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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Zillmer. Zillmer was who we sent out at World Cup and he did beat him, but the Iranian gassed after the first three minutes. That said, Mahmoud is a dirty wrestler. He didn't need to wrestle dirty to completely dismantle Feldman.
  2. The highest I saw him was #28 and then when he disappeared off the big board(s) entirely and his younger brother took his place in the weight class rankings. So having not competitively wrestled... at all.. since the winter of ?2021? should also have a negative effect on ascertaining ones abilities and aptitudes. Meaning he is much lower than that #28 rank would have been at that time.
  3. Getting in to Bitcoin was the third smartest thing I have ever done.
  4. I now have a historical database saved with your information on it.
  5. That is JORGE, not JESUS. Common mistake made by non-Latinos.
  6. Yes. That was why they went to Texas. To get closer to more of the world's population of 'Jesus' named individuals. Mexico has approximately 76% of all gents named Jesus, so there's that... New Jersey to Mexico border via car - 2,316 miles Allen, TX to Mexico border via car - 455 miles 2,316 - 455 1,836 1,836 ÷ 75 24.81333 0.813 x 60 48.8 They are saving ~24H49M of drive time with their prior move from NJ to TX. I honestly don't know any Jesus Valencia named gents, so I don't know why they're looking for Mexican trainers, TBH.
  7. Well it is also on record from more than just one source that either Virginia Tech or Rutgers (I think VTech) went on the table and told Angelo that they want him only - no brothers at all, period.
  8. Gents could 'gap' year next year without approval, correct? Meaning they just don't enroll for the fall then apply for transfer at the next available chance? Next chance is this fall yes?
  9. Snyder lost to Coon his senior season. It showed that he wasn't a 'true' heavyweight. Feldman's problem, currently, is that he is a 'poofy' version of Frosh Snyder. He isn't going to be as quick and he likely isn't as strong as Snyder is (was). At best it is comparable. Add in that he isn't winning Olympic gold for 2024 and you can also surmise that he isn't as good. So he is a 'poofy' Snyder-lite.
  10. Why does everyone seem to forget that Anthony =/= AJ or Angelo. His results aren't anywhere near as impressive and he is given so much credit for being a Focus when he is the smallest and most insignificant of the bunch. That is why he has a Napoleon complex and needs to bring guns to the table. He can't match his brothers (or his father for that matter) and he has known that for YEARS. Add in that he also can't even get in to Iowa right now. They flagged him at admissions.
  11. I think you are a few dozen layers too shallow there. Oklahoma State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as an Iowa State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Cornell fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Cornell fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Oklahoma State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Oklahoma State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Michigan fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan. Throw in a random Iowa State fan for PD3 purposes somewhere in there and you're good.
  12. Honestly? From a moral perspective? He does. When someone is wronged on an extreme level, he eats that shit up. It's his 'reporting' that is shit. If he had two usernames and let one do his 'reporting' and the other be his social media handler (mind you he would have to get over his Rutgers hard-on, no disrespects towards Rutgers intended) everyone here would love his social media handler. The guy does push for what's obviously right when it is obviously wrong. You know what? Make that three handlers: - 'Reporting' - Rutgas - Social Warrior
  13. Yes. Answering for a friend. Their name rhymes with Cinny Jimmabons.
  14. My hope(s)? Michigan, Michigan State, or Central Michigan. Where is the reality finger pointing? OSU (Oklahoma State) It is looking like he will be 184 for them, Wittlake will drop to 174, and Plott will Redshirt.
  15. Not even 9:00 AM - US Eastern yet. Not his best work, but still impressive.
  16. Not sure if an upgrade from Fidel Mayora, but Michigan needs a 149 so their Frosh can redshirt. I still think Gilcher at 149 for a season (then redshirt) is a better peak performance option.
  17. Iowa fanboys did. I am not an Iowa fanboy.
  18. Looks like he started a firing petition of his own
  19. Yeah? 2020 Spencer smokes him. It isn't close.
  20. Right. You lost or something? We aren't talking Max Dean. We are Talking Max Murin. It took ten years for Murin to AA. VV will do it in two.
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