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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. Buddy.. I have plenty explanation. I simply have too much to do actually trying to actually to accomplish things, especially for wrestling, both within my program and without, to write the novels needed to address your “point” Especially because you clearly want to ignore what actually happens to women on a regular basis
  2. Breaking it down would have you moving goal posts or saying nonsense about “warnings”
  3. His backtracking is.. something. Especially if you have any awareness of how bad it is for girls in comparison.. talk to a social worker once in awhile
  4. They only want it to help young men if it doesn’t impede the “proper” teams/kids. Is what it is
  5. You’re probably right. Besides I’m just a public high school coach. My opinion doesn’t matter. My irrelevant opinion of Title IX has been changed by this thread. Is what it is.
  6. Greg hatchers money is why the program exists…
  7. And the Hatcher money is a big part of it which helps a lot at a school like that
  8. When did that happen? Last time I checked it was the one state without
  9. Mississippi doesn’t have hs wrestling…
  10. Shapiro was the first true freshman put into Intermats top 50 college wrestlers. Take that as you will
  11. Cincinnati/Dayton are more akin to an island when it come to wrestling. There’s not too much crossover as far as inside info as you’d think. Not saying he didn’t hear anything but my point stands
  12. Dake is arguably more dependent on his athleticism and physical gifts than Burroughs was.. and before anyone gets in a tizzy. Yes they’re both great technical wrestlers as well..
  13. They must be simple folk.. people of the land… you know morons RIP Gene Wilder
  14. Oof. Dake ain’t right and that last 10 seconds was an adrenaline rush.. and Now a challenge
  15. Azeri coach was skeptical there.. don’t blame him
  16. But. We ain’t Russia. Soooo. Shrug. Non Olympic weight anyway
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