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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. That's the system. You don't have to wrestle to win matches. I'm not knocking the strategy because the rules allow it, but you absolutely don't have to attempt a single offensive move if you hold center and push. I'll hear an argument that underhooking and pushing are offensive, but then I get to argue which definition of offensive we're using.
  2. Transferring to Indiana. Confirmed.
  3. I might be out of the loop, but I'm assuming a result like this keeps Seltzer on the bench if that wasn't already the case, yes?
  4. You can see videos via this link: https://iasportsco.smoothcomp.com/en/event/14853/schedule
  5. I wouldn't change the points for a major or tech. We're now valuing one particular action more than it was previously and have elevated it relative to other scoring maneuvers. If you adjust the margin for bonus decisions, you're essentially asking for the matches to be valued the same way as they were before, which flies in the face of adjusting the value of a takedown.
  6. I think I got everything correct. These are all of the upcoming matches/events that are listed in the two items flyingcement posted in chronological order. Set your DVRs
  7. Rich or wealthy are indeed relative definitions. Let's not forget that many private schools offer scholarships and vouchers exist in many places to offset/subsidize costs. It's not a secret that top athletes tend to find their way into private schools if those private schools make athletics a priority. Good athletics programs are a recruiting tool for both private and public schools around the country. Finding a way for top athletes to get into your school is good business.
  8. I have no idea what other words may or may not have been used. I am not on X/Twitter. But I'm sure that you're aware that people can say and do racist things even if they don't intend them to be racist, right? A person can say racist things and have no idea that those things are racist because their life experiences haven't shown them that they are indeed racist. It might mean that there isn't malicious intent, but those things are still racism. Some might view a situation like this as an opportunity to learn about the historical use of the words of phrases they write on their favorite social media platform and change the way they react to future events, others will brush it off as no big deal. Some will be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to passive/subtle and not-so-subtle uses of racist language, others won't. It's up to each person to make these decisions for themselves. I personally try to treat people with the same respect and dignity that I'd like to treated with. I'm going to give grace to people and allow them to be human and make mistakes, but I can still identify when people are using racist language and condemn it regardless of their intent.
  9. Why not both? Parents are the worst thing about youth sports - regardless of the sport.
  10. I lived in St. Louis for a few years a little more than a decade ago. The only people calling it "The Lou" or any version of that were the people in charge of trying to attract tourists (or their PR firms anyway). I'm sure they thought it was catchy. I thought it was stupid, because the Lou (loo) isn't an appealing thing for most people. The crappy town jokes ensued.
  11. Correct. I have it on pretty good authority that one recent top recruit had multiple $100k+ offers, ultimately selecting a school that offered in the $150k range. What do those numbers mean? Tough to say how they were structured or what ultimately came to fruition, but there's definitely a market for top guys. The proven commodities (transfers) likely will continue to attract higher values.
  12. Careful. I suggested the same thing and was told there's no chance Cael would ever do something like that because he didn't explicitly say that was the reason for holding Brooks out in a presser.
  13. He needs to call Spencer Lee for some advice. You don't need an ACL to win an NCAA title.
  14. I'm assuming it was to suggest that the match was close because of familiarity.
  15. No. I'm not joking. Coaches say a lot of things, that doesn't make them true or the actual reason for a decision.
  16. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be shocked if Cael was letting Beard have a moment during a dual at Rec Hall that was never in doubt.
  17. Was last year's freshman class at Ohio State not ranked number one?
  18. I'll admit I was concerned about the weight jump, but Mendez has been fantastic so far at 141. That's a really nice early-season win. That kid has a bulldog mentality.
  19. College wrestling is fun
  20. This is starting to feel like Decatur2.0
  21. Whether or not this consideration is worth $4 million, I don't know, but how many awards vendors/manufacturers can handle the NCAA's awards volume? They can't just run into the local shop and ask for Little League trophies. I'm sure they get gouged, but if there are only a few vendors who can fulfill your order, those vendors do have some leverage. It could be even worse if they have a exclusive agreement with a vendor and no one bothered to list price ranges/restrictions, i.e., a bad contract. Either way and for whatever reason, it stinks to lose a trophy.
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