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Everything posted by H82Lose

  1. I bet we see young in the portal soon.
  2. 125 Flynn 133- Nagao 141-Echimendia 149- Parco 157- Franek 165- Carr 174- Starochi 184-Wolf 197- Buchannon HWT- Yaraglasv Wild Card- Caleb Smith 125 I might be in trouble this year boys....I think I have 3 AA's for sure: 149,165,174
  3. Kerk is a bad dude, so is Yonger. That will be one helluva finals match, IMO
  4. that is your problem with all interviews today? Someone sharing their faith? Damn bud, go kick a dog or something, slap an elderly person....
  5. More Rumors to this Anthony situation, AJ was involved as well.
  6. Anthony was there to coach Anthony's son, Christian. MANY people told Bunji not to play w/fire and bring him in. My question, the rumor was the new AD so no on AJ, what happened to Anthony? Was he told he could not come there too?
  7. I was just about to say the same thing? lol....tough crowd on the definition of "strong" "solid"
  8. Bunji brought anthony in to live with him and train Christian, Bunjis kid
  9. I just got a call and a text, this rumor is true. How funny is that? I just told everyone that he is F'g nuts and has major issues. EVERYONE was warning Bunji not to bring him in, it would burn him. Bunji is known to party and get mouthy, but damn man....This is sad, and will more than likely start the downward slide for Anthony where he will eventually end up in prison.
  10. I had a long response typed up, but I am not going to post details. Anthony was a minor when all the shit started with him at Blair, the other private school and Stillwater. I have known them for many years, my kid wrestled Angelo several times, and I can tell you Angelo is a decent kid. I don't say good, because he can show out etc, but he is not going to do the dumb shit the others did. AJ could not stay away from the girls, that was his issue. Anthony just isn't right in the head, he is a mean mofo. AJ had many things that happened before he won the title, MANY. I know of 2 off the top of my head where a kid I know was recruited with AJ and they were on visits together. This is not about AJ or Anthony, this is about Angelo. Angelo is not like them, could he end up like them because he was raised around it, quite possibly. But today, not in the same discussion.
  11. lol, really? you are going off rankings? 125 there are 5 guys in that bracket could AA, 141 3 could AA 157 2 could AA.
  12. I disagree, he has some "punk" in him but he has been a good kid his entire wrestling career. He has flexed on coaches etc, which I would beat the hell out of my kid for doing that, but zero trouble from him. Anthony and smeared crap on walls, stole cell phones, jumped kids etc, AJJ has flashed woman, and you know the history there. We will see, it is a gamble for sure, but he is not guilty at all of association IMO
  13. I bet they RS Swidersky and he goes 149, I don't think he is big enough to go 157.
  14. OP posts some serious stuff, I click on here to find out, WTH happened here? 2 pages of arguing on weed vs booze, My gawd men.
  15. I don't think the Iowa way works anymore. I think they burn out at the end of the year, because they grind so damn hard during the year. I remember watching St. John fade, and the 125lbr, I cannot remember. Some of these guys, their bodies don't hold up to the grind. I am not a Penn St. fan, by any stretch, but there is something to be said how they do not grind like that, and go into nationals fresh. I mean, shit, Lee got beat at nationals. It seems like a long year for those guys, and when they get to the finish line, they are beat up. They have a ton of talent in the room, that style would not work at a less talented room (IMO). Iowa will continue to be a top tier program, because of history and many want to wrestle for Brands, I just don't see them winning team titles in the near future.
  16. Braden Thompson's mom has a good one floating around...I was present during her storming the mat incident...WOWZERS
  17. That the tricky part, it is still early....Matt Ramos is wrestling much better than he was earlier in the year. Braden Davis is wrestling great, but can he hold up until March.
  18. Some of you have watched Mack Wrestles on repeat
  19. Thank gawd nobody told Princeton or Cornell about these hurdles.
  20. Ok, I will play that game, What are the GPA/ACT standards for Cornell, Princeton, sh*t Harvard. What is the next excuse? I would argue Duke has a better campus than everyone of those schools, I would argue they have had great success at other sports as well.
  21. I do not disagree with any of this, right now they are down right terrible.
  22. Duke is really, really bad. GW is 3rd best team in SOCON? I think SOCON comes down between APP ST and Cambell
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