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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Has to be! At least his opponent's coaches didn't strip down to their underwear.
  2. I strongly suspect that Erik Thiele of Germany may be the son of Sven Thiele whom Angle defeated in 95 Worlds.
  3. Yes. China getting incrementally better too. INdia has been on the upswing for a bit.
  4. HWC saying Spencer's next match in approximately two hours. That was ten minutes ago. So around 9:50 AM Eastern.
  5. So he is ranked based on points? Nothing to sneeze at, but wasn't Nate Jackson #1 in the world at some point using this metric?
  6. But it's #1 of all the guys who didn't qualify. That puts him pretty low on the world depth chart. Lee does have a habit of building a lead and letting guys get close but not beating him (Nico). Let us hope that is all this was.
  7. It was entertaining, but doesn't really quite hold up to today' production and storytelling standards.
  8. Thanks again, for providing a great service to the board!
  9. I hope not! Mike is older than me! lol (Malik, his son) But thanks for the updates!
  10. But it seems never by PSU. "they offered less."
  11. What are the chances that Brooks did not have a valid prescription at the time of U23, but got it later? That would be really bad.
  12. For me, it was being a ref and then a wrestling parent . I got to see what idiots coaches and parents could be, and realized I had been idiot #1 as a coach (but was a pretty calm and relaxed wrestling dad, thankfully). When I returned to coaching, I calmed down significantly.
  13. TBH I was kind of surprised he even acknowledged it when Sonnen brought it up.
  14. I certainly can. What I have difficulty with is hypocrisy...
  15. BTW the situation was confirmed on FRL. Chael can be a fountain of misinformation, but said that if it is a WADA suspension, Brooks is cooked.
  16. Some of the same people who blast the Brands coaching antics are saying they can't wait to see how animated Gilman will be in the corner!
  17. He had the surgery before WWE, condition was diagnosed around the time of the Olympics. I think he's fine. But there's no way he makes an NFL roster. With no football experience, he has no shot with his diminutive stature (by NFL standards). He is nowhere near big enough to play on the line, and he's not going to understand the game or react well enough to be an LB or something similar.
  18. A lot of NCAA and pro athletes seem to have ADHD, and a lot of the manliest of manly UFC fighters had low testosterone back when the UFC allowed TUE for test. Amazing how this works!
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