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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Is there a way to easily check this? Vs. Iowa in the recent past?
  2. Oh, I've read them. You're a sick customer. Is that the type of stuff that you dream about?
  3. Wait, aren't you the sick young man who talks joyfully about RBY tearing one of Spencer Lee's knees up? Multiple times. You've got issues son.
  4. Delusional. Maybe if Starocci even tried to turn anyone ranked higher than #70.
  5. Why won't RBY go down? Why is it always: Lee must go up!
  6. Shows how good the ranking services are. Kennedy beat Facundo head to head in their only meeting as high school seniors. Dismissed!
  7. Thanks! I also left out the apostrophe in "wrestler's!" That bothers me more than the spelling of Johny!
  8. "They" don't call pins or points. It is only the main official. The assistant has no point awarding or pin calling ability. Also, like the photo of Johnny Hendrix being pinned, there is no way to tell if the wrestlers shoulders are in contact with that mat for more than a millisecond. Unless you are Abe Asaad, there are no touch falls in college.
  9. 125 Lee pin Steen 6-0 Iowa 133 RBY dec Teske 6-3 Iowa (will be pursuing major) 141 Woods dec Bartlett 9-3 Iowa (razor thin match) 149 Murin dec Van Ness 12-3 Iowa (another razor thin margin) 157 Haines dec Siebrecht (not a close decision) 12-6 Iowa 165 Kennedy dec Facundo 15-6 Iowa 174 Starocci dec Brands 15-9 Iowa 184 Brooks dec Asaad 15-12 Iowa (will be close to major) 197 Dean dec Warner 15-15 tie 285 Cassioppi dec Kerkvliet 18-15 Iowa If PSU can get some bonus points out of studs who don't usually score a lot, it is a problem for Iowa. Iowa also can't afford to lose 141, 149, 165, or 285 and frankly I would be surprised to see them win all four.
  10. Please do not Speak of Col. Burr in my presence. Thank you, sir.
  11. I thought Reynaldo did a good job most of the day. The pin call was a bit suspect.
  12. Lee's mistake here was that he forgot to announce his intention to go for a reversal, thus invoking the "top danger rule." (Check the Illini thread from yesterday!)
  13. Edit: Repeated what everyone else said about not getting terminated in the first improves your chances of winning!
  14. I 100% agree that he appears flat from the camera angle. For how long? Tough to tell. Also keep in mind that the official is simultaneously counting near fall. Tough to do two things at once.
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