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Winners Circle

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Everything posted by Winners Circle

  1. MM is arguably better at FS than Folk. And we know the cut is a thing for JB (hence why he's been at 79 kg). I think it's definitely interesting.
  2. We 100% sure BORROUGHS beats Mesenbrink?
  3. Worst case scenario for JB having Mesenbrink in the semis in my opinion. Don't be surprised if MM pulls that upset.
  4. He may be. I truly don't know. I just know Cruz was a mega recruit coming out of HS.
  5. Certainly not an upgrade over Drake. But is he an upgrade over Joey Cruz? If they want to move Ayala up, why not just roll with Cruz? I don't see Flynn being much of an upgrade over him (if at all). And yes, I'm salty because I had Flynn on my NCAA Fantasy Team and he didn't hold up his end of the deal.
  6. I'm not sure about that. He's pretty small. I think it's more likely it's connected to Brewer leaving. They seemed pretty close, as a lot of lightweights have with Brewer (Seabass, Flynn, Ventresca, Latona, Korbin Myers).
  7. I agree. He put a good staff around him too I think. I think they need alumni buy in.
  8. I didn't even notice. Lmao. Has to be Cooper. Connor Flynn is long graduated and out of eligibility.
  9. Woah. Has to be a direct correlation to Brewer leaving I'd think.
  10. Cutting major weight (@H82Lose is a family friend and has confirmed Steed is in the 180s) to get to 157 won't help the injury prone thing that's for sure. In fact it'll probably heighten it.
  11. I spoke with him last week. He seems excited. I think change of scenery will do him well.
  12. Not sure if already previously listed. Not in the mood to look through multiple pages. But Connor McGonagle to Va Tech is official. I'd assume that means Latona moves up to 141.
  13. Did Keuter do something impactful I'm unaware of?
  14. I believe that is a direct result of his training situation. When you're in the fire EVERYDAY, you are more prepared for the fire at the NCAAs.
  15. Sorry I didn't realize you had a crush on JC. That's cute.
  16. @Husker_Du JC just trying to stir the pot.
  17. Do it again. I'd make him tell me to get lost.
  18. You know this is a classic JC troll job. Don't give him any fuel. That's why I gave my response above.
  19. Does anyone else think it would be at least wise for OSU to call Pat Pop and see: If he has any interest at all? If yes, what would it take? He has, without a doubt, had the most coaching success of any OSU alum. Let me be clear, I 100% think this is Coleman's job and is probably just a formality. But I also think they should at least TRY to see if Pat Pop would be interested. I know he's said he's very happy at NCST, but money talks and people always have a soft spot for their alma mater.
  20. They were co-head coaches for a year even.
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