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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. Well he got a W. And I’m rooting for chance more than most on the team.
  2. Parris pretty much has to medal for us to win the team race correct?
  3. Prophetical. Unfortunately. Finger crossed for tomorrow
  4. I take credit. He subconsciously heard my concerns and decided to pin him
  5. Does DT seem “off” the last two matches to anyone else? Not bad. Yes I know he’s winning
  6. But for realsies.. when are semis in eastern. (Or central) time
  7. Jesus Parris. Stressing me out way too early in the morning
  8. He only stopped the attack and clearly changed the direction… as someone who likes fs this is why it’s hard to convince people that it’s “that” much better
  9. They might as well give them their hoodies at point
  10. Nice scramble by Zain but he shut down pretty early in that match
  11. Illinois isn’t as smart as TN or GA and doesn’t keep team points at state. Only duals. It’s annoying
  12. This thread depressingly reminds me of how the.. freshman behaved in my morning class today… only thing missing is the a sigh, eyre roll and.. whachu mean
  13. I take no responsibility for the political direction this has gone.
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