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Everything posted by BlacknGold

  1. He didn't raise and feed the 3 boys and put them in position to get full ride scholarships?
  2. Hopke has Wisconsin listed first in his top 5, Angelo has Iowa listed first in his top 5, and his brothers are going there, so presumably it's going to be Hopke to Wisconsin, Angelo to Iowa. Anything else you see is speculation at this point. I'll be shocked if the Ferrari clan doesn't stick together after what they have been through collectively. If i'm big AJ I put all 3 boys in 1 location where I can watch em, with a hawk eye, pun intended
  3. Iowa has a strong class of 2023 joining the team next season but they haven't made any moves on 2024 recruits yet, besides Keyan Hernandez. Meanwhile Penn State is stacking up a monster class for 2024. Is Brands waiting on transfer results or just lagging on 2024 moves?
  4. On the contrary one rule I would like to see is removing the figure four leg lock to opponents leg from top position, that is stalling
  5. Think the match pace has more to with the wrestlers and the matchup than it does the rules. There's 15 minute mma fights with little or no action sometimes
  6. If you don't like getting rode then do something about it and escape. Not a fan of trying to force action with every rule twist we can think of. Perhaps these rule changes will further complicate the sport and that's not good for new fans
  7. Why is Anthony able to verbally commit while in the middle of a court case but AJ isn't? Is it just the severity of accusations? I know AJ can't commit yet and I get it, but is there more optimism in Anthony's case than AJ's in terms of punishment? Just looking for more information on that conundrum
  8. Ferrari brothers-Pat Kennedy-Gabe Arnold from 157-197, plus Brands brothers coaching. Hard to beat. I think the Brands bros tried not to recruit over Nelson in recent years and that hurt upper weight development
  9. I think with the Ferraris and Gabe Arnold there's going to be talent across the board for Iowa, upper and lower. So there is good reason to go to either school. And thankyou for the appropriate response instead just calling me names
  10. What are you talking about? Stop ruining the thread
  11. Maybe a 1 year suspension from the sport and permanent suspension if repeated? I also read parents pressing charges, think that's fair. The match was over and can be considered a crime
  12. They attacked me but whatever. Have a good day?
  13. People like you ruin the forum. Everyone just wants talk wrestling and you guys go around trying to insult people behind your keyboards
  14. Truax going to Iowa made sense, maybe not as much sense as Penn State, but it did make sense. Then when someone asked me "if you were Bernie, what would you do" and I gave a biased answer for a little fun. I'm not saying Penn State was a mistake or the wrong decision, I just said Iowa made sense. So I don't understand how this even went this far. You guys have problems
  15. So everyone on the forum needs to worship Penn State. I get it
  16. I don't believe I said anything stupid, have a good day old man
  17. I think with Ferrari coming off a long layoff Vegas would have Brooks as the favorite
  18. I said if they went to Iowa it would make sense, that was just my opinion, then people start asking questions which I answered and you quoted, 2 weeks later... You're basically saying no one is allowed to share their opinion on the forum. Crazy old loser
  19. College wrestling is great the way it is. Let's just call it good
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