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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. I always find sanctimony from coaches to be laughable, much like it is from politicians.
  2. Got to be honest, I was (and to some extent still am) skeptical about Mendez bumping up to 141, but the success he's having in FS (albeit U20s) as an undersized 65Kg is impressive. Kid has some dog in him.
  3. Is Swiderski's redshirt confirmed? Kid has a lot of talent, but it sure looked like the weight cut was too much for him. He needs to let his body reset a bit and find a higher weight class.
  4. Stop trying to steal Donnell Washington. He's from Indiana and wrestled his last two years of HS in Indiana.
  5. Are we sure Doucet is going to be the starter this year for Oklahoma State? Isn't Christian Carroll ready to go?
  6. Assuming good health, I would guess he's around for the 2024 cycle, at least. He's only 30 years old and is a quality 125kg. I think he's the third-best in the US behind Gable and Parris, but he's only outclassed by Gable (like all the US HWTs are). If Gable calls it a career after 2024, Gwiz is 100% in the mix for the spot, even if he isn't the favorite. He's a competitive guy, like everyone at that level. He just has to decide how much he wants to grind for a spot he's unlikely to win. It's a mental competition for him. If he thinks he can do it, he'll keep going. If he has doubts, he'll likely retire after the next Olympic cycle.
  7. Predictions sure to go wrong: 57 KG - Thomas Gilman vs Zane Richards - 2-0 - one 6-2-type match, one tech 61 KG - Vito Arujau vs Nahshon Garrett - 2-0 - two techs. 65 KG - Yianni Diakomihalis vs Nick Lee - 2-1 - Lee wins a 6-4-type match, Yianni with a tech and a 4-0-type win 70 KG - Zain Retherford vs Tyler Berger - 2-0 - two techs 74 KG - Kyle Dake vs Jason Nolf - 2-0 - though I want to give Nolf one match. First match is 4-1-ish, then some Dake bombs in a tech. 79 KG - Jordan Burroughs vs Chance Marsteller - 2-1 - similar to 2022. JB with a pair of 4-0 wins, Chance takes a match 3-2 86 KG - David Taylor vs Aaron Brooks - 2-0 - DT wins both something just shy of a tech 92 KG - Michael Macchiavello vs Zahid Valencia - 2-1 - MM takes his two in the 7-3 range, Zahid wins a 6-2-like match 97 KG - Kyle Snyder vs J’den Cox - 2-1 - Snyder wins two controlled, 5-2-type matches. Cox gets one 6-1 125 KG - Gable Steveson vs Mason Parris - 2-0 - Gable owns Parris. Two techs, Parris might get a push out in one match
  8. I'm curious as to what makes you think Woods would win four out of five against Alirez. Woods is very good, but after rewatching that NCAA match, I don't see anything that makes me think he's winning 80% of the time in that matchup. To the larger point about the Iowa lineup, Woods and Cassioppi are the two guys I'm counting as locks for AA. Brands likely gets there again, but I don't think he's a sure thing based on his style and the guys returning at 174. Everything else is a question mark on some level. Talented guys, for sure, but they have their work cut out for them to get on the podium.
  9. No. I mean I think Parris is the second-best 125 the US currently has. I understand what their H2H looks like and what the results were two and three years ago, but there is some context in those matches that informs my opinion. I will never denigrate a world medal and Gwiz has a couple of bronzes, but that isn't swaying my thoughts on this. I'm also not saying Gwiz isn't a damn good wrestler. He is. I just think he's the third-best 125kg guy in the US. The good news is we likely get to see where they stand this weekend. If they meet, I expect a good match from two of the top three 125kg in the US.
  10. It's kinda wild that a guy like Parris is very likely to never make an Olympic or World team in his prime because Gable is a terrible matchup for him. I think he's the second-best 125 the US has, would be in contention for medals at both the Olympics and Worlds and he's not close to Gable, so we may never know. I'm not sure years of FS-only training will do any good either. I guess we'll see how long Parris wants to lose to Gable or how long Gable wants to compete in FS.
  11. Don't forget the brutal injury to Brayton Lee that made him look like a shell of himself. Been a rough year.
  12. Yeah. The B1G will have a pretty wide range, even if (especially if) you include camps, bonuses, etc. Some schools seriously invest (Iowa, Penn State, Ohio State, Michigan, etc.) and some do not (Indiana, for one). The high-end spenders pay their top assistants more than the head coaches at some places. That's not to say the guys on the lower end can't or don't make a nice living for coaching wrestling, but it does illustrate the uphill climb they have just to compete within their own conference.
  13. Does Iowa even wrestle what most people associate with the "Iowa Style" anymore? When I think of the Iowa Style, I think of Competitor Supreme - which our HS wrestling coach had on what seemed like a continuous loop in his office. But count me as +1 on the idea that Iowa could use some new ideas in the room.
  14. Chicago is a great city, but it's not a good host city for a variety of reasons.
  15. And these guys aren't bums. It's damn impressive.
  16. Parris has nothing for Gable. That tweet sealed his fate forever. There are definitely levels.
  17. Castiglione is really top notch. Can't ask for much more from an AD. It's a tough job and he's done it as well as anyone has for a long time.
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