughed my ass off...he is good!
  8. Wasn't it not too long ago there was a faction of our own citizen's that were calling for the US to be like Argentina? Crazy to think that people want our society to be like that. Too bad for Argentina as it looks like a beautiful place.
  9. No thanks...a little to extreme for me
  10. Seems to be an uptick in this sort of thing happening, or it is just getting more coverage, but it has got to be the dumbest freaking thing that is allowed to happen. How in the world did a law ever get passed that allows people to just "move in"...aka, break in...and just live there...aka, trespass? Thoughts?
  11. All I can picture is Mikey sitting in his parents' dark basement, rocking back and forth in the corner with a red face gritting his teeth staring at his wall of pictures and articles of Trump with big red "X"'s across trump's face and ominous sayings written everywhere. Mikey may need to be careful or he may end up on a list.
  12. When are you Mikey and Plasi going to announce your forever love??
  13. Voted for Clinton the first time, but not the second. Then Bush I think only once...I sort of took time off from voting...then got back into it with Barrak and voted for him the first time but not the second...voted for loudmouth Trump the first time but not the second, as I didn't vote because in good conscience, I couldn't vote for anyone on the ballot.
  14. That'd be funny if that is what Bud Lt did and their customer base revolted...but carry on being you Mikey...
  15. Do you even know what cancel culture is?? There is a HUGE difference between large corporations or entities banning a person, or a show, because they don't like what they said, versus CUSTOMERS deciding to not buy a product because a company said and did things indicating that the company no longer wants them as customers. And based on what you said, I assume you are all for true cancel culture? By the way, you can't have it both ways...ie., you can't be for cancel culture when someone is canceled because you disagree with what they said, and against cancel culture when someone is cancelled because you agree with what they said.
  16. You get ads for Penis Pills and Vocabulary Builders?
  17. This will be a lot to do about nothing in the end. The person on the board is a whacadoodle and that is why it is being "investigated"...and procedurally they probably have to since there was technically a complaint.
  18. This is exactly what is happening...it was a whacko nut job that is on the school board who had a kid in the class...that person is the one who complained and initiated an "investigation". Another example of people taking an extreme case of a single whacko and extrapolating it across the whole state and education system to meet a political agenda and narrative (not you Plasi...in this case).
  19. But I also know this isn't about holding people accountable for you as if it was a democrat being investigated...like Billy should be...you'd blow it off and said it is fake news and attack the source...but keep on keeping on with your CNBC and twitter "sources"...LOL
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