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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. He did servicably well at NDSU. Never was in contention but did a lot of great development. Hopefully a lot of the OU guys understand that and stay. OU has had some solid classes lately amd he could do wonders.
  2. Honestly? Would be cool to see him at Iowa or Michigan. I would love to see him on a contending (for 2nd) team. No matter how much Minnow tries to sell it, Rutgers is not relevant in the team races... ever. Imagine Brands dropping to 157 and Griffith at 174. Ha!
  3. Minnow is going to claim Iowa is throwing out $750k in an attempt to 'StAy RelEvAnT iN tHe PoRtAl GaMe' just wait.
  4. In alphabetical order... Iowa, Michigan, Rutgers...
  5. DT probably gives one of the better interviews for new age. I have always loved me some Kevin Jackson.
  6. Starocci's are so CRINGE for me. Borderline embarrassing for me to watch.
  7. Nvm. Unless Grad Transfers, I so believe there is a rule that doesn't allow followimg your former coach that same year.
  8. So this is in time for some NDSU gents to hit the portal, yeah?
  9. Oh for The ($)ake Of (F)uck. Now I don't even want Michigan to get Griffith Damn it.
  10. To be clear, the Amine's have had dual citizenship to San Marino their entire lives. A lot of people love to forget that.
  11. I absofuckinglutely LOVE this hire.
  12. Welker was the last one to beat her and as recently as a couple weeks ago lost via criteria in one of their matches. I think Welker rebounds and doesn't lose to Guilford again. Makoyed looks to be one of the most improved wrestlers of our women's division the last year or two, so I won't disagree there.
  13. I give massive dumps the day after meatloaf night.
  14. All ya'll complaining about Tulsa still obviously went to Tulsa for the wrong reasons. I spent 4/3ths of it fitshaced and even I enjoyed every aspect of it... especially the sprinkle that was Parris demoralizing Kerkvliet.
  15. As a Non-PSU and major Facundo fan, even I am excited at the opportunity to see Messenbrink there. I also recall you saying what you said and what you're saying you said is what I recall you saying you said.
  16. Hey! Someone else said you were Mrs. Haines! I actually asked if you were, to be clear. When you refrained from answering I assumed that whoever it was that said you were was 125% correct.
  17. I think it is a requirement at this point. Please do.
  18. I think Ayala could win it all, honestly. I think Arnold absolutely could contend for AA at 174, but peak is in the 5-8 range, depending on draw (and injuries I suppose). He could also go 0-2. At 184 I just don't think he is grown enough for it, yet. Teske could AA and I wouldn't be surprised. It would be very draw dependent, though. There are a lot of solid guys coming back next year.
  19. Valid. Still awaiting your proof by example, btw.
  20. GSP is 5'10" with a 78" wingspan. It is a reason he was uber successful. Jon Jones is 6'4" with a 84" wingspan. He is no Sean Sherk, fosho.
  21. Is that why Sean Sherk could only dead lift 135lbs RAW?
  22. There is reason for this. The best man up is a national title contender, that is why. At Iowa? Neither of the weights you mentioned have high contender probabilities. R12 aspirations instead of R16 aspirations would not be a reason. You bet your ass, though, that if Franklin were to cement himself as the starter and Focus was able to transfer in 2nd semester that Focus would then get the nod. That is a mighty hypocritical philosophical take.
  23. Who has been larger since or during his NCAA title? Name a single NCAA wrestler that has wrestled 197 that is larger during the last three years. The only person that I can think of that made him look 'average' was when he wrestled 97 KG against Honis. And he still wasn't small compared to Honis. Honis (who makes Snyder look small) was just simply a full-sized 97 KG (16lbs heavier) guy.
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