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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Amine is a moose and mesenbrink is making him look like a first year wrestler. Mesenbrink is going to be a real problem. Mesenbrink looking for a pin via stall calls.
  2. Mesenbrink working hard to major amine with stall calls
  3. Mesenbrink looking a lot like dake in some of his neutral movement. It looks like he is overpowering Amine out there.
  4. Not only was he capable, he regularly delivered. Dake won and was sometimes dominant, dominance was the assumption for every match with Cael. He whooped up on cormier by regular standards, but people gave cormier kudos for “keeping it competitive” in their final.
  5. This right here, this is some of the silliest garbage I can remember. I get it bc he’s probably making a decent paycheck, but to quote rob koll, “past a certain point you have to ask ‘what’s the point?’” Kirk has to be getting up there in age too.
  6. Slay beating saitiev in the 2000 olympics could also be up there for me. And snyder’s early world runs against gadisov and sadulaev.
  7. This one gets my vote. The greatest comeback of any ncaa final ever.
  8. It is impressive, but he did it at low weights. I’m not saying anything disparaging about low weights, but the fact that Sanderson did his but whooping all the way up at 184 in his early years is an extra level of more impressive to me. Those seniors get biiig up there, and he made crowds of grown ass men look like children.
  9. No question there definitely are. It tends to be a combo of being relentless and imposing your will more than just scoring points, but also in one way or another being relatable, allowing people to think “man, if I just became a psycho hermit my whole life, I might be able to do it too.” Zain retherford definitely. Not bc of his success but the way he did it. He was stronger and better, and showed both every match. Same with nick lee, dude was always all gas no breaks in college. Mack Lewnes, dude was always in scraps and sporting a black eye. I’d put ed ruth on here but he made it look too easy, he was just too close to cael status to be relatable. Even though taylor always beats him, Yazdani is a wrestler’s wrestler.
  10. David Taylor x2 and Jon Trenge x3 for me. I would also include Mocco’s freshman year.
  11. Duke has never had any pull as a program within the University. This limits the number of guys who can get in, because if you want to go to Duke, you basically have to get yourself into the school and then have the privilege of joining the program. This is the dance that all the programs have to do at the top top academic schools, and is what makes Cornell's and Princeton's (relative) success so impressive. They bring the school a considerable amount of positive clout, so I imagine they have a bit more pull come admissions time. Duke doesn't have that. The coaches can't just tap a guy on the head and say "I deem him worthy" and get him in.
  12. I’m leaning Mizzou. They just have a lineup of guys who manage downside and almost all seem to have the ability to put opponents in bad situations very quickly. I think Iowa Mizzou head to head would be surprisingly lopsided.
  13. I agree 100% with both of these, but these also occur because both wrestlers wind up in positions they aren’t willing to sacrifice because of the risk of doing so. I think it would be sick, because it just forces wrestling. I think 80% of stalemates are save time stalemates instead of real stalemates. What if, for example, they changed stalemates to a double stall call? Just spitballing =D
  14. Only reason I knew about it early on was they used to have a J Rob camp there.
  15. I just watched keuter's match on youtube again, dude looks like a 197 who hasn't cut any weight. Looks like he's making training and weight decisions based on football. I'm guessing he had aspirations of hitting the 240's at some point, but is running into the reality that coming back into the wrestling room always wrings a bunch of weight off your frame. I hope the dude gets it figured out, obviously nerves are a real thing, especially in Carver. Mark Hall lost his first varsity match his freshman year to a middle of the road Iowa guy, a few months later he was a national champ. Unpopular thing that I do remember from back in the day, one of my teammates laughing after practice about how getting better at wrestling makes you worse at every other sport. I hope Keuter doesn't unnecessarily hinder his progress. He's a Junior World Champ. Football, if he does have playing time, is also home to FAR more frequent and instantaneously catastrophic injuries than wrestling.
  16. This right here. Mckee always looks so average during the season, drops some losses he shouldn't and just flips a switch at nationals. Dude is a blood round bandit. Only thing that might bite him this year is that he is a 6th year senior right now, and the weight cut might be extra expensive considering he's 24~25.
  17. Nutmasher and cooter are really glaring indictments of football conditioning.
  18. Teske sneaky pick to not make nationals, glazier sneaky pick to AA this year. Glazier wrestles like Jacob Warner in a skinny body.
  19. Having had experience cutting too much weight…I recognize a fellow excessive cutter of weight.
  20. If that 184 match were reversed in terms of action, they would have stalled salazar out.
  21. I think this every year, but for a good team Iowa’s pretty bad.
  22. I can’t think of anyone who is more tailor-made for the iowa spirit than caliendo. Dude has two moves, but looks like he has made a pact with himself that he won’t leave a match unless his forehead is bleeding. A forward-marching forehead atop a brick shit house.
  23. This is not meant as a troll or a whine post, it comes from a place of concern for the program. What happened to Edinboro, and what caused them to go from powerhouse to doormat program? Teams don’t hang out at this level for too long without second shoes dropping, especially when budgets are tight. I know there was a re-org and edinboro got folded into a larger amalgamated university, I know they had Tim Flynn and Lou Rosselli for a while, both stellar coaches. I know bruce baumgartner is in the organization, he left the AD role in 2018. Why do they struggle so much now?
  24. Kid took one for the team literally, and the broader team of the wrestling community collectively. So happy to see that he’s OK, even getting the W in his most recent match.
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