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Everything posted by MadMardigain

  1. Gremlins. It teaches you the valuable lesson of properly taking care of your presents.
  2. If NCAA college didnt keep a death grip on their main sports I believe we would already would have moved on the European club model of athletics with college tuition being tied into the contracts. Sadly that would also be the death of many second tier sports bring on the national stage. But financially for both the programs and athletes we are currently trending towards that system.
  3. But be honest play by play isn’t all equal. And it sure doesn’t need to call every single motion that occurs. Nor do most wrestling broadcast have a team or designated roles. Heck most two person broadcast groups are screaming play by play over each other. Key moves are all you need to point out not every movement, fake, touch, and motion.. The equivalent of some of this wrestling play by play would be similar too a play by play guy doing this: Basketball: Plater 1 is dribbling, dribbling more, still dribbling, he looks left, dribbles some more, stands and dribbles, dribbles, looks at defender, dribbles, dribbles, fakes left, passes, now Player 2 catches the ball, he now dribbles, still dribbles, continues to dribble, looks at defender, dribbles, jumps off his left foot, stretches out with his right hand, flicks the ball off his index fingers, the ball flies 3 feet, bounces off the left side of the glass, now bounces off the rim, the ball goes in the basket, now the balls falling to the court, still falling, now it bouncers off the court, now a player walks over to it…… Football equivalent: Hes running, running, running more, shifts left, running, looks at defender, running, fakes right, rolls left, running, he’s tackled from behind, now he’s laying there, still on ground, now he stands up, walks back to huddle, he’s walking, walking, walking and he reaches the huddle, now they are standing and talking, players seem to be bunched up, still huddling, now they clap, players jog to their position, the running back bends over 90 degrees with his hands on his knees, he looks up at the offensive line, still looking, he moves 3 feet off center, he looks right at his guard, he’s waiting for the snap, …..I think you get it. ut maybe they have to dumb down football some to accommodate for half the audience being drunk and 10% of them now being Taylor Swift fans.
  4. Hope you have someone born before 1990 running that operation. Not sure to many people younger than that could figure it out.
  5. Been saying this about many video based wrestling commentary for years. Those watching know the basics of the sport. We don’t need the play by play especially when much of it doesn’t even end in a point. I’d prefer more wrestler background info, keys to the match for each wrestler, and strategy adjustments as the points go up with the occasional move hype when a big point shift occurs.
  6. Just get me $4 and a can of spray paint per trophy and I got you guys covered.
  7. Maybe emphasize Mike Mena more and I think you have something there.
  8. I would like to see an improvement in recruiting with the Indiana program but that’s hard to do until the staff can prove they can developed multiple guts into NCAA qualifier that are getting a shot to AA. Recruit want to know they have guys in the room who can get them to that same level and coaches that have a track record for getting the none blue chips guys to another level. Once the in room guys can get there we will see how good Escobedo and companies recruiting skill really are. To me there a few more years on Escobedo’s progress clock before you can really start questioning if he’s getting enough out of the room and able to pull in solid recruits. Sure asking for IU to be a Top 10 national program anytime soon is a stretch, but the expectation should at least be consistently be in the middle of the Big10 with a a few AAs each year shouldn’t be.
  9. WWE still hoping he developed his mic ability.
  10. Riders not a bad team and ranked in a few weights that match up with some of Indiana’s better guys. But since I haven’t looked yet did Indiana mix in some backups for this early dual or is this their main roster?
  11. The odds seem to be in favor of that occurring.
  12. Rare but it’s happened a few times. It was freestyle but I recall the High School version of Jason Tsirtsis beating recent NCAA champ Darion Caldwell at Olympic trials.
  13. You’re taking me back to the Flips Headphones marketing era.
  14. I’m sure we will have some stuttering refs these opening weeks trying to retrain their brain to make the new call.
  15. Turkey and Senegal come to mind with a specific national style.
  16. Better question maybe: How do the Brands end up after the family is done there.
  17. Yet. A few years back you would have said the sport doesn’t have anything to do with sand either.
  18. https://proindustries.com/?fbclid=IwAR1O2NJ4WHQRlzD4RpJH_pwRCNCvApZNbOie16o6nWWef8vnTrzoPOqrwS4
  19. The Humphrey Era Downey is about as good as you are going to see with him. Not sure anyone else has or will be able to get in his head good enough to get both decent results and a somewhat in check demeanor on and off the mat. Sure not world beater but at least he added decent depth to the US ladder and could be competitive internationally for that short period of time.
  20. I feel like you are on to something here.
  21. I’ve said for awhile now I’d be fine if they pulled had a way to pull Quarter-Final loser from the opposite side. But as JB basically said wrestlebacks at this level are brutal so unless they do them over multiple days it’s hard to add much more.
  22. I stopped having friend so I wouldn’t have to ask things for them like them.
  23. Hope the travel budget is there or some of the none top tier 1 are close to being cut.
  24. Day before MMA weight cuts are just scary. I’m shocked someone hasn’t been rushed to the hospital on deaths doors step or worse yet.
  25. It wasn’t that long ago Stanford was on the brink of closing the wrestling room doors for good. Koll coming in was part of ensuring the program remained relevant. Who can come in to keep that going? And could Stanford consider ending the program again if that relevancy begins to fall off with Kolls departure? I don’t recall but did they at least get some type of endowment in place during the resurgence to help with keeping it afloat long term?
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