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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. This holds so true nowadays!! This is happening more and more in today's society, and it is terrible!! For instance, you can't fix oppression and inequity of certain groups of people, by doing the exact same thing to other groups of people. The tit for tat crap has to stop...on both sides and for all types of societal issues.
  2. Please explain how I am not asking legitimate questions? And you keep throwing out that "I am a lawyer!" b.s. over something that doesn't take having your expertise to answer. Or are you saying the legislation that was passed does in fact have provisions that make it illegal to say "gay"?? And that the legislation does in fact ban books? But yet you didn't even sight the legislation in your argument rather you mentioned how you live there and know a teacher who hates it and is scared to say or do anything, thus, all teachers and Floridians hate it and Desantis is killing education and just wants rich people to be educated. Not to mention, what does being a lawyer have to do with claiming people on the board that oversee's Disney are anti-gay?? Bottom line is you can't back up your statements with facts and you call be obtuse...can't make this stuff up. And you know what else is funny, you claim that Desantis is responsible for the insurance debacle...and I ask how...you say "because I am a lawyer and I live there!" without stating anything of HOW he is responsible. Desantis doesn't control the insurance companies, nor the insurance policies that...uh oh...PEOPLE buy!! I f'ing know how insurance works...and I know how it works in FL. There are policies that people can purchase (may need to be multiple policies) that will protect them, after knowingly living in a state that gets hit by many hurricanes. I actually told my brother, who lives there (who is anti anything political) and was impacted by the hurricanes multiple times, about this conversation and I asked him if Desantis was responsible for any lack of coverage he did or didn't have, he literally started laughing...and said, "That guy said he is a lawyer here?".
  3. Come on man...you clearly are twisting the bill and the article to make it read something it doesn't. Every kid needs to have a sports physical to play sports after a certain age. What is the bigger issue here for you? Do you think biological males should be able to play against biological females in sports?? Is that what has you all up in arms? If the bill even remotely was close to what you are insinuating in that little kids would have to pull down their pants in front of people before competition, then of course about 99% of people would be against it. However, confirming sex at a sports physical is essentially done now anyway. You use the term "vague" to somehow turn this into something it isn't...because you want it to be...see! see!! Big bad R's again!!
  4. LOL is right...you have lost all respect. "Again, I am a lawyer" is your response...wow. I don't give a rat's ass if you are a triple PhD in astrophysics, political science, and neuro medicine. But keep on with your "I am a lawyer" b.s. bud...do you want us all to bow down or some crap and take your word for it because you are good at memorizing stuff and live in FL??? Guess you are the only one who lives in FL and you speak the only truth for all the residents there. Geeze...get over yourself. Anyway, as I thought...you can't answer the questions.
  5. I know a lot of people that live there (about 18 people in various parts of the state) and each and every one of them have varying political views in terms of who they usually vote for and some are non-political...every single one of those people laugh at the narrative the MSM has portrayed in terms of what is going on. Not to mention the facts don't match up to anecdotal evidence...which is anecdotal!! So which group of people is more reliable?? Sorry, I'll rely on what I have heard, AND what I have learned by actually looking into these claims on various sites (that lean both ways). Anyway, what you wrote just proves one of my points...you have done nothing but twist things to fit a narrative...none of his legislation banned anything or is anti-gay. You can't claim he put "anti-gay people on the board for Disney" without proof...that is ridiculous! You do realize that Disney got involved first, right, by calling his legislation "anti-gay"!! Plus, I thought you lefties were anti-big corp...now you aren't? Anyway, I do believe I am not the "bad faith arguer"...you may want to look in the mirror. I am the one that can honestly say that if Desantis has/had done any of the things you all claim I'd be the first one to be calling him out and "hating" the guy!!
  6. This is filled with no answers to any of my questions. While I may agree with the sentiments of some of what you have written, please show evidence of Disantis doing any of these things since that is who we have been discussing...I'll wait.... And since you clearly don't know how insurance works, I'll ask you AGAIN, tell me how Desantis is responsible for any of the "insurance debacles"...you brought up geography, history, and purpose of insurance, all of which Desantis has ZERO control over...unless Desantis now controls the geography of FL and how the ocean currents work, or what is or isn't covered under an insurance policy...I literally almost started laughing. But, if you can somehow articulate how he is responsible for those things I'll listen.
  7. Come on bob...seriously...you are a smart guy...yet you spew misinformation left and right about Desantis..calling him a "dictator/supreme ruler". You are blatantly lying about him "killing education" and that "R's only want education for the rich". And even more so to say he is "afraid of Drag Queens" and " kids reading books so much that they want to ban them permanently." These are so false and have been proven over and over that they are, yet you and others like Plasi and Vak keep spewing out that rhetoric. I have asked questions like this so many times in other arguments and never get a response, show me where he is anti-gay...actual facts not some MSM site headline. Show me where he has ever "banned a book". Show me where he has ever made anti-drag queen comments. Show me where he has ever said or done anything to "kill education". The problem with conversations like this is people try to extrapolate out certain things about legislation and policy to meet a narrative that benefits them politically, or in some cases personally because they want all R's to be bad or all D's to be bad because that is what their side tells them to think. It is absolutely ridiculous. Desantis NEVER banned any books, he never passed any don't say gay legislation, he isn't killing education, etc., and to blame him for the property insurance debacle, because of hurricanes, is so ignorant I can't even believe I am mentioning it. And I say all this not knowing if I would even vote for him if he runs for president...just can't stand people spewing misinformation. I wonder how much better we would be if people actually left some of their emotions at the door and opened their mind to actual facts and reality.
  8. Not sure I would call Desantis a trump clone...he can't stand the guy. And had this conversation, well tried to have this conversation with my mom and stepdad last night, as they are pretty far left, about Desantis and they struggled when I asked questions around what books is he banning and what is he doing that is so bad to Disney? Without just using the catch phrases like he is banning books and he passed the "don't say gay" law, both of which is and has been proven completely false, anyway they couldn't really articulate which books he has "banned". As for the Disney thing...I think we all hashed that out in another thread, but they to couldn't articulate why what Desantis is doing to Disney is "bad". I think for the R's to win, it will have to be Desantis showing the public who he truly is, which isn't anything like Trump, and isn't what all the MSM has tried to make him out to be. But my bigger hope is that the D's can find a good candidate so we all have something to choose from other then Trump and/or Biden.
  9. You are right people have every right to come on here and explain what they think. So you know for a fact that the "NCAA's corporate decisions and execution of those decisions" didn't include wet mopping? And you have unequivocal proof that Payton Robb contracted the bacteria from the mats at the NCAA tournament?? Which mat specifically was it than? How many people wrestled on that matt and ended up with that specific bacteria infection? My point is, there are studies and "science" that say the UV mops work when used correctly...period. And to claim that the NCAA mats are the sole cause of Peyton Robb's serious illness/injury is pure speculation. Not to mention, is there evidence/proof that the NCAA didn't clean with bleach before the tournament started? Maybe they didn't but I haven't seen proof of that other than people on here saying they never saw them doing it while watching on TV, or in the stands...that is pretty weak "proof" if you ask me. But like you said, people are free to come on here and express their thoughts...continue on with your narrative..
  10. Ugh...painful to read...people are so black and white and definitive about things they really don't know much about. So we have a UV mop for our high school program...yes it works...if used correctly. First off, nothing beats soaking your mat in bleach or the mat cleaning solution and letting it dry completely, we do this before every match and tournament. We then use the UV as an augmentation to the wet mop by running the machine in between rounds of a tournament. But you are supposed to go slow when using the UV mop and not walk at normal speed which a lot of people do. The overall point is it is still "better" to even use the machine too fast versus not using it at all. And quite looking to blame something for Peyton Robb's situation...it is terrible and I wish the young man the best of luck and a full recovery. But blaming the UV mop for this is asinine.
  11. I REALLY hate saying this, but I agree with the delicious pastry
  12. Seriously?? Come on Plas...you can do better...once again such a disingenuous statement and such a biased viewpoint. You honestly think Trump is the first president to pay off someone..."allegedly". You tell me he is the first businessman to tow the legal line on taxes for their business...including politicians?? You think Trump is the first president to use political speak when answering questions...aka, lied? Again, think they all politicians should be held accountable...and I couldn't care less if Trump goes to jail...he won't...but for anyone to say this isn't opening a can of worms in terms of politicians using the legal system to go after people based on politics then you are definitely disingenuous, bipartisan and hypocritical. Also, you don't think other presidents have had people part of their administration go to jail? Had bad people part of their administration? Did/do you hold the president's with D's after their name to the same standard as R presidents?? Would love to see what you would have done if Trump made some of the same gaff's Biden and his VP have made when talking...you and Mikey would have lit up these forums with links and videos...but nope...silence. My point of all this is to address your tit for tat to demonstrate your bipartisan thought process. Just don't understand how people can be so one sided and narrow minded that they paint a narrative in their head that they would "overlook" bad things people do because of their political affiliation and hold people that don't have the same political affiliation to a completely different standard.
  13. "Well now Trump can go to court to prove his innocence" - Nancy Pelosi Can't make this stuff up. I guess I have no problem with Trump going to jail if he broke the law. I do think it is a political hit job but guess we will see. Also, all the lefties rejoicing over this, a HUGE can of worms has just been opened...so I better not expect you all to be crying in your spritzers when power in the government switches and people like Hilary and other D's get indicted on things you all will claim are minor.
  14. It is mind boggling that people "fight" against the notion that men and women are biologically different. And also say they support equality in sports and women should have equal opportunities and then turn around say biological men can now compete against women. It is like we live in bizzarro world. Did anyone see the U. of Pitt anthropology professor say that if you dig up bones you can't tell whether the bones are from a man and woman...all the students started laughing at him...and then he got all pissy and started saying he was the expert and has a PhD...again you can't make this crap up.
  15. Again, such a disingenuous question. Allowing one set of ideals and views based on one side of politics vs. not allowing other views and set of ideals (that have nothing to do with equity and tolerance, is in fact what a lot of companies have gone to...because it's the "in thing". And our political system, our media (including social media), our institutions, and now our corporations are all about diversity and equity and inclusion, but as humans went way to far one way in regard to those things...which always happens in this country. It needs to be moved back to the middle as the majority of the population are in the middle yet we pander to the very small minority. My believes are that everyone should be treated equal and have the same opportunities based on the person they are, their hard work, and their drive to do better. I think people should be able to love who they love. I believe people should be able to dress however they want to dress. But I also believe people have a right to love who THEY love. And people should be able to dress based on their biological sex. I believe people should be able change their sex if they would like (once they are an adult) but I also believe we are born a male or a female (biologically speaking). I also don't believe in the notion of "privilege". But I do understand generational wealth. Anway, I could go on and on,...my point is those are MY believes...period...and everyone is entitled to their own even if it is crazy far right or crazy far left, but we should also be able to call some of it out...on both sides.
  16. Agreed...it use to be one of the best places to work way back in the day, just now it isn't for some reason. One has to wonder what happened, but based on feedback from a large amount of ex-employees it may be evident. Sad how politics has worked its way into corporate America's employee's treatment whether it is left or right leaning politics. I miss the day when corps stayed out of it...publicly anyway. I fully understand lobbying has been happening for a long long time and that is another subject all together, but the forced political views is terrible if you ask me. And you are right, it was "adorable" what Le Duke said...so disingenuous when people do that...what he said has NOTHING to do with your point.
  17. Honestly, I do not think or believe that the R's fear Trump. I believe he is done and will not win the primary. I do not subscribe to what the MSN tries to tell people what to think. It is a political tactic by the biased news media to skew what is really happening (and I don't mean in some weird conspiracy theory way), I mean that most of what people watch are run by D's who have a vested interest in D's winning elections and thus spew the rhetoric they want in order to achieve that. Just like the R leaning media does. So no, I believe the most popular R right now is Desantis by a significant margin. But he hasn't even said he was running. Anyway, why do I think that, because the MSN is hell bent on bashing Desantis every chance they get and for the dumbest stuff. Trump at least earns his bashing. Anyway, I think it is a ploy to portray Trump as the "scary" leader of the R's knowing that those in the middle will then vote for D's at all costs. Of course I may be wrong, and Trump may in fact win the primary, and then I probably won't vote at all unless the D's put forth a candidate that is halfway sane and can string coherent sentences together (I do feel bad for Biden losing his mind though...don't wish that on anyone), and the D candidate is more middle of the road. Honestly, I get lost in people trying to express their opinion by making statements like "balls in tiny hands" (although funny).
  18. This post is exactly why it is very difficult to have a genuine conversation with some of you. This is so full of immature b.s. and is nothing but name calling, insults and completely ridiculous claims that can neither be proven or disproven...it's almost as if I am watching a political ad created by a teenager trying to be political. And once someone lays facts/data/tangible evidence down you will deflect, insult the person and shut down. You, Plas, and Mikey should all just post under the same user name. @Disengenuousbipartisanhack
  19. This is so his MO isn't it...once he gets pushback on one of his illogical posts...he deflects, deflects and deflects. He won't engage in any meaningful conversation at that point. I agree with what LJB said, he seems like a halfway intelligent guy except he has teenage level political viewpoints (no logic, all emotion)...AND, he loves stirring the turd and calling people names...I know he does it on purpose and probably sits back and giggles to himself while snapping his gum and twirling his hair, and sometimes I get caught up in it, but I eventually realize that is his schtick when he knows he can't argue his point any longer so I disengage...oh and his other schtick of turning every topic to be about Trump and then posting stupid links about Trump and Elon ad nauseum.
  20. Yeah because you post some of the exact same type of sources...ALL THE TIME!! And you don't address the actual issue and make it into a source issue...can't make this stuff up.
  21. Thanks for making my point. You still can't make any comment on what the guy said...your feel the need to focus on a stupid source versus what was actually said?? Seriously?? But as always...keep being you Mikey.
  22. Wow...so disingenuous from some of you and quite sad really. You are focusing on freaking sources and tip toeing around addressing what was actually said...and even trying to downplay it by saying "Killing is the thing that is illegal". Wow...some of you continue to show your disgusting bipartisan thought process. There should have been no other response except this guy is disgusting and shouldn't be let anywhere near our kids in college. LJB was spot on...do some of you freaking lick windows??
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