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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. It was a good week or so wasn't it?!?! To bad he/she/they came back.
  2. Wait...I thought it was "privilege"?? Ahhh...I bet "Prejudice" is the word of the month for the virtue signaling club
  3. Someone sipping on grandma's cough medicine again??
  4. You can't be a real person. Either that or your reading comprehension is severely lacking, and your need to infer things that are in no way ever said is quite sad and scary. Not even sure how you function in life with the way your brain thinks. 1. First off I never offered any solution to anything so not sure where you got that from. As for addiction, someone chooses to take a pill that is KNOWN to be highly addictive and chooses to keep taking it, then yes, that addiction started as a personal choice. So, in your opinion, do some people, no matter what choices they make, will always end up being an addict?? Seriously?!? 2. The nerve struck was that domestic abuse is a horrendous thing and completely unacceptable/unforgivable act, and before you infer anything about me on that freaking topic, you better freaking check yourself! You are the moron who brought it up in the topic of homelessness...I did not!! As for all the other crap you just spewed crying about the homeless and how I may or may not feel about them again is whackadoodle stuff. You didn't ask me any question that would lead you to ANY of the conclusions you came to. You asked if homelessness was a personal choice thing or if it was something else...I answered BOTH you stupid moron!! Now I know why I stopped responding to you for awhile. Get some help dude.
  5. This! I always say that this is what happens when people make decisions based purely on emotions/feelings and put no logic, foresight, or data into the decision.
  6. 1. Yes...personal choices lead to addiction 2. What the heck kind of question is that?? My question to you is how is domestic abuse a leading cause of homelessness?? Better question is, why would your head go there based on what I said?? I never said personal choice was the ONLY reason for homelessness yet alone said anything about domestic abuse.
  7. 1. We never will due to people having free choice and it would be nearly impossible to fix the plethora of other reasons people end up homelessness...ex, drugs and alcohol abuse 2. See No. 1 3. Yes and yes Any additional questions you know the answers to but wanted to sound morally superior in some way??
  8. Funny when way of trying to support someone by listing all the bad things he is in fact responsible for...but than again, look who wrote it
  9. Again...you two have the same tiresome rhetoric...show us/tell us what were in the bills you claim R's voted down...I can 100% guarantee it wasn't JUST for food stamps, or JUST for universal pre-K and health care...and in some cases it usually means taking money from some other place that a certain group of politicians think is more important to the American people and thus vote something down they feel people don't want/need.
  10. What Jimmy said. Tell me exactly everything that was in those bills. Should I post the laundry list of bills the democrats have voted down and make the assertations you have?? Again...BOTH SIDES DO IT!
  11. Wow...you clearly are so blinded by your partisan glasses. THIS is the problem with our politics today...people with this freaking attitude. First off if you truly think democrats are the only side wanting to get things done and never block legislation than you sir are not work even arguing as most 11 year olds are smarter than you. Hint...BOTH sides play politics when it suits them. Has always been that way; however, in the past, when they were behind closed doors they knew what good/healthy debate was, and then compromise, and then go have drinks and smokes at the bar....not nowadays, or at least there isn't much of it and when it does happen our stupid MSM doesn't report on it because it doesn't get them viewership or clicks. And you simple minded people eat that divisiveness up.
  12. Wow...the resident whackadoodle that tries to act morally superior by throwing around words like "oppression", "acceptance", "bigotry", "help the unfortunate", "privilege" etc. actually posted this....unbelievable. Man you are so full of s#$% and the biggest privileged/oppressive/bigot on these boards.
  13. On a different note...did you all hear what the VP said about the report...yep..."it's political"...she is beyond not smart...our "leadership" is a freaking laughingstock
  14. When I first read the tweet it didn't even cross my mind that Goetz was praising Putin, but after you said something I went back and re-read it...and nope still didn't think he was praising him. LOL...rassin you! Truly I didn't take it as praise but can see how someone may have thought that...especially if they didn't like Goetz.
  15. I always liked Dan Crenshaw when I have heard him speak; however, I have not heard anything he has said recently.
  16. Agreed with this; however, their post have never once been in support of the people of Israel.
  17. I think there are people on here that don't provide anything to the topic at hand or the argument except to try and nitpick peoples post. If you don't feel like UB and the new guy are being antisemitic then say it and explain why. To me, if someone constantly bashes Israel without any sort of shade thrown at the terrorist organization who started this whole mess, yes, that person could be considered an antisemite. It'd be like someone constantly bashing the law enforcement groups that raided a bunch of KKK compounds after the KKK did horrific acts of violence to innocent minorities and then got in a shootout where innocent woman and kids were killed, and that person said nothing about what the KKK cowards did to deserve the raid. Would you think that is fine, and the person bashing law enforcement isn't a racist POS? Funny part is in theory I agree with what you said.
  18. Yeah...I don't get into to much of the legal crap around Trump and little Biden, especially nowadays, but this one interests me.
  19. What state are YOU in....oh wait....
  20. Agreed...and I am sure I have contributed to it. Hard not responding some of UB's take on things.
  21. Did you create an account just to be an antisemite??
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