Something like that. Maybe Ferrari redshirts, and loses a year behind Kennedy and Chittum, unless he can beat them for a weight class, which is possible. Then gets 3 years in the lineup, perhaps along side his brothers. 3-4 year starter. Estrada can jump in at 149 long term
149- Siebrecht (JR)
157- Chittum (FR)
165- Kennedy (SO)/ Ferrari RS
174- Brands (SR)/ Arnold RS
149- Elite AA Transfer?/ Siebrecht (SR)/ Estrada RS
157- Chittum (SO)
165- Kennedy (JR)/ Ferrari (FR)
174- Arnold (FR)
149- Estrada (FR)
157- Kennedy (SR)/ Chittum RS
165- Ferrari (SO)
174- Arnold (SO)
149- Estrada (SO)
157- Chittum (JR)
165- Ferrari (JR)
174- Arnold (JR)