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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. here is a funny variation, in wrestling we have "dual meets" which is fine, but we also have "duals" which makes no sense because dual is an adjective. we should have duels which is a noun.
  2. i apreciate the way this list vibes with the stupid practice of arguing what moves are named, as if they didn't occur naturally in different places. I know I just did that, shrug
  3. i don't think so. He's really dumb so he might just think thats funny
  4. Starting to feel bad for him, his schtick kinda works when your 20 and an idiot, gets depressing when your 30....
  5. i agree. again the narrative frames he operated in made him easy to cheer for, thats not a compliment to him.
  6. dake won as a true freshman, moved up to beat taylor, and he beat 2 iowa/psu guys(reminder people hate these teams) to win his titles. I'm not saying its right but the narratives involved make him a hero not a heel.
  7. alger is the one you're looking for, ironically he was mentioned in the "anti-heel" topic, but i think thats cause he does a lot of nostalgia videos on flo.
  8. i agree its not easier but it is more likely. the advent of kids being hyper specialized in one sport, the internet making it possible to recruit the whole country meaningfully, and the RTC system has pulled the elite high schoolers way closer to the top of the NCAA than it was in the past. Whose heard amazing wrestlers say, "i didn't score in the college room for months?" Cause I have many times, now high schooler I havent even heard of are beating #1 ranked guys and its just not that shocking.
  9. the confound for me is that its been implied that starocci has been wrestling hurt pretty frequently, if thats true and he just tears everyone apart this year i'd give him the knod.
  10. its a funny idea, but if you are consistently losing to an Iowa guy in that era don't you have heel armor?
  11. Yeah, UNI isn't a powerhouse, but really welll coached, solid, obviously care about all their starters, and has a lot of recruting advantages over columbia (location withstanding). For Columbia to take them out in a dual meet means tanelli is doing something very right.
  12. its sort of funny how starocci/brook mirror the jedi/sith dynamic that was how i percieved nolf/nickal.
  13. how about Columbia sticking it to UNI? Didn't see that coming
  14. he also falls under the category that makes me say ramos is a better heel than metcalf, that being thier amount of attitude is not proportionate with the amount actual wrestling they do.
  15. he has a lot of the tendencies people hate about Iowa, difference being he's sort of funny so it comes off way better.
  16. it just depends on who you'd throw out, i almost put royce alger into the oringinal post but i think that would work.
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