OU has completely screwed this entire search up, they have not "worked hard". They knew Lou was not the guy last year, but they kept "hanging on" then. Then he gets fired or uhhhh "resigned". They are talking to Koll, he teases them because of his ties to Spates, who was driving the Koll hire along with Leonard. Koll nods and says, I love it here, my wife hates it in Cali. OU offers and he says let me think on it, meanwhile texting all around to let the world know he was offered the job. Genius move and gets what he wants from Stanford and pulls his name. SO, next big donor steps up and wants Nickerson, and so they bring him on....and then there is a ton of backlash, saying they don't want Nickerson. Then the Hahn offer, and he turns it down. I am trying to confirm the Maple offer, if that is true, OU F*cked that up, by not approaching him from the rip. He would have really considered it, I think, but now he is like the fat girl at the punch bowl and being asked to dance because nobody is left. TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, is how OU has handled this. Meanwhile, you have Fugitt getting calls left and right to come to their school, because of how F'd up OU is right now. That is OU's biggest recruit in my opinion, and they are gonna end up losing him if they don't get their shit together.