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Everything posted by BlacknGold

  1. Yeah why not. Add Angelo and a few more hammers to this class and the Iowa juggernaut will be official
  2. I'm a history enthusiast, study it every day of my life, including the life and writings of Karl Marx... Think what you want
  3. I was considering that myself. Kennedy isn't exactly a shredded 165
  4. You need to study the writings of Karl Marx and not look up 1 internet definition. It's blatant Marxism
  5. Get taxed if you make money, spend money, donate money. They want ALL money transactions illegal, unless you report it, giving them absolute oversight of all resources and activity. Its called Marxism
  6. Lamer could a nice fit at Iowa, right at 149. Yeah I wrote it, cry about it
  7. Assad looks small at 184.
  8. Makes a lot sense. Assad can be good if he puts on more size. Teske draws concern, don't think he had a victory over a top 12 opponent in all of last season, and he skipped the US Open, while Schriever showed up and went 3-2
  9. Lol, honestly I don't have a lot faith in Teske, but no, I just wanted to know what kind of prospect he is. Sounds like he's quite a talent! Hope he likes wearing black n gold
  10. That's awesome! Great move for Iowa and for the young man. Estrada, Angelo, and a couple more 2024 guys with the class of 2023 will be an amazing group of young talent. Sheeesh. #IowaAscending
  11. Agree, don't see any reason for him to redshirt unless it's to be a nice teammate to a senior
  12. Arnold can go either weight, better at 174 though. Not worried about Chittum. Only hole is 197, if at all. Ferrari can go 197 if he gets back in ncaa. I'm not convinced he is a true heavyweight and got too big for 197, but obviously there are more complicating issues here than his weight... Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of these guys redshirt for seniors like Teske/Assad, but would you see this at PSU? Just asking. Seems like over there it's best man up, regardless of anything else, so maybe Iowa needs to implement a similar attitude. If Teske/Assad win their weight class that's great but nothing should be handed to them
  13. No info on that but Arnold and Peterson look ready to go. Ryder Block and Ben Kueter are more likely to redshirt as they make weight adjustments. Anthony Ferrari maybe should redshirt
  14. Early prediction: Kale Peterson and Gabe Arnold make the lineup. Arnold goes 174/184, Nelson Brands/Abe Assad take remaining weight class. AJ Ferrari gets 2nd chance. 125- Drake Ayala (RSSO) 133- Kale Peterson (FR)/ Brody Teske (SR) 141- Real Woods (SR) 149- Coby Siebrecht (JR)/ Caleb Rathjen (SO) 157- Cody Chittum (FR) 165- Pat Kennedy (SO) 174- Nelson Brands (SR) 184- Gabe Arnold (FR)/ Abe Assad (SR) 197- AJ Ferrari* (SO)/ Zach Glazier (JR)/ Kolby Franklin (RSFR) 285- Anthony Cassioppi (SR)
  15. Think Ferrari/Ayala is likely, would like to get a few more though. Lawrence, Merrill, Cerchio, Larkin, Manville, Ayoub, etc.
  16. I don't think Penn State can fit another body in their building unless they fire the janitor
  17. Someone get this list to Tom Brands. Iowa has a powerful recruiting class in 2023, but they need consistency. Time to land some 2024 hammers. Penn State has 5 top 10 2024 recruits while Iowa is dragging their feet. Not sure what Tom is waiting for 1. Angello Ferrari (TX)- 174/184 4. Koy Hopke (WI)- 285 10. Dillan Johnson (IL)- 285 13. Rune Lawrence (PA)- 197 14. Sean Kinney (PA)- 285 16. Cody Merrill (CA)- 197 19. Louie Cerchio (NJ)- 174/184 21. Kyler Larkin (AZ)- 133/141 26. Max Shulaw (OH)- 285 27. Pierson Manville (PA)- 149/157 30. Cash Henderson (UT)- 285 32. Omar Ayoub (OH)- 141/149 33. Jack Consiqlio (PA)- 133/141 36. Navarro Schunke (SD)- 285 38. Cole Han-Lindemyer (MN)- 184 47. Chris Kiser (OK)- 125 50. Matty Lopes (NJ)- 133/141 56. Drew Ayala (IA)- 125 57. Gage Right (WV)- 174/184 58. Nate Blanchette (MA)- 174/184 59. Sonny Kling (CA)- 184 60. Daniel Boone (PA)- 184 61. Porter Matecki (MO)- 125/133 62. Jace Roller (OK)- 141/149 66. Logan Fowler (TN)- 149/157 69. Logan Roman (NJ)- 125 70. Javaan Yarbrough (OH)- 125 71. Ayden Smith (PA)- 125 72. Clayton Giddens (OK)- 157/165 73. Kale Voinovich (OK)- 149/157 76. August Hibler (NJ)- 149/157 77. Oscar Williams (OK)- 285 80. Jude Randall (OK)- 165/174 82. Elias Navida (CA)- 125/133 83. Jed Wester (MN)- 174/184 84. Matt Henrich (NJ)- 157/165 85. Colin Kelly (IL)- 174/184 89. Wyatt Ingham (WI)- 184 90. Gabriel Bouyssou (RI)- 141/149 92. Robert Platt (CA)- 197 93. Hudson Skove (NJ)- 285 94. Chris Crawford (PA)- 157/165 98. Canon Acklin (OK)- 125 100. JJ McComas (OK)- 125/133
  18. Why does every conversation have to be about Spencer Lee?
  19. What a crap show! They announced Bartlett as the winner, raised his hand, and the commentators said Bartlett won. Maybe tie scores should go to overtime instead of this nonsense. I don't care who won, this was just a mistake on their part that caused confusion. Congrats Nick Lee for making the finals
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