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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. people are wrestling harder because of the 3 point takedown, i thought artificially inflating point totals was meaningless but its putting bonus points in reach when before a smart wrestler would probably be cruising.
  2. lewis also might be one of the worst guys in the NCAA to have to chase...
  3. lewis is one of the few people who could do the cheesy ice in my veins thing and get away with it.
  4. henson is on my Iowa wrestler who doesn't go to iowa team with austin o'conner...
  5. it could have been the same score and been a lot closer, but provo never really seemed to sniff a TD. Yeah the stalling call was dumb on provos part, thats all there is to it.
  6. he would get hated on a lot less if he didn't wrestle for Iowa, and I don't think thats true of everyone. THe mean spirited types love nothing more than an Iowa guy they can reliably yell stalling at.
  7. i wish warner would carry himself a little better after a loss...
  8. it really is wild how good these high schoolers are...i'm waiting for a high schooler to beat an ncaa champion and lose to a middle schooler the next weekend.
  9. no you just don't understant the argument. He is saying that if an impossible thing happens other things are possible...thats obvious and pointless to point out. Thats why i picked a 125 pounder who won't even qualify as opposed to legit long shot. The example was self evidently absurd to serve a deeper point.
  10. yeah but thats like saying if drake ayala makes the team at 86k he could medal. you have to invert reality to establish the premise.
  11. he has no change of medaling at the olympics at 74, none, thats what this is about.
  12. i'm proud of myself for not noticing he wasnt' in the bracket till now.
  13. foot sweep to get technical....who was it that went ham on the whizzar/wizard distinction.
  14. he's so good at what he does, its just not a lot...btw i don't mean he stalls just that his skill set is too specific.
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