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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. valencia techs gross, who was a 57k guy previously i feel compelled to mention
  2. this would be sort of funny if it weren't so mean spirited....cinnabon 2.0?
  3. of course he is, but at the ultra elite level he's only above average in this respect.
  4. this is actually moving into a space where its a deep deep ethical question. If a 10 year old get concussed and want to wrestle, we all say no. If a 30 year old in the olympic finals want to wrestle under similar circumstances, I think most of us would be sympathetic, its a mystery to me where to draw the lines.
  5. my thought as well, particulary because tech obviously decided not to emphasize the CKLV at all. they have wrestled him a lot, so theyre basically tossing him to the wolves if he's really hurt. Does he have a torn labrum or is aunt betty outraged cause he tweaked his wrist two weeks ago...
  6. i want to see randall flag in a match with john galt
  7. I've seen in a few places that he is indeed registered. We just don't know what the seeding criteria were.
  8. Yeah but i've never had anyone respond respectfully to the idea ever, its all pearl clutching and insults. The subject is similar to how you'd be treated if you went around saying "the holocaust sort of happened". If lee wins this weekend I'll retire the idea and apologize (unless he does it in really embarassing fashion).
  9. no way. he make the same mistake the toxic waste guy in robocop did?
  10. i wasn't. People on this forum just can't handle someone pointing out that Lee isn't the toughest guy on earth....
  11. as usual no one is mature enough to acknowledge the subtley of what I'm saying.
  12. yeah i think the disctinction you made about age, as well as the circumstances, is meaningful.
  13. the incredible amount of wrestling media support marstellar had coming out of high school, even though he didn't wrestle anyone he could have avoided outside of powerade and pa states, is really what annoys me about this. He was so propped up that he got to be the first kid to cut weight. that said I admire him very much for overcoming his own demons.
  14. i think we are all waiting to see if richards can replicate that performance....his WTT was an anachronism.
  15. people hate it when i say this but i'll do it again. If you were ranking wrestlers by sheer toughness, let downs moments, body language, dealing with adversity, he's behind most of the other super top tier guys.
  16. do you know how I would descibe it, suriano as a little dake sprinkled in. metcalf had close matches for sure but spititually seemed wed to an aggressive style. Suriano is a little more "i hate losing more than i like winning"
  17. the comparison is still interesting. Suriano has better position, metcalf more offensive...interesting to think how they benefit or suffer from free vs folk circumstances.....suriano wrestles a very modern stiyle, metcalf very mid 90s...hard to gather my thoughts.
  18. its understandable, but some seeding meetings just try to find good criteria and cram it down. Its kind of admirable because you eliminate the possisbility for corruption while guaranteeing the accusation of incompetence.
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