Nolf tore his MCL his junior year , if that doesn’t happen I’m pretty confident he would’ve got his hodge that season ..I consider Nolfs junior year the most impressive ncaa tournament Ive seen, he had one leg and completely changed his style and just started crushing people from top instead of on his feet .. he beat Kem, Micah Jordan and Hidley in a row at ncaas , all of them 4x AAs and Ncaa finliasts ..Nolf bonus rates were 88.89 his freshman year , then 92.59, 80 % his junior year ( was around 95% before torn mcl, only non bonus win was 6-4 over pantleo), and 87% his sr year ( only 3 non bonus wins, Pantleo 2x and The Hidley match everyone likes to bring up) only 2 true Ls in his entire career both as a freshman , also the first person to beat Imar just when people were thinking Imar was going to be an undefeated 4xer , 16-0 vs guys who were/ended up ncaa finalists with 9 bonus wins …probably the best guy to never win the hodge , definitely in my lifetime