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Everything posted by Tigerfan

  1. I discussed this with the Mizzou coaches and trainer about a decade ago. They were unanimously against it. The trainer (one of the best ever) assured me that almost every wrestler on the roster had at least 10% body fat at competition weight. Virtually no one competes at <7% as was common back in the day. And they were quick to point out Ben Askren, J’den Cox, and more recently now Keegan O’Toole were all highly successful while cutting minimal weight. Cox was actually forbidden from going higher than 206 at anytime during the season, and we all know he could drop 9 lbs of sweat in one workout without too much trouble. The potential problems did not outweigh the benefits or minimize any substantial risks. Youth and high school may be a different kettle of fish, however.
  2. Palestine was never a nation state in the modern understanding of the term. No one, least of all the newly formed UN, considered them when Israel was gifted the land after the Holocaust. It is not difficult to empathize with both sides. Both sides have suffered from the well-intentioned but callously executed plan to create a safe State of Israel. Arguing about who was aggressive first and who is simply retaliating is what has generated 75 years of tragedy and strife. “They started it” is the type of thinking that will never solve this problem. Having worked closely with the Saudi royal family, there is certainly some truth to the reality that western media is…ahem…heavily influenced by the Jewish perspective. Hamas is a terrorist organization, that was elected ONCE by the Palestinians in Gaza in 2006, and have not had an election since. That says something about the Palestinian people and Hamas. If Palestine is wiped of the earth as a result of this, the blame, in my opinion, rests solely with the imperialism of Britain and other European empires more generally. Why Americans continue to insist we have something to say about how other nation states conduct their business baffles me.
  3. Is all the old content archived somewhere and if so, is it searchable? I tried looking for the Waters/Gilman slam topics but could find them.
  4. Who says he isn’t? Maybe Scott was told that if he ever wanted the HC position at OSU, he better get there and and impress in order to compete with Espo in a year or two when Smith retires.
  5. Dom Bradley would be a tough out for anyone smaller than Gwiz.
  6. I don’t believe you are remembering correctly. Big 10 and PAC we’re the traditional Rose Bowl opponents for decades. Big 8 was either Orange Bowl or Cotton Bowl, while SEC owned the Sugar.
  7. I thought the theory was always a great wrestler would always beat a great boxer in a street fight as long as they could defend a punch or two before they get ahold of them? Has MMA changed that calculus? If it’s still true, then I’d take Keegan O’Toole, since he’s the best there is in D1 right now. M. I. Z…
  8. Don’t they also have some sandwich that starts with a R? I was in Lincoln recently and they acted like it was some local legend or something.
  9. Another Mizzou off redshirt is Cam Steed. Wrestlestat has him listed as the 157 starter. He impressed me at the Scuffle up at 165. I think he’ll do well.
  10. I know how itemizing charitable donations works, but I still think paying a student athlete 50k to show up at a charity fundraiser is a perversion of what charitable giving is supposed to be. Others may feel differently.
  11. Every teaching certification program that I know of requires an unpaid internship of one semester before completion. This steep barrier to entry is partially responsible for the massive teacher shortage in the US. Yet it persists. Being a broke college student used to be a similar “internship” for prospective pro athletes. Millions of potentially great teachers and athletes dropped out or didn’t participate at all and pursued other avenues to make money. If the end goal is the best possible pool of teacher candidates or athletes, unpaid internships need to go away.
  12. I guess he’s a helluva wrestler, but he’s got terrible judgment.
  13. Got me. I was obviously think about 2/4, but you found a loophole.
  14. 2xers are so hard to rank because nobody agrees whether peak years, when they occurred, other finishes, or what are important. Kinda like deciding if it was 2 swipes or 3. See what I did there?
  15. Is Imar the only one ever who won his first 2 and then not even one more?
  16. Give my regards to your fellow J6ers!
  17. I just learned that $ donated to the NIL collective is tax deductible. How can that be? Seems like a further perversion of the intent of this circus. Did you all know this?
  18. Ahem…Mizzou? Maybe 3xAA Mauller, Mocco, 3xAA Elam, and Elam get worse. Maybe Edmond isn’t an immediate AA guy at 141, maybe Surtin, Seltzer, Fisher, Hawks/Harmon don’t score any points. Maybe all those things happen. I doubt it. Guess we’ll see.
  19. Please spare me your PSU kool aid. If anyone knows that Mizzou is perfectly capable of developing world level talent, it’s Coach Mesenbrink. Where he may or may not choose to train post college is not the issue. PSU’s fan base has been collectively annoying, but now that they’ve bought themselves a historic team, I can see it’s gonna become absolutely insufferable.
  20. I don’t believe he was not on Mizzou’s radar, given their history. Mizzou missing out on him not once, but twice now is perplexing to say the least. I wonder what the story is.
  21. Sorry if I wasn’t clear. I predict KOT will make his first Sr World team in his first year post college, if not sooner. After that, no one will catch him for a long while.
  22. O’Toole’s wrestling IQ is phenomenal. 9-0 Nolf in the first, 2-0 KOT in the second. Won’t be too long before everyone is in his rear view mirror.
  23. Tigerfan


    Has court ordered counseling of any kind ever in the history of ever been shown to be successful? Kind of like letting family court judges distribute assets, income, and supposedly tax liability. The IRS doesn’t care a whit about some local yokel judges’ declaration of who should get to “claim” children for tax purposes. The justice system is too overwhelmed to bother with anything other than slaps on the wrist for all but the most serious of crimes. This kid needs intensive, inpatient, residential/wilderness therapy as soon as possible. It’s probably already too late.
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