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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Then why did multiple people feel you were doing in fact that...comparing the N word versus the C word?? Doesn't matter...you did a good job of backtracking and trying to explain it away.
  2. LOL...funny but not funny situation....dude is a sick person and deserved all the time he got in prison. The Internet never ceases to amaze me...here on these boards we have people defending rapists and terrorists, trying to downplay the N word on here, etc....it's crazy!
  3. The main lesson learned is don't be a freaking creep of person that tries to take advantage of a women when she is sleeping.
  4. I've learned trying to debate with this guy is a lost cause as it goes nowhere and it is hard to argue with someone who has zero logic or zero intent on understanding anything other than what is in their head. Case in point, this argument about the N word versus the C word.
  5. I have become dumber for having read some posters posts on here....wow. Internet at it's finest...people feel they can say the dumbest most a$$hole, racists things and justify it in their head that it makes sense. How you could correlate the worst word in the English language due to it's meaning and history, with a word that is slang for a women's body part is beyond me. And just as disgusting is to try and use the poor women who have been abused as to way to try and make a point, of which there isn't a point to be made. Sickening
  6. Was just going to call Bob out for using ChatGPT....LOL
  7. Agree with this...I like Dan Crenshaw...super smart, level headed and doesn't get all emotional with his response, just states facts
  8. Lol...worried education will make kids conservative??? Fine...be mad at that...but then better be extremely mad at the 99% of all other schools that are making kids liberals.
  9. Sure hope you @Plasmodium post at the end of the day...love drunk posts! Although your posts may be black out gibberish
  10. Funny when people ask for examples and when provided completely write them off as one off extreme cases, yet will do the exact same thing when asked to provide examples for their claims. Hypocrisy at its finest And I am on the side of those who think those that dismiss atrocities/abuses to kids and terrorists are scum of the earth
  11. Hmmm...man...people sure like to twist things. Progressive now have a problem with policy that makes sure people don't discriminate...who knew?!?! And love the attempt to show that teachers got fired because they were gay...shhhh....people may actually get fired for things they did that were fireable offenses, and has nothing to do who they choose to sleep with/love.
  12. You forgot to refer to him as ma'am
  13. The irony of ban accusing someone of not understanding what they posted or what language they are using is not lost
  14. I agree with this...he seemed to go from the appearance of being a good leader (9/11) to a slimy sleezeball in a hurry.
  15. You can't be serious?!?! The irony of it is you reference Alex Jones a post or two later...your posts are on that level. What you forget to mention in any of this other than your whackadoodle opinion is the context of the moment things happen and the timing of when it happened. Is the US "stupid" sometimes in how they handle the funding...yes...can the US predict the future as to what is going to happen and who some of these groups turn into or gain alliance with...NO!! You clearly have skewed views on things and for some reason, like to always paint the US...by far the best country in the world...in the worst possible light by not looking at the whole picture, and then always assuming negative intent and turning that into trying to make direct correlation to the US being the biggest terrorist supporter in the world. By your words you turn hero's and well intended actions of the US into some of the worst possible things any group or person could do. Maybe you and ban can get a group rate on the mental health treatment you both clearly need.
  16. I wonder if there is anyone on here that Ban doesn't think he humiliated...must be fun up there in his little brain...the stories he makes up and how he overinflates his sense of self is actually quite astounding.
  17. When asked what I wanted to do after high school, I had a school counselor tell me, "You know, college isn't for everyone." LOL
  18. My dad to me on not having a long-term girlfriend..."Son, at some point you are going to have to settle." I won't mention how many times he has been married.
  19. I clearly admitted it in my post that I have done what I dislike. And I don't understand the "stabbed in the back the next time" thing, I have no alliance to anyone as this is about expressing opinions. Some of my best friends in the world and family members have drastically different political view points than me, but I love the all the same. They at least don't resort to insults and name calling...well my step dad does so I like getting him riled up.
  20. Agree with what you are saying; however, this was much different given the culture of where I worked was not to be so formal. I often met the new PhD's and called them Dr. so and so, but the majority quickly said just call me so and so.
  21. I used to work with people like that...they would put a bunch of letters after their name in their email signature. One put a thing on their desk that referred to themselves as "Dr. XXX"...while they were technically PhD's, most of them just had people call them by their first names. Some of the dumbest smart people I have ever worked with.
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