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Everything posted by KCMO2

  1. Nobody touches him at 125. Unless he's sucked down too much.
  2. Why don't you two PM each other
  3. They shouldn't have been DI in the first place. When you go from DII to DI, you jump from 36 to 63 full ride football scholarships. A school like Lindenwood with 7,000 students can't afford that for long before having to cut some other programs. All about the Benjamins.
  4. Hardly a duck when he hasn't wrestled yet this year.
  5. $4 million in trophies?!? I call bs on that figure.
  6. I have no issues (yet) with the Ferraris besides AJ. That being said, I sincerely hope Brands would have more integrity than to bring the biggest POS in the sport into their program (but I doubt it).
  7. Mauller at 157. He's certified at 149, but Smith is gonna see how he does at 157.
  8. "It's too bright in here, this place smells like tuna, this blanket itches, Vito is god-like, blah, blah, blah......"
  9. We're like 1 week into the season and you're b!tching already? Jeez!
  10. Think you mean Emanuel Brooks. He fought Will Brooks in MMA.
  11. In 2010 Bradley beat Ellis at the Central Missouri Open and the Nittany Lion Open, but Smith still kept Ellis as the starter. I guess it was pretty hard to bench the returning national champ, even though he only finished 22-13 his senior season. I'm betting we'll see some back and forth on the roster at 184.
  12. I was at the Columbia Rock Bridge tournament my sophomore year wrestling 105, and I wrestled some kid named Tony Purler. He was a little small for the weight so I was feeling pretty good going in. That changed.
  13. Here's what Smith said about it: “(Mauller has) gotten bigger, he is certified at ‘49, but he wanted to see how it's gonna feel at ‘57 at the beginning of the year, so we'll see. If he's doing well up there, he'll stay up there and we have (Logan) Gioffre doing a really good job at ‘49 and he's been the one that's kind of stood out all the whole fall. I'd like to see Cam Steed get in, but he'll get a lot of matches this year. Right now that's the way it is, but it can change.”
  14. I'm betting he goes 149. They already have 4 guys wrestling off there today, so they may not have had a match for him at that weight. But he's been a 149 pounder for the last 5 years, and their roster lists him at 149.
  15. Literally takes less than a minute to register a FB account. Unless you object to FB in general, which would be understandable.
  16. Not possible. Iowa's poached from other programs, brought in turds, maneuvered NCAA violations, and bought the second best team money can buy. If it hasn't blown up by now, then the family Ferrari ain't gonna do it.
  17. But can AI take into account batsh!t crazy moves or behavior like a Ben Askren, or DeSanto, or Paulie Robbins (a "special" kid on my hs team) might do? I think not.
  18. His wrestling was almost as phony as he is. Although I'm guessing the academicians who believed his wrestling are the same ones that make up the majority of his base.
  19. Depends on the school. Different schools different procedures.
  20. Archived footage. If you look closely, they're having a jv wrestle-off and JCbon is in the background in the green shirt and yellow shorts. Rumor is, he also owed his opponent for a bet he welched on, which added to the obvious animosity.
  21. I'm 100% positive it's been discussed and I'm 100% positive I don't care, I'm not going back through 52 pages of posts. I HATE this female announcer.
  22. If you can't find it here's a quick synopsis. Iowa fans - It was a legal slam! Everybody else - Gilman's a POS!
  23. Pretty sure this is JCBon giving his real thoughts on the hawkeyes, instead of his fake PSU fan bs reverse psychology take on the hawks. Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate this "newbies" dislike of the hawks, but I'm just not buying his anti-hawk schtick.
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