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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. How do you mean? They gave AntMan two years two years before his clock was supposed to be over.
  2. So he is getting a medical redshirt for next season, right?
  3. They absolutely will contend for a trophy next season. They have AA to high AA potential at every weight next season. Singleton and Faison would need dream draws, sure, but Sheets pulled AA from the 33 seed a few years ago and both of them should qualify at the very least. That is 10 to NCAAs. Honestly I wish they could get Kovacs in the lineup. It would likely mean Singleton up (or redshirt) and either him or Scott up a weight, but the guy went back and forth with Scott a couple years ago and he has four years of eligibility remaining (2021 free, 2022 redshirt, 2023 injury, so now he is a Frosh). Let Singleton grow in to 174 (or maybe Kovacs?) for 2024-2025 and you have those weights pretty set.
  4. Known this guy long enough to have competed against him in college. He has always been top notch.
  5. I lurk on his Facebook page. I have been blocked by him on Twitter for a while. To see his posts I have to logout. Shit I was banned on Twitter for calling Clinton either Hitlery or Killery back in 2016. When I got called a rich racist white man I kindly responded with a picture of my beautiful mug with the hashtag #THUGLIFE. I only recently was unbanned after Musk took control. It took me 23 minutes to get blocked by that Masterdeleter.
  6. What I meant was that didn't he say he wanted to make a run? Did he say specifically say individual?
  7. Together they are worth over $150 million.
  8. Well I hope Michigan gets Rowley, Griffith, and Feldkamp, personally. Rowley would give us at least three good years at 174 after Griffith is gone next year. Griffith is obviously a former NCAA Champion. Feldkamp is a Michigander and is an upgrade over Yatooma.
  9. Boonies by definition means an affluent community containing 25 Frank Lloyd Wright houses.
  10. If you're including Freestyle then you're wrong. Davison beat him once in the best of three series for U23s the year Cassioppi won U23 Gold. That said, every Folkstyle match (we are talking Folkstyle here) has been closer than the lady. Now he will be training with Parris every day. It is a tossup.
  11. Rogers for four years > Feldkamp for one year. Feldkamp would be at 197, methinks.
  12. I do too, but I am not going to favor him againat a 3x NQ without seeing him as the varsity starter, and succeeding.
  13. Honestly? Theoretical dual between Michigan and Iowa if Griffith goes to Michigan. 125 - DeAuggie = Ayala 133 - Ragusin > Teske 141 - Cannon < Woods 149 - Lamer = Seibrecht 157 - Lewan > Chittum 165 - Amine/Griffith = Kennedy 174 - Amine/Griffith > Brands 184 - Rogers < Assad 197 - Yatooma < Franklin 285 - Davison = Cassioppi I see it as 3,3 with 4 tossups.
  14. He is a Michigan guy who was a NQ at 197 the year before this year. He needs to be 184, imho. I hope he flourishes wherever he goes.
  15. Man, Franek is one of those guys you just can't help but hope he wins it next year. If it isn't Saldate, Lewan, or Munson then I want it to be Franek. My 5th option is probably Sasso. It would be poetic as all hell.
  16. Nah. White people from the boonies are weird. Accept that and you should be good. Actually talked to that cat quite a few times when he was younger (kiddos grew up same time). Guy is as nice as they come. A lighter (skin and weight) version of Mike Macch sans man-bun w/ a mullet. He talked a lot of Iowa but interpersonally he was spot on.
  17. What happened to the last eight gents who were rumored there this portal season? (They didn't go to Iowa...)
  18. Caliendo could go anywhere else in the country and would make bank on NIL. Think of what Iowa or Michigan would be willing yo oay for three years...
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