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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I can make shit up, too. Is this Minnow?
  2. Torreblanca has been around a while, too. He has got to be mid thirties by now? Didn't he start down at 74 KG for them too?
  3. So he answered three questions there for us, Mr Stalrocci did there... 1 - He is considering not even coming back. 2 - He is dropping to 165 if he comes back. 3 - He is running from Amine (174).
  4. @Mike Parrish, how is Dom doing today? Has your BP settled?
  5. Man. You know what sucks? With the chatter that Minnow us pushing it is really putting a black eye on Kish's start as HC at OU. What sucks even more is that I agree with what him and some of his Jabronies are saying/pushing. That means I have to be okay with Kish's black eye(s) then, correct? He is going to have a difficult time succeeding if he us expected to fail up front straight away.
  6. That Akgul was five years younger than the version Parrisdaddy smoked. Sadulaev is the greatest wrestler on thr planet. He would beat Steveson.
  7. Well I for one am all for everyone being healthy and being the best they can be. A better Chittum means a better Iowa. A better Iowa is better for the state of Folkstyle and Freestyle wrestling in the USofA.
  8. Ah. So you are trolling. Could have played your cards a bit different and let me on a bit more. I already explained why he was removed. I am not ignorant as to that. My beliefs as to his potential do not necessarily line up with people who are more smart that me (I am referring to the Brain and other gents who get paid to do this - obviously not you).
  9. I can't tell if you aren't being fair to Chittum or are trolling. I do suppose it could be both? Part of the confusion is it was reported that he tested up from the Class of '23 to the Class of '22 but there was a lot if grey area there as far as where to 'class' him at? Both the Brain and Flo did have him at (towards) the top, though, when he was still clearly thr Class of '23.
  10. At 149 - yes. This point is actually pretty accurate. Who TF are you and where did you come from? Are you a JC burner account?
  11. Holy shit. And this is for wrestling. Imagine how much of a cunt this guy is for revenue sports. He denied me my Woodley.
  12. Also, I really like Arnold at 174 long term. I hope the weight isn't tough to hold.
  13. So you don't think Ferrari is seeing 157? I don't either. The youngest is looking more and more like a 184lber and I am thinking the middle one grows in to 174. I don't see Kennedy dropping to 157 unless the middle Ferrari gets a lot better. He is the worst of the bunch and quite possibly might not even contend for AA honors his entire career. The youngest (and obviously the oldest) have it in them to contend for titles (opinion).
  14. I want to see him at Cal Poly with Rowley, personally. I also would accept Oregon State and wish him the best. If he goes to a different B1G school, I will still root for him, but hope the school loses. I am petty.
  15. I am not sure if you (or anyone aside for maybe JB and the Brain on here) have as far as history with Obe. I had the pleasure of talking to him this year at NCAAs and he is absolutely intoxicating to talk to and he is as top notch as they come in the human being department. Knowing that, I do believe he will be fine in the recruitment and retention (in this instance) department. The concerns I have are the concerns that were there before he was there just in development of lightweights. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a him thing. He is a much more accomplished wrestler than Kish is(was) at the highest level (Freestyle), however Kish was a better wrestler when it came to the college ranks so it may end up being a wash - which using the current trajectories is an absolute win. I just want both of these guys to succeed. Obe was a huge part of Kish's success the last few years. Now for both to succeed they will have to look to different resources than one another (although I bet they will still rely on each other in many aspects).
  16. While I love this hire, I do worry that they will sink back down in their middle and upperweights. He has been there a few years we can count using one hand (to be clear - you could count using no hands) how many AAs NDSU has pulled in in the lower weights. For those not really in the know on Obe, he was a four or five time US National Team member from ~2009-2013ish down at 55/57kg. It would be expected that he coaches the lightweights up, but the results we currently have show otherwise. From a morale perspective, this is an absolute grand slam. From a developmental perspective this doesn't move the needle.
  17. That Tweet is from March, fwiw. That wasn't a new Tweet. I put him in the same sort of boat as Parrisdaddy, for obviously different reasons (legalities VS fiscalities). If I see him step on the mat at NCAAs, I will believe he is competing there. Obviously we will know if Parrisdaddy is competing at NCAAs because we will have seen him at B1Gs. That is no guarantee with Focus. He could do something stupid and get himself arrested in between B1Gs (assuming he goes to Iowa) and NCAAs.
  18. From what it looks like this is what actually happened to Burwick, despite the turdbiscuit Bono getting all the (dis)credit for it. Jason Leonard blocked Burwick from transferring. What a dick.
  19. Before completing your post I saw and thought 'Man... this looks like Zahid then Dabe Gean.' Then I saw I was correct. Thank you.
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