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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Are you saying you have mixed feelings on Flo? Or just Pyle?
  2. 1. Three days in March 2. Munoz wasn't going to wrestle
  3. You are right. He has wrestled one less match than RBY! And the same # as Aaron Brooks!
  4. Minnow is really a bad person for spreading a lot of the stuff he spreads, especially when it is often untrue.
  5. A person who may or may not live in my household basically gets in-state tuition at his out-of-state school as part of his particular deal. Our local state school would cost him something like $8,000 more.
  6. Of course he is, he wrestles at Oklahoma State. I heard AJ Ferrari was certified at 125, too.
  7. Maybe the NFHS should start calling it the "Pre-dating Lee Roy Smith ride"
  8. Not sure they invented it, but have certainly popularized it. https://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Sports/Wrestling/Wrestling Officials Education/Illustrations2015-16.pdf
  9. What is your terminology for what they call the "Blair ride?" I think NFHS materials also call it that.
  10. "Where's Dave?" "He had to drive Kurt Vonnegut home."
  11. According to another thread, every match these gents miss counts as a loss by pin against them.
  12. Also Dean's dreaded "reverse cutback." Some are calling him 'dirty' for his 'attempt to injure Amos' knee' In regular speed, it looked like a mistake and a coincidence. Does not look great in slow motion!
  13. Brooks got pinned? Yianni pinned multiple times. Crazy year!
  14. Phelps swam a lot. A real lot. But spending large amounts of time in the water also has thermogenic effects that go beyond just the (considerable) exercise of elite swimmers. I heard a study quoted on a podcast. It was either Attia or Huberman. Can't remember.
  15. Not as bad as what Brands did to Jeff Prescott!
  16. I believe that Dake has said that someone in media proposed that he should go up another weight and try to take out Taylor, and that is what solidified his choice to move up. Supposedly it was specifically for that reason.
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