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Everything posted by H82Lose

  1. I agree picking and choosing tourneys to wrestle if healthy, is hurting the sport. IMO too many coaches put themselves first, because they need that national placer, or even national champ. So, they think, rest, dodge, rest and wrestle. EVERYONE is doing it. RBY was taking off, and I believe he had some comment about, wrestles when he wants? I am sure that is out of context, but something around those lines. Brands ALWAYS "rests" his guys, Glory is laying out and the list goes on and on. I realize college is much more of a grind, and tougher on the body. There has to be a better way of continuing to grow the sport. I got challenged by an ex OSU Poke about a comment I made that there are little kids that go to a dual to see Spencer Lee wrestle only to find out he is "sitting out". Now, that could be a bad example, because Lee just had two major knee surgeries, but there are examples out there. My view is different. I want my kids to get a look, or even a couple of looks with a kid that might be better. There are wrestlers out there, that are going to wrestle every weekend if healthy. I wish everyone would have that mindset. Easy for me to say this, as a fan now, but damn we need this sport to GROW vs true fans losing interest.
  2. Arizona St lifestyle getting to him?
  3. I am not worked up, lol. My only point is, if OSU calls CP is answering and would leave in a heartbeat. Your point of finishing higher than Okie State, is my point, Okie state is on a downward spiral
  4. Gfeller MAYBE, no chance on Mastro or Wittlake IMO. I agree Plott could AA, he has wrestled well.
  5. Okie State has not been a power in YEARS. OKIE State is and has been declining for years. Right now, tell me how many AA's are on that current team. Fix is a lock, but who else? Would you be surprised if they only had Fix? I wouldn't. John sold his soul to the devil when he sign Ferrari, that whole room hated Ferrari. Now, to my point of why I don't think he is gone after this year. He has a pretty good recruiting class with Carrol and Thompson leading the way. Both, I believe could start as freshman.
  6. Again, Neutral here. Do you actually believe Oregon ST is equal or a better job than Okie state? If so, stop dude. If Chris P was asked to take the Okie State job, he would leave IN A HEARTBEAT. NO QUESTION. Oregon ST will never be a power 5, whereas Okie ST is and with a more aggressive coach, they could be battling the Iowa's and Ohio St's of the world. I am not sure anyone will catch Penn St, I think they are a tier above, BUT there is that second tier
  7. I love this type of info, I have heard different, but certainly not doubting. They continue to pipeline these highschoolers through Stilly, lots of rumors Jax Forrest could be in Stilly next year, and all roads lead to being a poke. Just as Beric Jordan this year, move in, and road lead to OSU. My point? Smith is the driver here, so it would shock me if he road off into the sunset after this year.
  8. Not an OSU fan, but John Smith WILL NEVER be forced out, he will leave when he wants. Next, If and when he does leave, what has Coleman Scott done to deserve the OSU job? Whoever said Henson, come on. Pop would be a good fit, but to someone else's point, he has a pretty good thing going on where he is at.
  9. Unbelievable duals! Edmond North upset Stillwater in the finals!
  10. Starts Wednesday, this should be good.
  11. Irregardless some programs are not getting kids better. might as well pile on with my grammar talents. I am curious to see if mendez can continue to get better.
  12. My kid almost went there. JMB is a stud, I know other programs have went after him, but he loves Boone.
  13. What is up with App St? Why does it pain you?
  14. I know this topic is kicked around alot with my friends, but I wanted to see what others think. Some of it may be, the kid was overhyped coming in and just really wasn't that good. One I was thinking about the other day was 133 for Iowa. Schriever was a hammer coming out of high school, I watched him several times. What happened to him? Weight cut? Because he looks like a shell of what he was in high school. Ybarra, again, stud in high school, but I haven't seen him but a couple of times. Monday at NC, he really never progressed during his college career. Sometimes, I wonder if kids are just happy to be there? Hey I made it, kind of thing. I am sure there are a bunch more to discuss, but these were off the top of my head. Dom Demas, comes out of nowhere, and then fades off. Fix, is a STUD, but has he got better? That might be a bad example, but threw it out there anyway. Mastrogiovanni 125 Okie State, progress or digress?
  15. App St is good, and John Mark is a great coach. Hell they have a great staff, Ian Miller was one of the best, and then throw in a Patterson for the light weights. I could not believe how many people it showed up to a home dual, there looked like 30 people in the stands. Again, go to an APP ST home dual, it is standing room only. To me, NC kids faded, as they went into the later periods. Coleman looks like he is defeated, and at one point App St kids are out of their seats yelling etc...while NC kids, showed not a whole lot of emotion. Obviously, the big match was the Miller kid being Lautt, again, NC kid faded late in the periods. I think 125 starting off with a fall was big also. Great dual, fun to watch for sure.
  16. Dean Peterson is tough as hell, score shows close, but Glory was never in trouble
  17. I did not watch what ZR I did, so I have no clue. The sport is passionate, and showing that by screaming, pointing at corner, running and hugging etc...all fair game. My kid flipped his bands almost Bubba Jenkins style after a big win, I told him I would embarrass him if he ever acted like that again. That is just me, and I am old.....so folks can do whatever the hell they want, doesn't matter what I think.
  18. I think you should expect that from 5 years old until they are done competing.
  19. I completely whiffed on my predictions. Anyone see the caution point in the Lockett match? How do you make that call?
  20. predictions? I will go with this, first responses get the bet. I will go $20 Ferrari wins his bracket. I will go $20 dollars Beric Jordan does not make the finals.
  21. In season, I agree. Overall toss up Super 32 or Iron Man. Super 32 may get the nod.
  22. Stilwater, Edmond North and Bixby will be coming from Oklahoma. Stillwater is LOADED with talent. 113 Beric Jordan, 120 Sam Smith, 138 Cael Hughes (maybe 132) JJ Mcomas 126 or 132, Dee Lockett, Voinavhich, AJ Heeg, there will be some hammers. EN will have Routledge, Schneider, Hollingsworth Bixby- Giddens, Jersey Robb All 3 teams are ranked, I think Stilly is #3? They are loaded, if Ferrari was there they would push for top team in the country imo
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