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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Because you use it to insult people, as do others...I think it is stupid and childish...regardless carry on Rasta And I could start most of my posts with LOL as that is usually how I am feeling about what I read on here...and of course I have insulted people on here...never said I hadn't...I find it funny what people try and "use" to insult people...what I say about "MAGA" as an insult, I could say about the term "libtard"...both childish terms...but again, whatever, people keep on keeping on
  2. People literally have lost their s#$% when people wear the red hat....cracked me up that something like that would trigger people to the point of anger/violence.
  3. LOL..."Trump tried to become a dictator"...man people are coocoo. I can't stand Trump but that is absolutely ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as people who use the term "MAGA" as an insult...especially by those who most of the time are pretty logical posters. Anyway, if Trump is guilty I hope justice is served...if HB is guilty I hope justice is served.
  4. Come on Rasta....that's not what this is about... I...nor Plasi is normalizing anyone who died
  5. Uhhh...say what?? There isn't a correlation to age and the death rate?? Really? If Desantis was SOOO much worse than CA then the numbers, which I provided, would have been drastically different...i.e., the percentage of deaths according to you and Newsome is that FL was SOOO much worse, when in fact they were actually not that far apart based on percentage of old people that died compared to the total death count....~0.05 % difference...if FL's policies where so bad there should have been a significantly higher percentage of older folks that died comparatively, but that isn't the case.
  6. What gives what...weren't we talking about FL and CA?? The point I made still holds true...the data speaks for itself...if Desantis' policies were so terrible the data would have clearly showed that, but it doesn't. The takeaway is that the rona hit the older folks significantly (not even close) worse than those under 50, and in my opinion policies that were a blanketed approach for the whole population was...well...stupid and not needed. And so did Desantis
  7. Your use of the term privilege cracks me up...such a trendy thing to say...anyway, you are essentially wrong for claiming what-about-ism as I have not done that...nice try. But you are right about the point of saying both sides do it and that both sides need to be held accountable. I don't get caught up in if it's an R or a D that is in trouble, the truth and justice is the most important thing...no matter who it is, if they did something wrong they should be held accountable...period....but what people do, is pick sides, not based on what is right or wrong, but rather what letter is after their name from a political perspective. The HB things is s#$# show just like all the other special committee hearings that have happened, whether it was a D, or and R being the one taking the questions. Both sides play the stupid f'ing games and accuse the other of doing the exact same thing they do when it's their turn.
  8. So you don't have proof...got it. Average population of people over 65 by state...Florida ranked 2nd....California ranked 45th... (Which U.S. States Have the Oldest Populations? | PRB)...yes I know I used 2022. Here is the CDC's page where you can look up deaths associated with Covid for all demographics by state. Take away, as once again, the data shows the rona was drastically more impactful to the older population...I mean it's not even close (ex. in FL of the 81,894 deaths, 78,380 were 50 and over, and in CA of the 129,249 deaths, 100,473 were over 50). COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics (cdc.gov) And I won't even get into HOW the Covid deaths were counted...that has been hashed out so many times and still can't believe people don't care how they were counted...but ignorance is bliss for some.
  9. I agree with Vak on all this...horrendous.
  10. Normalize it for age...i.e., are there more deaths per 1000 due to a greater number of older folks in FL?
  11. Did you normalize the numbers based on average age of the population in each state....didn't think so
  12. So...this happens on all types of issues. Do you get to choose which like-minded individuals can group together on social media platforms??
  13. If that was the case, who cares...no one would use it then. Problem fixed.
  14. Come on Plasi...if you were willing to do so you would see it...plenty of examples out there. Problem is you may not see them because you agree with them wholeheartedly versus having any sort of skepticism...which to me skepticism is a good thing when it comes to anything coming out of a politicians mouth or what I read online.
  15. How did I know that this thread would somehow get turned into it being about Trump?? TDS is real folks! I for one would love to go even a day without hearing about freaking stupid Trump...why...because I don't like him.
  16. My take on global warming/climate change/whatever it will be called next is based on these facts....is the climate different than say 100 years ago...absolutely. Do humans cause problems for the environment because of polution....absolutely. Should we always be looking for better and different ways to get our energy...absolutely. Should there be mass hysteria that the world will come to end because of man made global warming/climate change/whatever it will be called next...NO!! People who get caught up in the hysteria...including "scientists", that may or may not have a reason for their OPINIONS...seem to pick and choose what historical data they want to use to make said OPINIONS and for certain reasons. The earth is billions of years old; thus, even taking a thousand years of data (and not including known weather data from the history of the earth as we know it) will be in no means an indication of what the weather is or isn't doing because of human polution...again, I think we as humans need to not pollute the environment as much as possible...but it's just lazy biased science to not include the WHOLE data set when providing a scientific opinion on the matter. Bottom line is there are people on both sides of this issue that make this whole topic a farse and turn it into some sort of divisive way to drive people in opposite directions....like pretty much any issue out there. So we just have to sit back and watch people get mad at each other over another stupid issue, see people glue themselves to streets and ruin works of art, and listen to idiot politicians pander to whatever crisis they can to get votes, all the while watching halfway otherwise normal people get tricked into believing things they hear from these politicians or read on the internet because those people are to damn lazy to think for themselves.
  17. Agreed! I have looked at things differently and modified my stance on stuff many times. Really hard thinking of specifics and who specifically changed my thinking...I can't remember what I had for breakfast...I am pretty sure GWN has made me think of a few times, even despite of some of our back and forths. Same with UB despite of his terrible take on Israel. Rasta has had some things too...
  18. Another example of biased outrage, or lack there of, based on political affiliation
  19. This is a tough one...hard to really have a strong opinion one way or the other as I have a strong opinion both ways...really torn.
  20. Thanks for making my point....SMH What you describe as a "key difference" is what you, for some odd reason, WANT it to be. Guarantee 90% of the US doesn't care what people want to call themselves, who they sleep with, how they choose to dress, how they identify, etc...and if someone says that they would prefer a biological male NOT changing with or going to the bathroom with their biological female daughter, people like you start jumping up and down stomping their feet saying "SEE!! SEE! You hate the LGBTQ community!!" Which is utter BS! The issues isn't trying to withhold a "right" from one person over another, but rather we simply just need more unisex one stall bathrooms and changing areas. Why does this make people mad? How is this not "supporting the LGBTQ community"?? By the way, care to define your use of civil rights versus equality??
  21. I know...just messin with ya! I don't know much about Mullin and his policies, but he definitely would kick O'Brien's butt...O'Brien reminds me of the sniffling little wimp who thinks they can say whatever they want behind a computer screen
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