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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Dude...I don't think I am the one who needs any self-awareness when it comes to the Israel/Humas crap...so go keep on keeping on with the pro-terrorist BS
  2. Are they, or is it the narrative made up by the media and in people's heads?? If I asked you what the stark differences are, you'd probably regurgitate a bunch of over-exaggerated tropes the divisive media pours down peoples throat when in actuality people like you and I, who probably lean in opposite directions a bit, agree on quite a bit of stuff...if both sides were willing to truly listen and not infer things or accuse the other of saying or meaning something other than they really do.
  3. Herein lies the problem...when people can't see past their OPINION about things and instantly go to "little common ground between the opposing sides"...such weak and lazy thinking. 85% of the US probably agrees with each other on the main topics...it is the semantics and/or the solutions that people argue about. And I hate the whole "sides" thing...one of the reasons I think we need to get rid of the bi-party so we get out of the thinking that we have to pick a "side". People have different opinions...that is a good thing...if we would just try and understand the common ground on things we probably would compromise a lot more!
  4. I wonder if jross still "understands" UB's perspective, or has he finally saw what most have, he is a Humas sympathizer.
  5. LOL....AI usually does have nice points when asked about a topic...
  6. Speaking of circus...did you seen the exchange between Sen Mullin and Teamster President O'Brian at some senate hearing? O'Brian posted some crap on social media essentially challenging Mullin to a fight and Mullin essentially said "let's go" at the hearing and stood up...LOL What a circus...however, by the looks of things I think Mullin would kick O'Brian's a$$ without breaking a sweat.
  7. Super weird...I was replying to your comment right after mspart's post about the relaxed voting rule of double checking signatures in PA...but there must have been a delay as to when I wrote it and when it actually appeared on the thread.
  8. Unless I am missing something, this is absolutely asinine!! Look forward to hearing how anyone could support this...and do so without bringing up Trump...
  9. Many positive vibes being sent your way Rasta!!!
  10. LOL...you say you didn't do something and then turn around and do the very same thing again!! Have some freaking self reflection and awareness. And it kills me that you say "We have a difficult time checking our privilege." What a crock of crap. I'd love to know what "privilege" I need to check? And if your statement even made sense, so what?? What are people supposed to do, apologize for where they got to in life?? Is that somehow going to make someone who grew up in a different situation then them feel better?? Is that going to fix all the ill wills of our society, current and past?? Again, to me that is offensive that a person like you can preach about something you know absolutely nothing about and try and chastise people who do.
  11. Seriously, this is such crazy talk. First off, you ASSume things about mspart and his family and try and downgrade what he and his kids have accomplished because somehow someone else was born, potentially, into different circumstances. You want to know what is funny, you listing off a bunch of things that his kids may have not had to deal with you pretty much summed up my upbringing, and it is very offensive that you use it as a way to discourage other people and to somehow make it an excuse for not working hard to better themselves, like I did as well as my brothers and sisters did. Do you think I sit here and use my upbringing as an excuse when someone else who worked harder than me has more than me?? NO!!! But you clearly do, and it is laughable. You try and preach to everyone how you are so inclusive and all-knowing of everything and everyone's situation that you actually offend the people you think you are speaking for. And then claim the people who did in fact work hard for where they got are somehow scared of people like me who may have come from different life circumstances taking what they earned...dude, you are a joke.
  12. I don't think anyone meant to infer getting rid of the IRS totally, but as Ionel said, get rid of the bloat and waste, like there is in a lot of governement agencies. I would love to have full power to go into some of our governmental areas and get rid of all the waste so there is more money to spend on the things that are important to the american people.
  13. At least jross "get's" UB's posts because I and others sure do not. Anyway, as for Muslims being "bad", I don't believe that...just as when other people try to paint people of other faith's as "bad". The religion isn't the problem...PEOPLE are the problem. When people are evil and want to rationalize their evil behavior, they TRY and use religion to do so. People want to bash the religion as being "bad" when in fact no religion is bad (well maybe some of the fringe crap like devil worshiping, etc.) it is the people that are bad. I also understand the scrutiny of the Muslim faith, and if I was a Muslim I would be absolutely appalled that some terrorist organizations use that as a backdrop for their evil behavior. Point for all this is I believe people are either good, or bad, or on that spectrum, regardless of their religion.
  14. I think people forget about the critical thing of doctor's getting to know their patients and their history in order to better treat their patients. I'll take my luck with the private healthcare facilities. I am all for improving things and making things better, but to use other countries as examples of a great health care system is laughable. My question, what as American's are you willing to give up for a government healthcare system?? Roads? How about the over-bloated welfare system? The IRS? I like the private healthcare system, but if people want to have a public "free" heath care system in addition to the private, have at it. And how about those that support it and want to use it are the ones who pay for it?
  15. Hopefully that is all true, but what about the constant rhetoric that Israel is partaking in "ethnic cleansing"?? Which is propaganda Humas spews. He constantly attacks Israel while brushing off the atrocities of Humas. He manipulates "facts" in order to make the point that Israel is bad. I am not buying he is condemning anyone other than Israel.
  16. Can't believe I am saying this but GWN is spot on. UB just wants to keep spewing the same rhetoric over and over in order to somehow make it true...and I am not sure why, other than he supports one side over the other...and the side he supports isn't Israel.
  17. So what part of the youtube do you disagree with or is factually wrong?
  18. Yes. Except "Be motivated by profit for investors over quantity and quality of service?" as this is completely a made-up statement that for some reason you want to be true. Every healthcare facility and hospital (all private) I have ever worked for or had to be a patient at were motivated first by the care of the patient....hands down!! Why??? Because that is what drives profit!!! Are prices souring up and up for healthcare...absolutely....but the reasons why have nothing to do with those greedy people running the hospital and clinics like the story you make up in your head.
  19. A stunt? Why? What don't you like about it? Wait I know...it is an "R" bill so instantly bad!!
  20. So now this is how we base people's character nowadays!?!? Social media is truly the downfall of our society....or is the people who let what they read on social media determine what they think of people they never have ever met??
  21. There is a guy (retired B52 pilot) staying at my house right now who has been good friends with Mike Johnson for years (their kids have been friends since kindergarten) and said he is a super guy. Guess he is absolutely brilliant in terms of constitutional law. I don't know a ton about his politics but learning a lot this week while the guy is here...not sure I agree with his stance on some of the stuff but overall, he sounds like a stand-up dude. And like always, he sure doesn't sound like what some media outlets make him out to be.
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