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Winners Circle

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Everything posted by Winners Circle

  1. Him going 4-5 and having losses to: Murphy Menke (Oregon State), Chittum, Ed Scott (15-3 score), Askey, and Jonathan Ley (Navy; 12-2 score) is not an opinion. You can do with that information what you will.
  2. He went 4-5 this season and had losses to: Murphy Menke (Oregon State), Chittum, Ed Scott (15-3 score), Askey, and Jonathan Ley (Navy; 12-2 score). Not sure I'd consider this as "shoring up a hole".
  3. MM, to my knowledge, hasn't tried to break someone's shoulder via Kimura in a match because he was frustrated about losing.
  4. And yet, as a freshman he did better than both of them.
  5. Keep this up and you could be in the running with Mr. Pastry for biggest troll on this board.
  6. Be careful, you might trigger some people by going against the grain here...
  7. Yes, just meant like the process to close the doors has begun.
  8. We're on the same team. I'm a fan as well. Which is why I want to win now. And I don't believe in Williams yet. He lost too many matches off silly mistakes, cardio, etc. for me to think he's the guy for us right now. I don't want potential. I want the proven results. And that's the good thing about the portal. You can get PROVEN guys right now.
  9. Fish was R12 in 2023 and R16 in 2024. He's as proven at 165 as Williams is at 149, if not more. If you start Parco for a year, and Williams transfers, then so be it. You lost a guy who has never AA'd, could be worse. If that's the case you hit the portal and find someone better. It's Okie State for gosh sakes, you can't sweat over losing NON-AA's. Teemer just made the finals 157, make him go 157 and try to win the damn thing. Simple.
  10. Parco has AA'd at 149, 4 times actually.
  11. Same reason you want Fish on the bench is the same thing I'm saying about Williams, he needs to prove it to me he can AA. There's no guarantee Teemer has as much success at 165 as he's had at 157, in fact I'd be willing to bet he will almost certainly not be a national finalist at 165. Yes, I agree on Williams maturing and not blowing opportunities. Which is why I said it would benefit him to sit behind Parco a year. Yes Williams made B12 finals this year. But Fish was round of 12 in Tulsa. Ultimately it comes down to this, who do you like better: Parco/Teemer/Fish (two guys who have proven to be consistent AA's at the same weight, and one R12er) Wiliams/Parco/Teemer (one R16er, and two guys who have not wrestled one match at those weights) No brainer in my opinion.
  12. Mineo said Okie State is matching Iowa's offer. Take that for what it's worth. Jordan Williams would benefit from a year of maturity and having Parco to workout with. He lost a lot of matches he should have won last year (including a loss to Quinn Kinner in round of 16 at NCAAs). Parco is an upgrade over him, period. Teemer and Fish are different weights. Apples to oranges. But like I said, if Teemer insists on going 165, you redshirt Fish.
  13. You'd be foolish to look at the 0-2 NCAA tournament Jamison had and say, "I'd rather have that guy over a returning national champion." Also, why would you bump Parco up when he's a proven commodity at 149. Same with Teemer. I'd rather see: Spratley Hughes Alirez Parco Teemer Fish Hamiti Plott Carroll Hendrickson That team is good enough for 2nd (maybe even 1st in a perfect world), the team you listed is not. If Teemer is insistent on going 165, then you redshirt Fish and throw Teague back in at 157.
  14. In today's news, T&T and the Hawkeyes are still very desperate to win.
  15. I think it's different for each specific team too. For example, a school like Okie State would probably take Forrest/Bassett because the 'home run hitter' may be enough to push them into 2nd and they may not have a need in their lineup for both Raney's. However, a school like Illinois would probably prefer the Raney's because they'd fill two holes in their lineup as opposed to one.
  16. I heard Okie State for both them and Teemer.
  17. It was more so just a joke about the mountain man look and him going to a school in Colorado. It either went over your head or you're just a joy to be around...
  18. He looks like a mountain man with that beard and long hair. UNCO seems like a good fit.
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