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Everything posted by MadMardigain

  1. Not sure “sore loser” is the best label of the situation. He didn’t throw a fit or act disrespectful in the defeat. And I’m not sure just skipping out on the podium would be enough to consider it “sore loser” level, though it would be disappointing. Though I feel he and his coaches will have him straight enough to appear for the podium moment. He may be distraught and even mentally in a bad spot, but I don’t feels I’d make my core memory of him a “sore loser.”
  2. Sorry. Correct forgot out Woods for some reason. But, I’d still like to see some connection with the guys he’s been with through the entire journey. Who knows maybe he is behind the scenes right now and just not ready to fwce the crowd currently.
  3. Holding out some hope he will be show up to back his guys in a little bit, but with no Iowa finalists he’s running short on time.
  4. I would love to hear several coaches miced up, especially in this consol round since it’s can kinda drags on. But let’s be honest ESPN can’t pay someone enough to have their finger ready with the mute button over the long of a stretch.
  5. Good joke but it’s Drake as is Ayala not Dake. The guy that got blow back for not bowing out to Lee in the finals of the Soldier Salute event.
  6. It would be one thing if he was a Senior, but almost all underclassmen are going to have moments, especially early in the season, where they make dumb mistakes, wrestle ugly, and/or look out classes by experienced competition. Learning and adjusting as the season progresses is the standard and he clearly got some of it figured out by the post season.
  7. Proof or didn’t happen. Ah dudes legit and hopefully finds the adjustments to get to that next level up over the next few years.
  8. Uber maybe taking awhile to get him to the arena. Mom wasn’t cleared to legally drive him in this morning.
  9. Hoping he’ll pop in this afternoon sometime. To me least getting back into the atmosphere surrounded by fans, coaches, and teammates that you can connect with can help with the mental side of this healing process.
  10. We all know that answer especially with it being for 4. Be nice to see him show this afternoon to get some applause from the crowd for his career accomplishments and see his team try to push to hold on the 2nd place.
  11. Still wondering the status of Iowa’s team points if he doesn’t make weight by not stepping on the scale. Does medical FF nullify that issue?
  12. This probably needs to be combined with a list of “coaches who are ready to make the jump to a big DI job”.
  13. Tag Drake in I’m sure he’s up for wrestling whenever he can.
  14. Well it looks like the Lee picks the winner. Who would have thunk it.
  15. It’s been awhile since I’ve heard, so these days many challenges do a team get to use during the NCAA Championship?
  16. Jason Tsirtsis during his title run seems like a none HWT contender for this. Seemed like almost all his matches were low scoring sudden victory wins.
  17. Kuch Dang thought he was out of eligibility by now.
  18. Michigan found an extra year for Micic.
  19. I can see Slap Fighting as the next logical step.
  20. Feel like Micic would have found a loop hole to get another year if he wanted to.
  21. I’d suspect that the reality of most programs big and small these days. It’s becoming a little less big vs small schools and a little more access to the academies. Academy access is indeed forming pools of super teams at large schools in some area especially with open enrollment. But having access to them is also likely helping to convince a few kids to remain at their smaller schools now too, that is if they can also convince a few training parents to remain there too.
  22. If you are in the Philly area stay safe. It’s going to be a rough night.
  23. Kinda like Takedown calls in the middle of the mat vs. takedown calls on the edge.
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