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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. duh... the top position "danger rule" If the bottom man announces he is attempting a defensive pin, there is a danger count to determine if the bottom man gets backpoints
  2. Well said, but a mild disagreement- I don't think PSU needs to find anything. They would have to lose something unexpected to drop this dual.
  3. That was "Illini Wrestling Forum" junk tech NW appeared flat, but for how long in real time? Can't tell with that video, which clearly slows down.
  4. I do not have the ncaa rulebook handy, but a "high bridge" alone is good enough for high school NF. I assume it is the same rule in college. 4" is a separate criteria.
  5. Good point on Facundo, although he looked better than I anticipated last night.
  6. Honestly, does it seem that far fetched to predict that they could have nine guys top 6? How many could be top 4? Very impressive group.
  7. Lambrecht! (Not trying to be a jerk; was having trouble remembering the guys name too)
  8. Is this Cael's best PSU team ever? I think it has a very solid chance of it, even though they lack some of the bonus point machines they have had in the past. The individual wrestlers might not be as dynamic from all three positions, but they always win.
  9. The issue is that he didn't show up to take his lumps. He disappeared very very early.
  10. My favorite team, NC State, lost tonight. I'm not crying on a message board. Penn State is great. You sir, are not.
  11. You are 100% right. However, excuses will be made. Impetigo. Carpal tunnel. Bubonic plague. Maybe the most overly-excused athlete in wrestling. It is ok. The guy is a stud. He can lose once in a while. He may be a national champ. I hope he is an Olympic champ. It is ok if he takes the occasional loss. He doesn't need an excuse.
  12. He has been a front runner so far in his career. Hopefully Cael can get him over the hump.
  13. Please enlighten me! Cael thought he was good to go, so he took the mat. What makes you think you know more than Cael? How about Parris' story? He still made AA! It isn't the PSU wrestlers that usually draw my ire, it is fans such as yourself, who think wrestling was invented c. 2010.
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