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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Hey Art, Trump was always a bad guy. Not because of R v D - but because it's in his nature to be a criminal. He was a criminal before, during, and after he left office. You backed the wrong horse. If there ever was a time to move forward, it is now. That's my fifth of a dime.
  2. Having one is better than nothing when there's work to be done that is of higher urgency than in more typical times. He would not have been my personal 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 200th choice. But votes are cast, decisions are made, and we move forward. That's democracy in action. If some (like me) don't think it was a good choice. Too bad. It's done and we move forward. Moving forward is always better than stalling out. Always.
  3. What "ideological" side is it that you think I'm on, exactly? You have no idea. The jokes on you clown.
  4. Right - the independent auditors that aren't government sponsored and don't have the knowledge or experience the state-sponsored auditors do. Just a heads-up for you, but those that have no position but get paid to say things... are mostly crooked bastards.
  5. Sounds like a knee jerk response without any substance. One of the 'your stupid', 'you're wrong' responses. If you want to make a rebuttal, at least have some substance, right? BTW - the "weaponized' crap is common language on MSM. But it doesn't make it correct. It's wrong. If you took a minute to reflect on what a really "weaponized" group could do - you'd see that this isn't that. What we're seeing is 'slanted' and nothing more.
  6. You mean the US Supreme Court? Yes, kind of. It is slanted from previous administrations efforts. But "weaponized?" No. not at all. Slanted and weaponized are nearly worlds apart in terms of the level of damage they are able to accomplish. Thankfully, the people of the US know better than to support anything more than the slanted.
  7. Trying but failing to find any humor in that comment. Take a look at Russia or Hamas, not much to laugh about there. Weaponized governments aren't very funny.
  8. Ah, the Matt Gaetz take. The guy who started this whole fiasco and is responsible for all of the wasted time and effort. That guy. Can't wait to read it (sarcasm alert: I won't be clicking it.)
  9. Cute... super dumb and super ignorant take given the world circumstances right now. But cute.
  10. I was just thinking the same thing about you.
  11. Ah, funny. Along the same lines, maybe make yours in crayon.
  12. Amazing to me that so many D's and R's insist on being enemies in politics. Unwilling to acknowledge the obvious fact that they are on the same team and will only succeed by working together... as a team. It shouldn't be that hard, grade school and high school sports taught us this. Yet team Blue and team Red keep duking it out in some dumb unwinnable fight, during which we all lose.
  13. According to Chay, those Hamas mass murderers and hostage takers were really good, kind people.
  14. Good question. I don't know. Perhaps multiple people let their emotions get the better of them. It's all there - locked permanently to edits - you can't argue with permanent posts. I'm always open to honest discussion. (It's only the judgmental accusations and attacks that I have a problem with - I tend to respond to those differently.)
  15. I see what you're saying except the VERY important points: data for "progress.org" does NOT equal "dataforprogress.org" data for "google.com" does NOT equal "dataforgoogle.com" data for "apple.com" does NOT equal "dataforapple.com" ...don't blame "autocorrect" - that's just lame These are details that very much matter. This is the exact kind of trick that internet bad guys use to try to trick people into following links. Offthemat made a specific point to tell everyone they were the same thing, when they clearly weren't. I don't know that poster, but anyone with any internet security experience would know better than to trust anyone who posted in this manner. Go back and read the thread - my point was always that the two sites were not the same site. Refuting Offthemat's claim that they were the same site. Admit that simple fact and let it go, or just go away. Don't try to change history with a line of BS. I'm not OK with that.
  16. We are all here to share opinions, that is the very point of being here. You claimed I was some sort of lecturer. Yet, of the two of us, you're the only one giving a lecture. I have no problems with you or your posts. But if you judge, expect a response. If you don't like that - then maybe, you should choose to not cast judgement.
  17. So... you do know Trump? Go ahead, let's hear more. You're apparently an anti-marxist who doesn't appreciate cats. Keep going. What creative additions do you have for the forum?
  18. Except it wasn't an argument about the N word versus the C word. That's a pinhead take. The point was different people have different perspectives based on experience. It wasn't specifically about either of the actual words.
  19. Went through your posts again to try to dig out your explanation... I didn't claim they were comparably equal - but that they were both taboo. I did make the point that one's perspective will depend on their experience. Which is 100% true and I stand behind. I added that some use the N word regularly even though others are prohibited from it. Which is also 100% true (which you are confirming with your posts here.) But that was an aside. At no point did I compare the C word vs N word. I just didn't happen. I NEVER EVER claimed anyone could use the N word to a black man. That came from your imagination, it's not something I ever posted. I posted about using the C word and it being "taboo" and mentioned the N word as another example of a word that is taboo. Could have used "bitch" or "raghead" or many other offensive words, but I didn't. At no point did I recommend or justify the use of the N word. I don't expect you to admit that this is true. But it is. Call me whatever name you like.
  20. You missed the last half of my post -- the one where I was waiting for the point you were trying to make?
  21. You're tiresome. Maybe you should read through the thread double carefully. Nothing has changed. Still - dataforprogress.org is NOT the same site as progress.org at a different page. Going to the correct site MATTERS, in a huge way. Tricking people into going to an unintended site is a tried-and-true way for cyber bad guys to trick people. The closer people pay attention the better. Don't try to downplay it. You help nobody by doing that.
  22. Sorry NHS, but that's weak AF. You claim I'm so stupid but provide no logic behind it. You claim mountain/molehill - again, no logic behind it. If you want to claim these things, provide some basis. Otherwise, you're just another internet turd. I do care - and I care enough to call out BS without basis. Not everyone would.
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