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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Nah, we’re talking about a match where one wrestler initiated all the action, and the other hung in a collar tie. It was classic mid-00’s big boy wrestling where one guy does nothing, and the other barely does anything. Heavyweight, and the world seems to have moved beyond that thankfully, but it is awful when it reappears.
  2. Doucet pulled out a good stall-win. In a tournament setting doucet actually gets hit for stalling, and pitzer likely finds a way to get the win. Doucet was reeeeal close to a danger count in their last scramble, it wouldn't have been unjustified. Okie State mopped the floor with Pitt though, so at that point no real reason for a ref to get cute with those calls.
  3. Shane Sparks is CP on adderall minus snark, Tim Johnson is shane sparks +55 years...
  4. Seriously. I am also guilty of listening to the wrestling marketing machine.
  5. This big ten wrestling match brought to you by snorlax
  6. Over under for Allred's big 10 placement currently at 6.5
  7. Allred laying an enormous egg right now...
  8. What happened to the allred of last year? He was max dean kryptonite last year.
  9. Tell me Lenny pinto got too big over break without telling me lenny pinto got too big over break.
  10. This ref is really pumped to be on tv, dude chirps more than anyone in the stands
  11. I haven't seen a broadcast this janky and thrown together in this country in a very long time. "Significant story about an athlete's struggle that we mentioned to you....NAH how about you can watch that on your own time, meanwhile....hit it with some Cliff Keen!"
  12. Heck of a scramble, the announcers calling the hail mary chin whip "good fundamentals" is feeling like a throwback to the old ESPN early 2000's broadcasts.
  13. Paid sponsorship is great, isn't it?
  14. I'm still really enjoying that the camera guy has decided a ref standing around doing nothing is as important as the wrestlers actually competing with one another...the fk is this crap. Bigten hiring the local high school equipment managers to run their broadcast.
  15. This is sone of the worst camerawork I’ve seen for a wrestling broadcast in history. Keep the wrestlers in the freaking center of the screen.
  16. Coach dresser really sounding like the type of coach kids stay in touch with for their whole life.
  17. They really couldn't re-record the segment?
  18. This, and the opposite applied in the right situation as well. Thank goodness for officials with an understanding of the sport. Officials, good ones at least, will also recognized two different reactions when an opponent is getting waxed. They will know when a kid is trying their best but just getting overpowered, and they also recognize turtling up to try to save match points.
  19. Seriously, gravity is very real. Always do the car mechanic equivalent of measure twice cut once.
  20. To my eyes, behaving so badly that the brands brothers aren’t able to integrate you into the fold at Iowa. It’s one thing to have barbs to throw at okie state, bc most of the world who interacts with that program does, but Iowa is another deal entirely. That school and that community bends over backwards for its athletes in a special way, and the brands wield their influence rather sizably, the only thing that has to happen is you have to put in the work and make the room better. Perfect example is austin desanto, kid was a total liability, but he showed he was willing to work on himself, and he absolutely made the room better, so the Iowa collective figured it out. The elder brothers seem incapable of winning many people over. Besides the boos, it was pretty clear from the way the Iowa wrestlers treated them that the two older brothers were pretty solidly persona non-grata in the room as well. Being an NCAA champ who is unwelcome in the two most historic programs in wrestling history is a major red flag. Also, johnny poz is a tremendous kid. He’s a bit small for 197, but he could AA. There’s no way goodale burns the programs current golden boy to import room cancer.
  21. Bare minimum Goodale recognizes kids who have things happening away from the room that could be a big problem. He knows how that can go, and has seen a number of guys enter and exit the program at different times. Rutgers also is nowhere near as forgiving for wrestlers in terms of behavior as many bigger brand schools. What flies at OSU or Iowa would absolutely get you thrown out the door at Rutgers. The program just doesn’t have that kind of leverage within the school.
  22. This is a tad inaccurate. AJ was the eldest, and had minimal coverage compared to what the family gets now. If this many eyeballs were on him back then, it would have stood out. Go watch Angelo’s C&C podcast, he actually sounds like a human being, he’s self deprecating, knows how to laugh at his brothers while also being respectful when it matters, kid has a solid head on his shoulders, and has quietly seen a lot as only the youngest brother can.
  23. The dude’s halo is really a groovy ‘shroom, jesus knew how to walk on water in the most 70’s way possible.
  24. Bc at Ivy’s, academics is a full-time sport so to speak. The number of kids who can handle that academic load and keep up with athletics.
  25. I continue to feel like pyles is a solid three rungs above where he should be in terms of influence and impact on the sport. He's a grown man getting in twitter fights with an athlete who clearly is not well.
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