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Everything posted by Antitroll2828

  1. Nolf tore his MCL his junior year , if that doesn’t happen I’m pretty confident he would’ve got his hodge that season ..I consider Nolfs junior year the most impressive ncaa tournament Ive seen, he had one leg and completely changed his style and just started crushing people from top instead of on his feet .. he beat Kem, Micah Jordan and Hidley in a row at ncaas , all of them 4x AAs and Ncaa finliasts ..Nolf bonus rates were 88.89 his freshman year , then 92.59, 80 % his junior year ( was around 95% before torn mcl, only non bonus win was 6-4 over pantleo), and 87% his sr year ( only 3 non bonus wins, Pantleo 2x and The Hidley match everyone likes to bring up) only 2 true Ls in his entire career both as a freshman , also the first person to beat Imar just when people were thinking Imar was going to be an undefeated 4xer , 16-0 vs guys who were/ended up ncaa finalists with 9 bonus wins …probably the best guy to never win the hodge , definitely in my lifetime
  2. This seems to be an old list or I’m just misinterpreting it but atleast 10 ncaa champs from NJ aren’t on the list
  3. He should’ve won it his sophomore year , he had a better year then Zain but they almost had to give it to Zain bc they gave it to ringer the year before when it was clearly Zain who should won it
  4. Didn’t seem like a what If guy when he took me down 7-8 times in one match
  5. Just pointing out they’ve been the best team for 11 plus years and for the last half decade they haven’t won a hodge , and it’s crazy that a guy as winning and dominate as Jason Nolf never won one
  6. Penn state hasn’t won a hodge in like 5 years
  7. He mentioned that NIL had nothing to do with it and that before his senior yr his only D1 offer was to Cal Baptist and he felt like he owed it to them to give them a year for believing in him first
  8. It’s a big ten requirement to have review and Penn state obviously has a review system but the system went down while they were testing it shortly before the match and didn’t get it up and running til 141 at which point you aren’t allowed to use it bc it wasn’t available for all the matches
  9. Mineo is saying Starocci is the only starter sitting , Mitch Moore , Brian Soldano. And Poz are all out for Rutgers with illness
  10. After watching this Cassar documentary I’m convinced more than ever that Robert Howard will hang around the program for years then in 3-4 years is going to defeat Bo Bassett for an ncaa title in his only season as a starter
  11. Rutgers- Joey Oliveri, Joe Fongaro, Michael Toranzo, maybe Soldano? Sebastiano Nini , Nicculo Colucci Possibly the Sasso brothers?
  12. He’s been injured all year and unfortunately we won’t see at 100 percent this year
  13. Illinois has Brunagal back, Rutgers could have Soldano redshirt bc he desperately needs it and have Poz drop down to 184 for a season but idk if they want to flip flop him like that, could definitely see North Carolina as an option
  14. Curious how long they stay , Brown has had a few AAs come in to coach recently but it doesn’t seem like they stay long
  15. That’s your take? If you aren’t the .0001 percent of the population that won an ncaa title you can’t have an opinion. Wow this board would be awfully quiet if that’s the case ..All this anger coming from your post bc I said if Otoole wins 4 while wrestling in 5 ncaa tournaments it should have an asterisk bc every other 4xer did it in 4 attempts , idk seems like a reasonable take to have,but apparently I just don’t have a clue …tell us @nhs67 what are your wrestling credentials ? How many titles did you win? Bc if it’s 0 by your own logic you shouldn’t even be commenting
  16. The point is he’s still getting 5 tournaments to win 4 titles ..No one else has that opportunity, all the 4xers went 4-4 , he gets an extra crack and it doesn’t matter because he didn’t redshirt?
  17. Count for more? Count the same ? In what world is 4-5 better or equal to 4-4? He didn’t have to wrestle in 2021 but he did and lost jake wentzel of all people and took 3rd ..so if he wins 4 straight bc a loophole gives him a 5th tournament and that makes him better or equal to what Cael or Dake did? I can’t follow the logic here
  18. Is it confirmed O’Toole is coming back next year , that’ll be his 5th Ncaa tournament , even if he wins a 4th next year it shouldn’t count the same as the other 4xers
  19. I mentioned when he was majored earlier in the year but they are from neighboring towns and have trained together in the past , probably why he has Foca number
  20. Ungar is NJ he was state champ as a sophomore then started going to school in PA but always lived in NJ
  21. Is Parco really coming back ? It’ll be his 6th year and 5th ncaa tournament next season , he started at fresno and it’s going on 4 years that they haven’t existed . He has to be getting pretty old
  22. West Virginia is young and much improved and have another solid recruiting class coming in, they also were missing 2 of their best wrestlers for the Missouri dual (125 + 174)
  23. He was never on campus , he was taking online classes while training for worlds and then transferred right after
  24. I was literally responding to a post listing the weight classes in order from toughest to weakest with 174 listed as the weakest
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