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Everything posted by BlacknGold

  1. Well that was eventful. Now that Ferrari and Chittum are gone it would be nice to see Iowa get back on the horse and move in a positive direction. Iowa lost 2 top 25 recruits this week in their incoming class, and they only have 2 commits in 2024. They could use a late 2023 pickup, maybe 2. And they can easily add 4-6 more recruits in the 2024 class. There is room for more big name commits, especially after recent events. There is work to be done. Go Hawkeyes
  2. I don't think it's time for that, but now that Anthony isn't accepted, maybe they should take this opportunity to abort the Ferrari family mission? They can still add talent to an already talented roster and end the drama. Interested to see what happens next, or if Tom has tunnel vision
  3. I would like Dake but he's still focused on competing. Burroughs seems primed for the next big coaching hire as his career is fading
  4. Worst offseason in Iowa wrestling history. I'm about 1 more article of bad news away from saying we need to hire Jordan Burroughs as our next head coach
  5. Chittum would love the program and fan base, would have been fine. Just got in his feelings over something stupid
  6. This is an overreaction. They don't need to hang out on campus, just wrestle in the room. We have wrestling recruits enacting cancel culture on each other when parents should be focused on developing the kids for next season. Penn State is training their ass off and Iowa recruits are fighting? No wonder Penn State wins every season, the rest of the talent in the country cant even share a room together because it hurts each others feelings. Maybe this decade will be like that last one
  7. That would be irrational. Just get the kid in the room and focus on next season, stop crying like a prima donna. Hope its not true but it could be. Sheesh, drama already
  8. Who wins between VV - Siebrecht? VV is tough but needs to develop more offense
  9. I guess Frankie Edgar chauffeured him around town and took him backstage at the ufc event. I hope it was just a visit haha, but we'll see
  10. With Angello doing recent Shenanigans at Rutgers and AJ talking more about mma, it appears the Ferraris at Iowa is trending in the wrong direction. It was all a dream
  11. Just seems serious with him taking a picture in a singlet. Or is it that typical for a recruiting visit? Wouldn't make sense from a competitive perspective, they need to rebuild their roster Hope Iowa doesn't get screwed after they stood up for the family
  12. Is this a commitment to Rutgers? Why would anyone go there?
  13. Chittum is a stud. Let's not forget Drake Ayala thought he could beat Spencer last year, then got annihilated in like 45 seconds. All the talk about Cody getting smashed by teammates is just smoke at this point
  14. Someone could end up losing a year and get back in the lineup the following year, part of life. Or not, we will see. Penn States log jam is way worse, you guys should be on the psu thread discussing who is transferring off your team next year
  15. Arnold should be fine at 174 and I think him and Angello will figure out who is 174/184 long term
  16. I have high confidence in the ability of all 3 Ferraris. Give an athlete like Anthony a year or 2 in the Iowa room and he's going to be a monster. Kennedy has already said he can make 157 so we know that's possible. Regardless of exact weights, I believe they work it all out and put together a steam-roller lineup for the next 5 years
  17. Something like that. Maybe Ferrari redshirts, and loses a year behind Kennedy and Chittum, unless he can beat them for a weight class, which is possible. Then gets 3 years in the lineup, perhaps along side his brothers. 3-4 year starter. Estrada can jump in at 149 long term 2024 149- Siebrecht (JR) 157- Chittum (FR) 165- Kennedy (SO)/ Ferrari RS 174- Brands (SR)/ Arnold RS 2025 149- Elite AA Transfer?/ Siebrecht (SR)/ Estrada RS 157- Chittum (SO) 165- Kennedy (JR)/ Ferrari (FR) 174- Arnold (FR) 2026 149- Estrada (FR) 157- Kennedy (SR)/ Chittum RS 165- Ferrari (SO) 174- Arnold (SO) 2027 149- Estrada (SO) 157- Chittum (JR) 165- Ferrari (JR) 174- Arnold (JR)
  18. I'm sure there are still elite recruits out there or diamonds in the rough, T&T will get a some. Wouldn't write off 2024 because psu got some guys. 2025 should be in the works but 2024 class is more important at this time. Santaniello would be a nice piece to throw in the room, but I would be surprised if he doesn't choose Pit with his brother, unless they both want to come to Iowa
  19. Force a kid to go to a university he no longer wants to go to? That doesn't make sense, especially after a coaching change
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