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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. Unfortunately he lost me again with his entrance, which consisted of sprinting past dozens of people and ignoring the instructions every other competitor in the tournament was able to respect.
  2. and I should add, having a single leg up and pushing the guy out isn't peak drama, but it does destabilize the match in a way that the shot clock doesn't. If I get put on the clock, and I don't look terrible for the rest of the match, the refs are gonna put the other guy on or be accused of deciding the match, so I'm gonna keep doing what i was before. If I give up a position and get pushed out, the refs are gonna give that guy more slack as opposed to looking for an excuse to balance the equation.
  3. i know Iowa is on Blaze big time. not revolutionary insight but its all i got.
  4. ok well I don't agree with any of that but fair enough.
  5. its not abuse, they get one point not two, in folk it would be one not 3. Do you like it better when people stall on the edge or are about to get taken down but hide out of bounds?
  6. well look at action/stalling in folk, the refs call it completely based on the score, a pushout would solve this, so yeah we need more free in folk.
  7. Haven't read topic, but Tanelli headed to tech.
  8. thats why the guy was so punchable, he probably ran across the arena to make an ass of himself.
  9. Star also said he hope burroughs comes back so they can wrestle.
  10. I really think the whole UWW structure is based around being vague enough to empower referees to do whatever they want. Go to the rules thing at some local tournament, they tell you that controlling center is what defines passivity, then they say if you have scored more points by definition you can't be passive....then they proceed to do whatever they want. they also abuse the shot clock this way. If you ask them why your kid who controlled center and took shots got put on the clock they perk up and tell you it was so they could put they other kid on second and now the right kid is winning! then you point out that your kid scored eventually but they never put the other kid on the clock at all, at which point they start making up stuff.
  11. if this is what he was going for it was very stupid but its gets points for gangsta i guess.
  12. Who would win in a fight, Clubber Lang injured, or Beavis and Butthead on liver king steroid cycle?
  13. What on earth did starocci mean by "my shaft grew a bit"?
  14. As far as fistfights with random people... BJJ>Wrestling>boxing/muay thai>karate............>pickle ball>football.
  15. I think its obvious their is a character gap between the two, but both are pretty sketchy in terms of reliability.
  16. He's not making things up he's saying absolutely nothing. Obviously the University is going to do the diligence its an important for the school.
  17. yeah thats gross. I could deal with him saying it about a knee injury or something, but concussion stuff is really scary once your already concussed...UNLESS you are wrestling Bo NIckal who is a neurotic mess when he wrestles someone who is hurt because he can't bear the idea of them getting hurt further.
  18. yeah, not to aggrandize or undermine our status as internet trolls, but some of us at least get a laugh every now and then.
  19. Didn't he already quit all forms of wrestling in the middle of big tens?
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