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Everything posted by Tigerfan

  1. Rocky Elam has owned Bastida at 197. Very curious how that will impact Zach Elam’s match strategy. Bastida has been giving 285 a collective spanking so far this year. Can big Elam shut him down in neutral, and probably more importantly, get a turn or 2 on top?
  2. So, no Carr/O’Toole, but we still could get Elam/Bastida, if ISU makes it happen. Ech/Edmond will also be a good one.
  3. #24 Josh Edmond Mizzou 141 beat #8 Cael Happel UNI
  4. Nice to see Edmond rounding into form.
  5. Lots of good discussion/speculation on this topic. One thing that doesn’t often get mentioned is his mental mentorship. Ben’s mindset is special, if not unique. He guided Mark Ellis to his Championship by moving in with him when Ben was a grad assistant at Mizzou. The following year, when Askren was gone, Ellis took 6th, much more in line with what what most wrestling experts would have predicted given his skill set. The difference, the biggest of all differences, was Ben in his ear that whole season his Jr year. To me, THAT speaks volumes about his ability to coach people and get the very best out of them. His creative wrestling mind is a distant 2nd, maybe 3rd after his recruiting prowess, to his greatest asset, which is his mindset. How many other elite athletes of his level would show the video of his record-quick KO loss in UFC to his kids at practice and have a good laugh? Never be afraid to lose was the lesson. Mindset is what separates the champions at NCAA level, not wrestling skill.
  6. Is that what kids these days call a photoshop fail? Or does Woods have 6 fingers?
  7. So, I’m not the only one who can’t see the most recent rankings on the app? Got it.
  8. Did Flo not publish new rankings this week, and if not, has any explanation been given?
  9. I don’t think I’ll go this year. I’m very familiar with KC, so that’s not a draw for me, though I think it will be great for newbies. Festivals aren’t really my scene anymore, be they music, art, or wrestling. Friends and family gather at my brother’s house (8 bedrooms) and watch on a variety of TV’s. Gone are the days when if you didn’t go, you missed matches. No hotel costs and better food. Ticket prices have increased over 500% since I started going while simultaneously watching every match from a comfy couch is dang near free. it’s an awesome experience and I recommend it highly, but for me the queues, crowds, drunks, potential weather, and Iowa fans (not you, Vak), tilt the scales in favor of skipping it.
  10. To my Minny friends, I’ll throw it back to Donny Wichman, longtime Augsburg coach. He was about 6’ as a 105/112 HS. Skinniest wrestler I ever saw. May he RIP.
  11. How true. Since that 1st week of Dec, Moore has wrecked dudes, including pinning Latona and taking Arujau to the wire, while Wells has eked out a couple more wins, the last 2 in SV. No way he beats him a third time. Moore is my darkest horse AA pick for the tourney.
  12. No, Edmond went not Seltzer. Gioffre was down 1-0 into the 3rd, chose neutral, then danced for the whole period.
  13. Gioffre down by 1, chooses neutral then doesn’t shoot the whole period. Weird.
  14. Mizzou middle weights have looked mired in mud. Very lethargic efforts at 141-157. Mauller was shocked Shapiro’s offense was better than his defense.
  15. Id love to have someone who actually knows how the process of applying for redshirts post an answer. My understanding from a conversation with a HC years ago was that redshirts are always applied for retroactively be they standard, medical, or Oly. Once eligibility would be otherwise exhausted, prior to that next season, said school applies for appropriate redshirt with appropriate documentation and then the NCAA grants or denies the application based on documentation provided. If that is all true (again, just my understanding), then it’s totally possible the NCAA could deny someone’s application for Oly shirt if they can’t provide the necessary proof that it is deserved. Typical AJ, he probably has not even applied (which school applied for him?) nor been officially approved.
  16. “Warrantless Investigation” combined with Dresser’s comments makes me think the attorneys are referencing the cop sitting outside the dorms monitoring when anyone logged on to betting sites.
  17. So in that scenario, 5 would be expected. The question then is how many integers from 5 would be shocking? Surely not ONE? So if 6 then isn’t shocking, maybe some might feel that TWO or 7 would also not be shocking? Surprising sure, but shocking? Maybe I’m just more difficult to be shocked by anything.
  18. I suppose it’s too late to buy stock in Adobe?
  19. I have absolutely zero clue what this says.
  20. So if I’m reading that correctly, PSU during Cael has had 82%, 82%, 70%, and 100% of its top 4 seeds meet or exceed their seeds, respectively. That seems phenomenal to me. While I understand probabilities and the resulting math would say 7 champs out of 9 top 4 seeds is “unlikely”, the eye test would lead me to not being shocked in the slightest.
  21. But what about a PSU guy seeded #1 in the last decade or so? And is there a team with more champs that weren’t seeded #1 than PSU? Is that the PSU bump to which you are referring? Maybe I’m being too fatalistic, but moving forward I don’t see how the field narrows the gap, or God forbid, overcomes it, with all of the systemic advantages transfer/NIL provides PSU. I’ll be more shocked if PSU ever fields a team that has less than 5 champs than if they have 7 or even 8.
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