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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. What do you think he's been doing his entire life? It isn't working and you want him to double down. The worst thing for him is to go into another situation where his talent protects him from reality and people kiss his ass. He's not finding Jesus in Iowa.
  2. Penn State is just doing it better than anyone else right now. It's hard to argue with the results and progress you see. Kids are naturally going to be attracted to that, especially if they have freestyle aspirations. At this point, I'm somewhat surprised when HS guys with freestyle chops go anywhere else, even if their weight is occupied for a year or two. I thought Mendez would have been a perfect PSU guy. It's going to be tough to knock them off the top of the podium.
  3. I think therapy would be more beneficial for his character development than spending time in the Iowa wrestling room, but that's just one guy's take.
  4. Uh..Indy isn't in any way, shape or form a newbie to hosting such an event. https://www.indianasportscorp.org/about/history I like what KC has with Power & Light. It's a nice setup, no doubt about it and I won't talk bad about it. They executed that plan very well. I can understand why people like it and I'm sure KC will do a nice job hosting. In the end, this debate doesn't really matter unless Indianapolis decides it wants to host DI wrestling, but they have the goods to be an outstanding host.
  5. Personal vote: Indianapolis should host the NCAA championship. If you've ever been for an event, you understand how connected and easily walkable the downtown area is. Hotels, restaurants, bars, nightlife, gathering spots. The downtown was built to host events. Now, Indianapolis also has to want the wrestling championship, but you would have a really hard time finding a better host city.
  6. I'm not in NCAA compliance, but I do know several people who are. The general rule is that you have five years to complete four seasons. Wrestling, with Olympic Redshirts, has an exception to that timeline, but the clock starts once you enroll full-time at any school. COVID adds another wrinkle, but as long as the scenario you described is completed in five years, an athlete would be eligible to participate in non-consecutive seasons - but missing more than one would mean an athlete wouldn't be able to complete their entire, four-season eligibility. If the timeline posted above is correct for Gable, I think he's exhausted his collegiate eligibility because 2023 would have been the 5th competition year (granted for COVID) and he did not take an ORS or any RS for that matter. I suppose there could be some sort of appeal process that I'm unaware of, but I think his NCAA clock has expired.
  7. I can see the humor radar is still frozen in Minnesota. Seriously, I will be interested to see how 125KG shakes out. It has a nice mix of veterans and recent college guys. Gable, time off or not, is the favorite.
  8. Rumor has it he wanted to avoid a fully healthy Mason Parris.
  9. RE: pushout points. I have my doubts about this. If a guy grabs a collar tie, blocks and drives his opponent out of bounds...did he really do anything? This strategy is already employed by many wrestlers to generate a stall call. I'd argue the guy pushing their opponent out is stalling, i.e., not wrestling. Think about how this works in freestyle...a guy is close to the edge and his opponent pushes him and gets a point for...pushing...unless he's grounded. I don't like it in FS either. I think it was a well-intended rule to keep action going, but in its application, it is silly. There are some legitimate times where a guy is backing straight out to avoid a certain position, double underhooks, for instance. Those should be called stalling. I seems that the application of the rule makes it so that the official must call a stall for "backing" off the mat, even if they were pushed off or it's clear the wrestler being pushed is making an attempt to stay in the circle. Perhaps this is a rule that needs clarification and application amendments, not a rewrite to reward the behavior that seems to go against the spirit of the rule. If a guy is actually avoiding wrestling, call stalling.
  10. The Hodge folks do need to address the number of finalists. Ten is way too many. It creates choice overload and unnecessarily complicates the voting.
  11. Agreed. Any objective observer could see Parris should have won the Hodge this year. I'm glad the votes reflected that, even if you eliminate the fan vote. I'd probably have Starocci No. 2 on my ballot, but Parris was the more impressive and dominant wrestler this year.
  12. In most years, Brooks wouldn't have been a Hodge finalist.
  13. As it should have been. Congratulations to Parris.
  14. I don't have a specific number for Lee, but I have him the same rank as Sebastian Rivera. Honestly, every program in the country would love to have a guy like Spencer Lee. I always enjoyed watching him wrestle.
  15. Nah. You got it correct. Parris should win.
  16. Eierman did wrestle until he was 42, but even he didn't get eight AAs! haha I think it's a tad disingenuous to claim AAs from years that Yanni didn't beat them, but I get it. It shows the type of guys he beat along the way, even if they weren't that guy at the time. I did find it interesting how some guys kept showing up in his path: Sasso, Eierman, Murin, Demas.
  17. It's not easy to find good statistics for wrestling, no matter how well resourced the school is. I agree that not giving up a takedown is impressive. DI wrestlers are good, even the bad ones. The competition level matters, of course, but it's still something noteworthy in the era of caution takedowns and leg diving.
  18. That makes sense. I didn't go look at every opponent's AA history. Either way, it's an impressive wins list.
  19. He qualified for the Indiana HS state finals meet in the 110m Hurdles.
  20. I looked at Yanni's results and I can't find 15/20 wins against All-Americans in those years. Maybe they're counting cumulative AA honors of his opponents? So you could say of his 20 wins, his opponents earned 15 AA honors or something along those lines. *are AAs in the year Yanni beat them. He beat Sasso, Eierman and Murin twice each. 2023 Demas, CP Arrington, NCSt Murin, Iowa* Van Ness, PSU* Sasso, OSU* 2022 Sherman UNC McDougald, OU Murin, Iowa Sasso, OSU* Lovett, Neb* 2019 Lipan, Rut Red, Neb* Demas, OU* Eierman, Mizz* McKenna, OSU* 2018 Zanetta, Pitt Gil, Navy Heil, OKSt Eierman, Mizz* Meredith, Wyo*
  21. More context outside of my edit window: Parris beat five All-Americans in the season: 2nd place Kervliet (three times) 3rd place Hendrickson 4th place Cassioppi (twice) 5th place Davison (twice) 8th place Hillger (twice)
  22. Over his career, that's probably true. Every win in the semis and final is over another All-American (that's eight without doing anything else). Guys you beat in the quarters have some work to do on the back side and those who he beat in the first/second rounds have to win a ton to make AA. I may take a look at this and put a list together to see who the other seven were.
  23. Parris probably wrestled the toughest competition of all the candidates. Heavyweight was loaded with guys with world-level accomplishments and Parris beat damn near all of them this year. He also wrestled 33 matches this year, more than any other finalist, and had 11 pins, which leads the finalists. Base off of the stated criteria, the only other candidate with a case is Starocci. 1 – Record - if you lost, you are behind Parris here (Vito, Yanni, KOT, Brooks) 2 – Dominance/Bonus-Point Percentage - Of the unbeatens, only Starocci, Alirez and AOC have a better bonus percentage than Parris. Brooks (67 v 64) is the only wrestler with a loss that tops Parris in percentage. None have as many pins. 3 – Quality of Competition - Parris won 10 matches this year against the top eight finishers. There were four world champs and six world medalists at his weight. 4 – Sportsmanship - This is the most subjective, but c'mon, Parris is a nice guy to boot.
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