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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Everything I can find about it walked back the "beaten" rhetoric that was originally reported. Sounds like more of the kids were defending themselves from having water thrown/poured on them. However, there may have been some teasing going on too, but none of which led to the person's death. This totally reminds me of the reporting of a story out of CA in which the original headline says D1 Wrestlers Beat A Man To Death", or something similar. But when the actual facts of what happened came out, the man who died was the aggressor, was drunk, the wrestlers really didn't lay a hand on the guy but defended themselves when the guy swung on them and he missed and then fell down and hit his head and knocked himself out, the wrestlers moved the guy out of the drive through lane and set him up against the wall, the guy later died from asphyxiation or something, but not from anything the wrestlers did. I emailed the editor and asked when they would retract their headline and story, and the response was about what was expected with the b.s., "we just report based on what we are told at the time." That particular outlet never sent out another article about what actually happened. That was some 20 years ago and the start of me hating the media and not trusting any of them. Regardless....TPT still found the boogeyman in this and thinks everyone hates people who dress in different clothing than their assigned sex.
  2. Nope...always have to find something to be a victim of...and blame others for their hard work...call them names and say they have no empathy. It has always amazed me how people like that get anywhere in life. They have to be completely miserable people always looking for the boogeyman in everything.
  3. LOL. A couple days go by and I forget why I stopped responding to him, yet here I did it again and got what he always does...psycho babble stupidity.
  4. Your previous post and this post's first sentence... How do you say you don't know what you are talking about without saying you don't know what you are talking about The left-wing whack jobs conveniently ignore the true historical record of the climate and the changes on earth...BEFORE humans were even a thing because that doesn't fit their agenda. By the way...I used the word "left-wing whack jobs" to emphasize a point...I personally hate when people use labels such as left-wing whack jobs/right-wing whack jobs/MEGA/libtards/etc...to me that weakens any argument because labeling people is just stupid and lumping huge groups of people together to claim they ALL think exactly the same way is laughable and shows a very shallow thought process.
  5. Stupid comparison questions...but I think you know that and just want to argue and be able to write as many words as you possibly can in a post. You seem to leave out an actual comparison and I won't do the homework for you. Here is real life...the moral of the story is it was a struggle to survive 30 years ago just as you claim it is now...many many months/years wondering how I am going to make ends meet each week...after haven gone to college. What I didn't do is look for a handout, I didn't blame the big bad banks for the loans I AGREED to, never felt sorry for myself or played the victim...I figured out what I needed to do to make those ends meet...to pay off the loans I agreed to take...and made it happen. Now you sit there and say to people like me, "what, you can't give up some of what you earned and give it to people who haven't even tried to make it on their own....because they may struggle"?? Seriously do you even understand what you are writing?? I am someone who truly believes in helping out their fellow man; however, how, when, who, etc. is up to ME!! Not YOU! So once again stop with your stupid virtue signaling and victim mentality.
  6. SHM...does man have an impact on the environment, absolutely! Is man solely responsible for the slight change in weather currently, absolutely not! And you do make a good point...to have any sort of significant impact on things, it would take a coordinated global effort. However, as the saying goes, is the juice worth the squeeze...aka, would it be financially beneficial, I am not sure. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't try and not pollute the environment as much as possible.
  7. While I may not think very highly of Trump and won't be voting for him, I really wonder, do you vote based on policy or just whether or not someone is a "nice person"? Serious question
  8. Agreed! One of the proudest moments I had was when I made that last student loan payment.
  9. I can't wait for his split personality to come back with all this peace and love crap he switches to sometimes...then fly's off the handle and insults everyone and their post the next day...his meds must not be dialed in quite yet.
  10. Please tell me you aren't serious...this has to be a joke right??
  11. Back to picking fights with me I see...guess you fighting with 99% of the people on here is your new schtick hey?!?! Do you ever think that maybe YOU are the problem, not every single other person??
  12. SMH...my guess is that you are very young and have spent your whole life in academia. I sure hope what you wrote makes you feel so much better about yourself...because other than serving that purpose it is nothing but blow hard, victimhood, virtue signaling. In the REAL world, here is the situation...people are different...people have mental health issues (I know I have them at times)...but everybody has equal rights to pretty much everything regardless of their differences. But what people like you and others can't wrap your head around is that it isn't someone's "right" to compete against girls just because they feel they are a girl when in fact they are a biological male. It isn't someone's "right" to use the bathroom at the same time as someone of the opposite biological sex. Etc. As for inferring how I or even a certain group of people actually feel about something, you maybe need to take the victimhood glasses off and just listen to what we/others are saying and quit inferring things that aren't true. I have no problem with anyone who wants to think they are something other than what their biology says they are (that isn't a societal construct by the way). I am 100% support of equal rights for everyone, except criminals of violent crimes. I don't think anyone, or any group of people should be oppressed. I don't think anyone should be judged based on their skin color, race, sexual orientation, etc., but rather judged based on who they are as a person. But here is the kicker...in the real world, there are ALWAYS going to be a-holes who do very bad things...that will never change. We should always be vigilant and stop those people as much as we can, but we also shouldn't play victim at every turn and then blame half the country for those a-holes in society...who more than likely have a genetic defect themselves!
  13. Biologically speaking those are genetic defects
  14. I'm asking you seriously @Ban Basketball ...why did you even come back on here?? It's one thing to provide an opinion, even if it is as crazy as some on here are, and debate those opinions, but to post nothing but ridiculous things that adds nothing to any conversations is extremely unappealing and makes it very difficult to read through threads. You have been banned several times now and then come back and just engage in the same behavior but at an even higher level of frequency and craziness...what do you get out of that?? Do you want to just get banned permanently so you can play the victim...AGAIN?? Is that somehow enjoyable to you? Seriously!?!
  15. A very very rare genetic defect. What does their chromosomes say? Biologically speaking there are only two sexes, male and female. If you think you are something other than what your biology indicates than you have a mental health issue. Not saying that it is bad, or they are "wrong", or should be treated poorly because of it. it just is what it is from a biological perspective. I look at in in the same sense of I am short and can't jump and others are tall and can jump extremely high...our genetics are different. As for the person who was assaulted in the bathroom, I'll wait until all details are known before making any ASSumptions or expressed opinions. But will say that if someone was assaulted unprovoked the perpetrators should be held responsible to full extent of the law...regardless of how the victim may identify as. To me I am not even sure why this post was started. Where are all the posts for the 1000's of kids that probably get assaulted every single day? Yes I know the answer to this question...just pointing out how ridiculous it is for people to use tragic situations to feign outrage and virtue signal.
  16. Thanks. Weird that even the leftist media don't lead with these important details. Not that I agree with the program in any way, if they signed this when they took out the federal loan then it is what it is. The other problem is, again based on what I read, these aren't the only loans being forgiven. And my guess, which I may be wrong, they are trying to use this program as a blanket for most student loans including those which were not part of this program when they took out the loan.
  17. Again, unless you can show me otherwise, they didn't sign up for the program when they took the loan out.
  18. So you go to college and take out a loan out for a degree you CHOSE to get, then take a job you CHOSE to take knowing what it pays... and then complain about what the job pays...AND you think you deserve to not have to repay a loan because of the choices YOU made??? SMH
  19. Has anyone done waygu teres major steaks? If not, I highly recommend them. Have had them twice...once while I was down in Pensacola at a butcher shop called Costellos's (great place) and once after I ordered them from this place Wagyu Teres Major Steak | Teres Major Beef | SRF Black Label™ (snakeriverfarms.com). High class online butcher...great stuff.
  20. So I tried to read up on these loan repayment programs and still can't find out if these borrowers took out the loans and the repayment program was part of the loan agreement or if they took the money out, Biden/et al. came up with the repayment program and then people signed up for the program AFTER they took the loan out. If that is the case all the stupid excuses people have tried to give for loan forgiveness are completely that...excuses. You take a loan out, and the terms were to pay back that amount plus interest, you should have to pay that back. Who cares what type of job you CHOSE to work. Can't believe people support crap like this.....
  21. So you do support what Israel is doing than.
  22. NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Bob/Husker why??????
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