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Everything posted by Dogbone

  1. You sure about that?? Do you really think the rest of the board is glad when they see a JC imposter post and all go "glad that guy is here making more troll posts"
  2. I thought it was the defense attorney for the ISU athletes that filed their response but admittedly I have not followed this latest round closing. To your point, that is what the defense attorney should be doing, it doesn't make it fact. (I was just trying to help bring more context to Dresser's comment about the phones being taken and the potential defense that Dresser seem to be parroting). It's possible that the evidence found on the phones could get thrown out but that also doesn't mean they will get off. As you noted the legal case will take time and NCAA is not quick to decide anything.
  3. The report said something to the effect that there were warrant-less searches. It is not clear if the paper he referenced to take phones a warrant or not. It could also be that they didn't have a warrant to use the geofencing which led them to taking of the phones. As others have mentioned, that probably only helps them legally and not with the NCAA.
  4. The team race will still be very boring this year due to PSU's combination of transfers and homegrown talent. Regardless, I hope the Iowa and ISU guys get a year back, whether this year or next. Yes, they broke a rule, but the punishment has been far too steep IMO. Throw in the manner in which this came to light and I have a hard time thinking this was just.
  5. I don't think the lack of matches hurts the individual wrestlers. If anything, the lighter workload probably has them fresher for the 3 day grind of NCAAs. They are practicing and getting better leading up to March, just in the room and not in competition. It only hurts the fans who want to enjoy the season and get excited leading up to NCAAs. I don't think we will go back to guys wrestling 40 matches a season, but we need to find a way to make the 20 matches they do wrestle meaningful.
  6. Really? I thought it was the most competitive tech fall I have ever seen. Smith was very close to finishing the double twice that turned into 10 points for McKee.
  7. Agree that it wasn't a duck for seeding purposes. What I find interesting is Nebraska also sat ranked wrestlers last year vs Purdue, including Cronin against Ramos. Maybe the dual just falls at the time of year when guys need rest. With Ersland a long time assistant under Manning I assume they have a good relationship so it could just be a timing issue.
  8. There was another MTV True Life: MTV for documentary True Life: I’m on a diet. That followed Cory Cooperman around his senior (?) year.
  9. A potential rematch of the epically bad Alton v. Grajales match... Sign me up!
  10. I believe he red shirted in football as well but I also believe it doesn't matter as you get 5 years to compete 4 years in any sport. So he could use up his football eligibility in 4 years and then wrestle in his 5th, hypothetically.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I think Kueter is the favorite if he goes as he is the better P4P wrestler and all around athlete just will be interesting considering the size different. Kueter may not be in his best wrestling shape but I can't imagine he is that much of a disadvantage condition wise than Nash. Heck, Nash hasn't even wrestled a full 6 minute match in the last 6 or so years. My point with the lineman reference was to highlight Nash's strength advantage even if he is no longer 330. Not that it matters but LBs typically use their hands to keep lineman off of them while DT are in the trenches trying to move lineman and gain leverage to control gap assignments.
  12. In addition, I think his caloric intact was fairly high to try and keep that weight up for football. There was an article (might be behind a paywall) that mentioned he cut out soda, lemonade and only eats 4 eggs now instead of the 8 he was eating during football. I imagine he didn't actually start at 330 and once he started eating better and attending wrestling practices the wight came off. Regardless, he is a full size 285 who is used to battling against 300+ lineman. A match with The Cooter will be an interesting style matchup.
  13. A Junior World Champ in 2022, State Champ last March, who was in the college room in the summer and fall v. a guy who hasn't been on the mat for 4 years.... a mismatch in my book
  14. It always makes me laugh when someone "doesn't care" spends time to click on something and post in the thread that they don't care about. I have no idea if either will AA but the idea that nothing matters unless its two AAs wrestling or it doesn't matter until March is terrible for the health of the sport.
  15. I disagree with Basch. His reasoning seemed more of defense of why Gable hasn't taken off thinking you have to be a certain age than anything AJ has done. I am no WWE expert, but to me AJ is perfect for WWE. All hype (with athletic ability) and no need to back it up in a scripted contest. He really strives on attention and crowd reaction. Heck, he has everyone talking about doing the split double bird more than anything he has done on the mat in the last two years. Even when he won the Natty he had people talking about his 665 deadlift interview. To me, Gable doesn't have that persona. He may talk a little crap but not with any personality, in the WWE you have to sell it. Gable only gets people talking for when he does something on the mat.
  16. Huskers have already announced Nash will go. Will Kueter? Maybe the lack of big matches so far this season has me jaded, but wrestling doesn't seem to be able to get out of its own way. It would be great if Iowa would announce so it could be marketed broader than to just diehards wrestling fans. I could see a lot of cross over intrigue with two football players going head to head.
  17. If we are in a spot where anyone is suggesting AJ could even get into Northwestern as a option than I would say AJ is out of any realistic options. Time to focus on the WWE.
  18. What changed from when Rutgers was recruiting the family this summer? Surely the splits double bird didn't shock Goodale. They weren't recruiting boy scouts. I don't think he ends up at Rutgers either but it seems like Goodale was willing to take them.
  19. Is Pinto healthy? He was injured last week and didn't go in either dual. Ayala dec. Smith 3-0 Teske dec. Van Dee 6-0 Real dec. Hardy 9-0 Ridge MD Rathjen 9-4 Robb dec. Franek 9-7 Caliendo dec. Taylor 12-7 *Arnold dec. Wilson 15-7 - If no Arnold then toss up, but I'll go Kennedy dec. Wilson *Pinto MD. Riggens 15-11 - If no Pinto then toss up but I'll go Bron Ton dec. Riggens Allred dec. Glazier 15-11 *Keuter dec. Nash 18-11 - If no Keuter then Nash pins the backup IA Hwt.
  20. If I "record" the event and watch it later on YouTube TV, am I included in the 34K? Just curious how that is determined.
  21. I don't think Kerk is going to lose to a guy who hasn't wrestled for 3-4 years. He looks to have jumped a level from last year, let alone to back when he was losing to Cass. But it will be really interesting how Nash looks, where is cardo is at and if he can make a run at NCAAs. His size and strength will certainly be challenge for most HWTs. His ceiling is probably 5-8th, which would be really big for Nebraska.
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