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Everything posted by Antitroll2828

  1. O’toole needed 2 comeback victories this past weekend , Peyton Hall really had him dead to rights and let it slip away , meanwhile Starocci is out here burying Mekhi Lewis alive 174 has 3 national champs in it ,Starocci just seems to have lapped the field but you can’t say a weight with 3 champs is the weakest
  2. I don’t think Gomez would beat van ness I think his style would feed right into van ness offense .I’m not saying Van Ness was next topic champ bc I think his style could lead to him have some issues against Lovett but I do believe he would beat Gomez 9 out of 10 times hopefully that clears up what I meant
  3. Worked for Rutgers , hired Goodale out of high school to a team that was recruiting non nj state qualifers and had about 8 fans at every dual and he instantly had a top 5 recruiting class and changed the program completely and the Askrens are way more known and have much higher accolades and have worked with college kids before
  4. Yes , Ben talks often about turning a heavyweight with a losing record into an AA in like a year with just gameplan
  5. Gomez is interesting because with no van ness he is definitely talented enough to win the whole weight but I could also see him losing a R12 match to a guy like Ty Watters whose going to attack and come forward for 7 straight minutes
  6. Should be on flo or Rokfin , he starts off by saying something about how at Wisconsin he’d had to wake up for 5 am runs everyday and never got the proper amount to sleep and recovery and that his body was falling apart
  7. Cardenas and Fernandes will be graduate transfers somewhere else next season ( probably Michigan where they will compete in like 5 duals meets and make 6 figures) Ramierz will be back and I believe foca is up in the air , he can graduate by the summer and transfer or he can wait til next season but he may have to sit out the 1st semester of next year to stay at Cornell
  8. Still plenty of Italians on the roster
  9. Doesn’t help that Wick had a lot of negative things to say when he left and pretty much directly came out and said bono was running him into the ground and his body was destroyed from wrestling at Wisconsin
  10. This is also a school who kicked out a national champ because his grades slipped after his sister and best friend both tragically in a short time span
  11. He doesn’t have a small frame and he’s like 6 ‘1 ..Hell he was wrestling 182 as a junior in high school in 2019 and I doubt he just decided he doesn’t want to cut weight , definitely a Goodale thing trying to get both him and Soldano (an entire other disaster) in the lineup so he can keep hyping Rutgers and duals meets because that’s all he has going for him right now bc they peaked at national level years ago and have been trending the other direction since . Poz hasn’t looked burned out all year , in fact he looked more like his true freshman season this year then he has the past 2, Joles lose is definitely a head scratcher and a bad lose at a bad time but he could very well AA this year and will be in the R12 at worst
  12. I don’t think you can under estimate what the lose of Kennedy and Howe has had on the program. Kennedy got scooped up by Cael immediately and has a big role as PSU now and no offense to BJ Futrell and Justin Oliver both much better than me but they aren’t close to being on the level of a Kennedy and Howe
  13. Joles over Poz is a pretty shocking result..Poz was undefeated and looking great so far counting this year and last (his redshirt year) he’s now 20-2 while joles already has 6 loses already .Poz is seen as a possible top 5 placer in the Rutgers world and community ( he did finish 4th as a true freshman)
  14. M2 has been bringing in a lot of World medals and may pass both schools up
  15. I read his book Giant Killer years ago and walked wondering why he isn’t more well known but it’s probably mostly due to a few things 1 being he went the nfl route , 2 him being a recluse for long periods (he literally would disappear for weeks on end , cost him his job with the Steelers) and 3 later on developed an alcohol and drug problem and had some trouble with the law. To his credit he did get clean but he just didn’t seem to want the spotlight I think all those factors are why he’s forgotten or an afterthought compared to other heavies and yes I believe he is the main reason why they stopped letting d2 and D3 compete , I know some big time coaches were at the forefront of that change as well i actually had a thread similar to this on the old board years ago
  16. No way Teague is 12-1 with his only L to Williams and has a win over Ed Scott . Williams lost 10-0 to Arrington , lost to a true freshman from Hofstra and taken a few other Ls already … as long as Alvarez is locked and focused he should be 149 and Teague 157 the rest of the season
  17. Most likely , sports illustrated got busted using A.I. when it names Deon sanders sports person of the year after he went like 4-8 lol and after the outrage instead of fixing the issue they laid the entire staff and have gone 100 % A.I.
  18. I feel like I should press charges on you for leading me to that cesspool of a thread on Hawkeye report , my god 11 pages maybe 1 and half about this situation and the rest political arguments from idiots ,I now have a headache , my eye is slightly twitching and learned nothing new about the subject at hand might want to have bob dole put a warning disclaimer on that post
  19. Kaylor also beat Ayala this year so with another L on the resume I would think undefeated Davis has to be ahead of Ayala
  20. Yes I have experienced it in the room, probably the worst was being 3 4 years out of competition then jumping into a full college practice I thought I was going to need help to my car after lol but never in competition ever
  21. Anyone here get broke like Amine did tonight in match? Seems like almost every Nolf match went that way , I’ve taken my fair of beating , teched a few times when I was younger but I’ve never been dead on feet before
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