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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Here is a thought...who cares what other people believe in??
  2. Great...local antisemite is back
  3. Who's unhinged? Who exaggerates things for emotional purposes in order to make themselves somehow feel morally superior to others? Who infers things about people based on lack of reading comprehension? Who asks questions to answer questions? Who is a narcissist?
  4. Yes he is! Threepoint will probably tell us he is hard to find because of his privilege.
  5. Why is the sun hot? Why does water make you wet? How come people die? Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? Where is Waldo?
  6. No I don't...because arguing with you is a futile thing and quite frankly you appear to be nuts. You have been presented over and over with evidence and FACTS on how the majority of MSM is left leaning and you completely ignore it and continue to argue how it is not. You then somehow turn it around to be about some perceived attack on public education. Since you are a teacher one can only come to the conclusion that you may be like your fan boy ban and be a complete and utter narcissist.
  7. I know...was a jab at that whackadoodle you are arguing with. Guy seems like he has a few screws loose.
  8. How did this all of a sudden become about public education??
  9. What I have found is the truth lies in-between all of the different media sources. I like to read information from various MSM sources and then use the google machine to dig deeper. Putting the bits and pieces together to make my opinion on a subject. What is crazy is how the media uses "analysts" to write their news stories. These "analysts" take things people say out of context and "interpret" it to fit a certain meaning/narrative. There are so many times I read a quote or watch a clip of what someone says and then read how the article leads the reader to indicate what was said to mean something completely different...so ridiculous. Yet, a lot of people fall for it...including some on here. Or even better, the headline readers who don't even read the article and then come on here and spew crap as if they are the all-knowing, smartestest people on earth.
  10. Thanks partisan lawyer....will you give the same sermon about Trumps cases....didn't think so...could care less what happens to Trump, but pointing out your political biased....as a lawyer...that is what is scary!!
  11. Good job making Dimon's point...can you ever just listen to WHAT is said regardless of WHO said it or reported it?? No need to answer, we all know what it is. Do tell us how your side of the isle are poster child's of civility and are not hypocrits....this should be good.
  12. Couldn't agree more!!!! Hate the childish name calling on both sides!!
  13. Totally agree! Although some of the talking heads on ESPN this morning sure thought it would be a good move by the Cowboys, and that Bill and Jerry would not have problem working together...I just don't see it.
  14. This is probably very true!
  15. Oh man...a Cowboys fan?!?! Proud to say I am a Packers fan so it was a glorious game! Although I didn't expect it and thought were going to get curbstomped. How fast did Jerry Jones have Bill Belichick on the phone??
  16. How did the chili turn out Rasta? I made a 5 meat chili (andouille, ground beef, sirloin, chicken, and pork loin)...should have smoked it but was too cold.
  17. The attack on big corporations always cracks me up...for some everything they do is BAD!! How dare they make money? All they want to do is pollute the environment and work their people to death for pennies. How dare they make the amount of money they make for....RUNNING A COMPANY!! I have close relatives that bash big corp and their leadership salaries...I always ask, do you think you could do their job? And of course their answer is "NO!" I then ask, how much should they make. Response, "I don't know, but not THAT much!". Let's see...I'll say 99% of big corp give a billions and billions of $$ to charities, they give millions and millions of people good paying jobs, they DON'T pollute the environment, CEO's EARN their salary, etc. As far as tax breaks go, why do states typically give them tax breaks?? Answer, so they come to their state and employ their residents....for....yep....TAX MONEY!! Yet from a political perspective the narrative for one side is "BIG CORP = BAD!!" SMH Also, are there only "rich" people on one side of the political isle?? Why is this a political talking point for the "D's"?? I never understood it.
  18. Again, who is the bigot?? First off, when you start trying to make a point by starting it with "Does one party xyz....?" you instantly lose any credibility. It is stupid when either side does it. I have no problem holding a discussion if someone says, "Policy xyz that was passed seems like it is all for those that are rich and hurts lower income folks"....then a discussion can be had. More than likely your clearly slanted political view is incapable of having a civil conversation centered around understanding/learning something you may not have known. Here's a hint...if you think you are 100% correct on every subject, you are 100% wrong on every subject. And again, who is the bigot??
  19. I think it would be stupid to send Kueter out
  20. This is why people can't have a civil conversation with you...all of this is nothing but partisan dribble. And by the way, who is a bigot??
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