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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. To be clear, how you see it as far as positivity goes and as far as your opinion goes both mean precisely dick when it comes to reality insofar as the current state of it. I wish it were different, as I do agree. Getting these young gents and ladies in to a collegiate room earlier would likely get them to their peak potential sooner and even possibly increase their peak potential.
  2. It was like 40 years ago, man. Give me a break. I am still hurt he didn't go to Davison HS in Michigan instead of AV in Minny.
  3. Doesn't matter. He disrespects my Captain again and he is going to catch these hands.
  4. Saying that Snyder could not compete at 125 KG is not accurate. Zillmer competed for a medal and Gwiazdowski brought home a medal as well. He beat Gwiazdowski. The term 'true' heavyweight simply means that he was small for the weight and the other 'true' heavyweights are generally accepted as being 250+ or so. Maybe 240-250. The term gets thrown out there because it looked comical seeing him against the other larger heavies. Also, saying "he seemed to do alright" is just plain a slap in the face. Don't do that with the Captain. I'll slap the silly off yo face.
  5. The ole, redshirt, olympic, compete, compete, compete, olympic, covid free, compete approach vs compete, compete, covid free, compete, compete approaches for the win.
  6. I don't know. I saw an adolescent raccoon today and it was rather cute as well. Bit of a chonk, really. He's obviously been the little shit getting in to the trash cans down the way, but still... cute as all hell watching him struggle to get back into his little nook that he is obviously and quickly outgrowing.
  7. Rich white guy complaining about someone, or an institute, possibly being more rich? Seems legit.
  8. Kids, especially in wrestling, are often 19 when graduating HS. I can't think of many times recently where the 'studs' of U20 are competing after their 2nd season of college at U20s. That would insinuate that they turn 21 before the year end (which would be beginning of the 3rd college season). Meaning even though their 2nd season out ends in March, they are turning 21 before ~Christmas of that year. If that holds as true then what also would hold as true is that they would be 19 two years prior. Also meaning that when most schools end (End of May/June which is ~40% of the calendar year) a lot of 'kids' are going to be grown ass adults at the ripe young age of 19 and graduating. That is the state of now, not 1954 or 1984. That is 2024. It has been that way for quite a while, even. Hell, one of my boys, when wrestling Juniors as a Junior in HS (he turned 16 years old as a Junior) wrestled a 'local phenom' (when we traveled SW Michigan for tourneys) who was an 8th grader quite a few times because he would age himself up from Cadets. When the kid was a Frosh and my son a Senior we saw him a lot more times so we got to talking to his parents and him and found out that he was actually only two months younger than my son, yet three years behind in school. He didn't start school until he was five (turned 6) in kindergarten then was held back by his parents in 8th for one year to get a leg up on some age level stuff. This wasn't at some uber-elite school in Michigan, it was Stevensville Lakeshore of Southwest Michigan. The kid was good but fizzled and faded out by the time he was a senior with HEW, but the moral still stands that this is common. Anyone who doesn't think or know that as truth just hasn't had any of their own children (or grandchildren) actually in the programs or they haven't thought to get to know the parents of the kids their kin are facing. Also, with Mark Hall? He was in Kentucky and wrestled three years there (7th/8th/8th) before heading to Minnesota. 7th and 8th graders can wrestle in the high school states tournament there. HS eligibility doesn't start until they're in 9th grade and kids can be held back by their parents for social or educational reasons (either) in middle school still. He was 19 when he graduated. Also, also, it really isn't that different with what some programs are now doing with a 'gap' year prior to their redshirt year (ahem - Penn State).
  9. It would appear so. Each year he has represented Rutgers in a dual.
  10. My argument was (is) that 2020 Lee is the best 125lber we have ever seen, not just the most dominant.
  11. Context? Who is Brain and who is the rich dude?
  12. He is a legit Top 10 talent RIGHT now. He doesn't actually need to wrestle dirty. He does, though. You do see it in the first half of their match. His demeanor says a lot. Love you Avatar.
  13. Had the last week not happened I am probably saying 60-80. Ayala and Cassioppi gone? Under 60.
  14. This is more than pretty fair, to be honest. Results are results and results VS potential results are what we're talking. Murin was a grinder that Iowa might not have the likes of at 149 again for some time. Every match was brutal for his opponent and they knew that going in. He will be a missed commodity.
  15. Other 2? Angelo is a junior this year, isn't he?
  16. That's what the Brands bros get. Poor @BlacknGold. At least only one year of Cassioppi is gone. I wonder where he lands. Could he 'gap' year it?
  17. This post right here is why you don't do drugs, gents. If makes you more dumb.
  18. Did I get his name wrong? I feel like a dum-dum gumdrop.
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