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Winners Circle

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Everything posted by Winners Circle

  1. I think he's referring to when Mark Hall said Iowa fans were yelling racial slurs at him before he wrestled Kemerer at CHA.
  2. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I don't see Gibson as a 141 and I don't see Nini as a 157.
  3. Got a link to a social media post revealing the news?
  4. I would argue that the NBA is more dead now than it was in the 90's when trash talk was more prevalent. Those guys back then hated each other. Now they're all buddy/buddy. Like when Mark Hall said someone yelled racial slurs to him before and after he wrestled Kemerer in CHA? Biased nonsense at high persistent volume like when Hawkeye fans yell for stalling on the other guy when their guy constantly pushes but doesn't actually try to score points?
  5. You're the one that said those other sports were struggling. I argued the other side. I don't know one person who watched a WCBB regular season game this year. Elite 8 and Final Four only. And Clark was lighting it up just as much in the regular season. The biggest draw was a smack talker. See her vs Louisville in 2023 tournament to Van Lith ("You're down by 30 points, shut up.") Lol. I got a kick out of the tren analogy. Again, not sure how you can look at the biggest revenue sports organization in the world and say they're doing it wrong. Hot take there.
  6. I'm not sure what your motive is with this post?
  7. What price are the sports I listed paying? Seems as though each of them brings in much more revenue than wrestling (college or international). Struggling by what metric? CFB is thriving now more than ever. And I don't think that's debatable. Same with CBB. Why did people tune into WCBB Elite 8/Final 4? I'll give you a hint, it's because the history/beef between LSU (Reese)/Iowa (Clark). People did not rant and rave about WCBB until there was a storyline because of the TRASH TALK history. You're delusional if you think the biggest revenue sports organization needs Taylor Swift. So the MOST successful revenue sports in this country are all drowning and struggling because of the trash talk?
  8. Maybe "standard behavior" is what's holding our sport back? Go to any major sporting event (NFL, NBA, MLB, CFB, CBB) the home fans smack talk the opposing team.
  9. 125: Lilledahl (Davis RS) 133: Nagao 141: Bartlett 149: Kasak 157: SVN 165: Mesenbrink 174: Haines 184: Barr 197: Starr 285: Kerk Is it crazy to think that lineup can break the 2024 scoring record?!! I think it's realistic the team above could have 5-6 champs.
  10. Would be huge for the program if that's the guy. Him or Mark Cody would be slam dunks IMO.
  11. NY natives not named Nickerson who may be the guy: Donnie Vinson Nick Gwiazdowski Mark Cody Kerry McCoy Vougar Oroudjov Kyle Dake
  12. Kind of surprised Bockman even entered the portal at all. I can only imagine Adam Hall and the staff he assembles will be more impressive than the previous staff.
  13. Yes, even under the old system, it should be very clearly communicated between the coach and the trainer. "DO NOT finalize/input this until I look it over and give you the go ahead." Lack of communication from coaching staff. THAT is what is unbelievable at the DI level.
  14. Wow. That's unbelievable at the DI level.
  15. I'm very high on this kid. Gritty. Finds ways to win close matches. tOSU got a good one here. Between him and younger Bouz, their future at the middleweights looks bright.
  16. I think his results have regressed because he is not now, nor ever been, a super technical wrestler. He won, and still wins, a lot of his matches based on his incredible athleticism. When you're young, and at a lightweight, being extremely powerful/strong/explosive/athletic is more likely to lead to wins than it is when you get older and into bigger weights. My two cents. Not saying he's not a technical wrestler. But he's certainly not as technical as you'd expect based on his results.
  17. Care to elaborate? I was in college at this time, and never heard about this. Curious about it now.
  18. Not a bad 'best option' at all. NQ as a true soph with 18-11 record.
  19. Not sure about that. But @Husker_Du has him in bloodround at 141 in 2025 Crystal Ball.
  20. Hawks is better. Evidence by his resume and him making the R12 this NCAA and R16 the NCAA before. Could/should coaching staff handled the situation differently? Probably. But Hawks is the better wrestler.
  21. 100%. Unfortunately sounds like we're on the fast track to UB dropping.
  22. With all due respect, you're a f*cking idiot for this take. You're delusional if you think high school kids today 'barely know' who John W. Smith. And I'm saying that with all due respect.
  23. He has been on record saying that the cut to 74 was difficult. I think this is common knowledge.
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