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Everything posted by KCMO2

  1. Vito is the only guy I think could beat Fix, and he seems pretty vulnerable now. He had to come back to beat Mizzou's Moore (24th ranked) on Sunday 10-9.
  2. I said that exact thing to my wife while we were watching. And at 141 Edmond took every shot, while Titus just flopped, scrambled, and tried to counter. Mizzou may have won 30-6, but I thought the ref was pretty bad.
  3. The no-brainer response would be to start punching the 14 year old kid. Simply trying to pull him off may have been too late to have save your kid's life.
  4. Most schools are a couple of weeks in by now. I'd think it's probably too late to enroll in the spring semester if he hasn't already. And I doubt any school would make an exception for him.
  5. I'll see your KMF with 2 DF's and a Big.
  6. We're 2/3 of the way through the season and they have fewer than 8 matches? Unless you're injured, wrestle some damn matches!!
  7. After not winning a single match first semester, AJ Ferrari steps up and makes the finals at the Soldier Salute. Look for big things from him in the second half.
  8. LR won 18-15. ASU didn't get any bonus points from their top 5 ranked guys at 149, 157, and 285, even though they all had unranked opponents (credit to LR). Negron was also out at 184, where ASU slid a 174 pounder in for him who lost by major. Kudos to LR, bad look for ASU.
  9. Waters vs Gilman. Two guys who can't stand each other, illegal slam by Gilman and the ref in advertently calling it on Waters and giving Gilman a point, Gilman attacking Waters legs about 5 seconds after the whistle, Waters shoulder checking a Hawkeye on his way off the mat.
  10. If those are the lineups the teams throw out there, then it should be a close dual. I don't necessarily agree with a LR major at 141, and I could see ASU getting bonus at 149 and maybe 157. And who knows if Vasquez will be back or when?
  11. Sheets was even listed as the #33 seed in 2021 (although there were only 32 wrestlers!), when he ended up taking 8th. He didn't even qualify at first, but Ruffin from SIUE had to withdraw before the tournament and Sheets ended up getting that spot.
  12. Don't know if I'd call farting on air a controversy. Sh!t happens. And with AJ's reputation it's almost a compliment if he throws shade at you.
  13. Have you watched Mauller much? He's never been very offensive, but very hard to score on. Against better wrestlers he scores most of his offensive points off of counters. This may be a direct result of wrestling O'Toole in practice. I've seen guys who were afraid to attack great wrestlers (like O'Toole) in practice, and watched that transfer over to a more defensive/counter mat style.
  14. Yeah, I can't watch it either. But this link posted above follows the matches. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/seasons/LoadBalance.jsp?seasonId=170449138&pageName=DualDashboard.jsp&dualId=7429496132
  15. Doubt AJ could spell IQ. Brands would at least get it on the 2nd or 3rd try.
  16. They're all going to Iowa still! Because as a well known poster/troll/blind sqirrel put it at 3:50 pm on 12/31/23, "All 3 Ferraris will wrestle in the black and gold. Book it."
  17. So theoretically, would 9 years be the most possible? Redshirt, Oly RS, Med RS, another Oly RS, 4 years, Covid year?
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