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Everything posted by MadMardigain

  1. Hanging with Masvidal will surely calm down his ego and antics. Said no one ever.
  2. If only Cornell would have offers him an At school scholarship. Oh, what could have been.
  3. Thanks Fadzaev but apparently we both need to buy an h
  4. Not sure this is the best answer but when you immigrate to the states the name you proved sometimes doesn’t translate well from your native language. You tend to accept what the immigration official will allow you to proceed. Miron Kkarchilava to Carson Kharchla would be a similar example. The last names endings especially get “lost in translation.”
  5. This type of rhetoric almost makes me want PD2 back.
  6. A sect of Jainism from Indian still does this.
  7. Not to disparage him because he’s proven to be one hell of a wrestler as an underclassman, but he did get the bonus year of the tournament though where he was 3rd. And he could easily take a year off to try a qualify for the Olympics. So I’d say he may end up a 25yo senior who is not too far off from that description.
  8. They don’t compete against annyonr representing Israel because they refuse to recognize it as a legitimate nation.
  9. He said “no false prophet. No Muhammad”. He may believe that but the Islam community sure will take that a ms a diss at their chosen faith. If he’s willing to take the smoke that’s on him, but don’t act like he didn’t create a religious issue with his comments.
  10. Win positions. Win matches. Dude takes the match one spot at a time.
  11. Unfortunately that comment may get him some threats over the next week. Disrespecting a religion doesn’t sit well with some people.
  12. And the doubters keep saying you were lucky to get 1 without triceps.
  13. The little things like folding your laundry. Come on man.
  14. They were al most ready to bust out the Let’s Go Angel chants.
  15. Gotta challenge it at this point too close and Alirez needs the cushion if it goes his way.
  16. Gotta know some upper body kids. It’s played out a few time this weekend.
  17. If I’m Yanni I better get in the zone, things haven’t been playing out chalk for some of the big players.
  18. Glory wins the interview award. Pure emotion trying to think through everyone that helped him with his journey.
  19. Honestly they should have been focusing on Ramos cheering section after that win, no parent is going to look anything but distraught when their kid loses at that level. FoxNews also had a story on its main page about the reaction for most of the day.
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