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Everything posted by H82Lose

  1. Again, I believe if Kendric was offered out of the gate, and not like the "ok I guess we will take you then" choice he would have considered it.
  2. ABSOLUTE cluster. Like I said, they thought Koll was their guy, no back up. Then Nickerson, and that was a no go. Then I heard Hahn was seriously thinking about it, and didn't take it. When you are letting the boosters run things, this is what happens. Get 10-12 candiates and do this shit quietly, keep it all behind closed doors and make a selection and move on.
  3. No "Hate" I think it is more of, they felt there were better coaches out there. I think MANY want OU ties to the program to get the history back. ie. Oklahoma football currently.
  4. A single A donor wanted Nickerson, I did not know an offer was made. I do know that others found out he was on campus and folks started calling and threatening money if Nickerson was made HC. Here was my list I sent a major donor when Lou was gone: My list to call and bring in were: Frayer, Maple, Coleman, Burroughs, Cunningham, Clemson, Schwab, Metcalf, Pop, Stieber, Ian Miller, HC Frayer ASST Brewer ASST Howe or Ian Miller ASST Gwiz (some sort of mix of coach/RTC to get him paid) RTC Sam Haz
  5. honestly, when I read it, it pissed me off because I knew it was a blatant made up lie. I have been in forums, when you have dipshits that make up rumors, it is autoban. It ruins a lot of the forums. I told you guys Spratley was entering portal before it happened, and I also said OSU was where he would land because of Fix and he was to get into animal medicine. Most prolly thought, ok, roll eyes....
  6. 100%. I cannot, and I repeat, I cannot believe they have screwed this up so bad. I said from the beginning, reach out to 10-15 wishlist candidates. Bring them in, if they will talk to you, and ask some questions and narrow it down. They had in their heads, we want a HC with experience, we are not talking to anyone else. Well, look how the hell that worked out. NOW, you are going to get many guys worth a damn, using OU to get raises, watch. Confirmed, Kendric did get offered and confirmed he turned it down....for good reason, but turned it down.
  7. OU has completely screwed this entire search up, they have not "worked hard". They knew Lou was not the guy last year, but they kept "hanging on" then. Then he gets fired or uhhhh "resigned". They are talking to Koll, he teases them because of his ties to Spates, who was driving the Koll hire along with Leonard. Koll nods and says, I love it here, my wife hates it in Cali. OU offers and he says let me think on it, meanwhile texting all around to let the world know he was offered the job. Genius move and gets what he wants from Stanford and pulls his name. SO, next big donor steps up and wants Nickerson, and so they bring him on....and then there is a ton of backlash, saying they don't want Nickerson. Then the Hahn offer, and he turns it down. I am trying to confirm the Maple offer, if that is true, OU F*cked that up, by not approaching him from the rip. He would have really considered it, I think, but now he is like the fat girl at the punch bowl and being asked to dance because nobody is left. TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, is how OU has handled this. Meanwhile, you have Fugitt getting calls left and right to come to their school, because of how F'd up OU is right now. That is OU's biggest recruit in my opinion, and they are gonna end up losing him if they don't get their shit together.
  8. He wants to be a veterinarian, he will go to Okie State
  9. I told you guys....now let's see if he goes to Okie State
  10. My money says Spratley is hitting the portal, pretty good source has told me this. I think he is a cowboy next year (that part is a guess) I think he will look at PSU, Okie state and ASU. this same source told me Nagao was hitting the portal.
  11. I can tell you the ones bitching about the event, should have contacted me. I had about 15 people from out of state, and I took them to all the places. Folks from Missouri, Colorado, California, Utah and Jersey. I had more compliments on the food, beer choices, and how nice the people were. Granted, we St. Patty's day was a failure because we got too hammered. We drank with the West Virginia fans one day, and it got rowdy. For me, it is wrestling though, I am just glad it is going on. I was going to make the best out of whatever and wherever it is at. The day it was raining was a bitch, and there were 2 scooter crashes that day....but overall it was great.
  12. Yes, was on campus. I am told he will be announced soon, before the 15th because that is the wrestling banquet. I am curious if he completely blows the staff up, or keeps Ware or Sam. NO WAY, they keep Heflin IMO. I have heard Teyon is pissed, and he feels he is gone. I hate to say this, because I like TW ALOT, but that might be a little Karma on how things ended at WY. Then again, my sources could SUCK and I could look like a fool. I have better sources on this deal than that cuck Minnow
  13. Just telling you the schools he likes, it will be OSU or Penn St, I say he ends up at OSU.
  14. Fix is not leaving for Penn St and Fix is not going 125. There will be a portal coming soon, from a stud 125, it will be OSU, Penn ST, or ASU. GREAT fit for OSU.
  15. I was thinking Penn St the whole way for him....
  16. my bad....and I cannot argue that point
  17. 133, 141, 157, 165, 174, 197, hwt all oklahoma kids 125 end of year
  18. What? lol. Have you not seen all of the D1 commits out of Oklahoma? I cannot tell if you are joking or not. Oklahoma has a TON of talent
  19. I heard Coleman Scott threw his hat in the ring.
  20. AJ had his BS, and Anthony shot up Masto's house and had planned on killing his dog (I am happy the dog survived)
  21. I think most that are close to the situation, believe Angelo has a great chance to succeed. I wish he would go do his own thing honestly, that would be his best shot at succeeding with no BS drama. I will be 100% SHOCKED if Anthony does not F up within weeks at Iowa, or hell F up before he fully moves in. He is a walking time bomb, way too much history to prove he just cannot get his S together. Obviously, I hope I am wrong and they dude ends up being a model citizen.
  22. One mistake? What are you talking about? We are talking about Anthony. And AJ has made WAY more than one mistake, he just got caught on this one. Now, the flip side, OF COURSE I hope they turn their lives around.
  23. He has a good relationship with Lee too, I am told. I thought Mizzu would be absolutely in the running for Luke, but guess I was wrong, or am I ?
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