A person who may or may not live in my household basically gets in-state tuition at his out-of-state school as part of his particular deal. Our local state school would cost him something like $8,000 more.
Not sure they invented it, but have certainly popularized it.
https://www.ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Sports/Wrestling/Wrestling Officials Education/Illustrations2015-16.pdf
Also Dean's dreaded "reverse cutback."
Some are calling him 'dirty' for his 'attempt to injure Amos' knee'
In regular speed, it looked like a mistake and a coincidence. Does not look great in slow motion!
Phelps swam a lot. A real lot. But spending large amounts of time in the water also has thermogenic effects that go beyond just the (considerable) exercise of elite swimmers.
I heard a study quoted on a podcast. It was either Attia or Huberman. Can't remember.
I believe that Dake has said that someone in media proposed that he should go up another weight and try to take out Taylor, and that is what solidified his choice to move up. Supposedly it was specifically for that reason.