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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. That's not what I posted... sooooo... no. Not at all. Read it again, genius. "the one that struck me right away", was my 2nd comment after my 1st comment that "I have quite a few problems with". First impressions are important. Sequence matters. Pay closer attention. If you want to start a thread about "the current DEM party..." and blah, blah, blah. Go for it. You maybe should, since a weak, baseless accusation is all you've done here so far. I recommend you try to find substance and go forward with it. I'm 100% in favor of it.
  2. ... true, but he was Jesus. Ramaswamy is no Jesus.
  3. We agree - I like plans. I dislike being wishy washy. I appreciate confidence. I wouldn't want him to say "...10 ideas that might work" either. That would be dumb. A lot of options (some I already posted) that are confident and inspiring without sounding like a self-important tool. Maybe even something as simple as "I have a great plan for moving forward..." Again, so many better options. I dislike him claiming that he has come up with "THE WAY" ... there is such a thing as overconfidence. Cael is confident, yet humble. Like most uber successful wrestlers. If I remember correctly from my catechism classes, Jesus was humble too.
  4. I have quite a few problems with V's take... but the one that struck me right away was: "Here's the way forward on election integrity:" Not "a" way forward, not "one of the ways forward", not "some recommendations"... but "the way" as if there is only one in existence and it happens to be his. That's the kind of hubris we really don't need. I'd prefer a little more humility in a potential leader.
  5. Is it a hobby farm or is it just another actual farm? No doubt, two very different ventures and purposes. Don't make the mistake of thinking one is somehow better than the other.
  6. ... and actually real new state flags, too... I like Minnesota's latest:
  7. Ah, 'geddon it thing... that's so you. The thing I remember most about it is the way my GF chastised me like a school mum after I had her watch it with me. I liked it quite a bit, but you've got to have an open mind and be ready for some twists. (My GF was not ready.)
  8. Good post FC. Banter here sometimes puts us at odds, but that just reminds me more of my time spent in the wrestling room. Wrestling is a lot of things, but it isn't a chill sport. This is really a pretty cool place. Thanks Husker & Co for providing it. And Merry Christmas to everyone!
  9. We can't change history - even Rudolph - it was what it was. Which is exactly why it is such a great opportunity to review and learn from it. History has a ton of examples of how we used to do it wrong. We don't need them deleted; we need them as reminders.
  10. Flo will be able to fall back on the thing they do that nobody else does... Yes, you read it here first. Flo will become the giant in High School wrestling streaming! While collegiate and international wrestling moves to one of the many better available options. (And, yes, HS's will soon figure out its easier and cheaper to stream their own matches. Win for AV clubs nationwide.)
  11. Jross needs to take detailed notes to send back to HQ... Everybody knows that he is a spy, right?
  12. Nah, it's still early season and a tough time for weight cutters. McKee will come around in January and be more than fine. I expect a big final year for Patrick.
  13. NIcely done - always enjoy your humor. As far as UFC Fight Pass... they suck donk*y d*ck. Hint: The wrestling audience has a finely tuned taste for technique - not bashing slugfests.
  14. Back to the actual topic and question from the OP... Does the cop have a legal responsibility to take a bullet for a student? No. Is the cop less than heroic for not being willing to take a bullet? Yes. Is the cop a "coward?' That depends on your perspective. We mostly all think we will be hero's when the situation calls us to be. But the reality is that we won't really know until that situation occurs. Putting yourself between a shooter and civilians. Rushing into a burning building engulfed with smoke to save people who may or may not even be there - or a cat. Crawling across a frozen lake to save a drowning person - or a dog. Heroes are AWESOME. But not everyone is a hero. A lot of good people aren't heroes - but it doesn't make them cowards.
  15. Nicely done by ScarletKnight. Folks may quibble, but the illustration is so awfully hard to disagree with. This man is incredibly talented, he's a stud, and he is - without any doubt - enhanced by the use of supplements. Which supplements exactly? Don't know - don't care, other than they are the ones that obviously worked for him. Super high-level athletes do this the world over, in basically all of sports competition. Like it or not, that's where we are. And, like it or not, its where we need to be if we expect to compete for titles.
  16. No, not at all. Protecting civilians is very much the focus of their specific job. And special powers and protections exist to assist in achieving that goal. No doubt, they are at risk, every minute and every hour of every day they work. Putting their lives at high risk isn't part of the job description. Yet some do anyway. It is above and beyond the call of duty - the kind of thing that earns medals and awards 'hero' status. But, no, not the kind of thing that they should be expected to do for a paycheck. We need an awful lot of police officers to serve the people and keep the peace in this country. Not all of them need to be heroes.
  17. The military are trained to kill, while the police are trained to seek peaceful solutions. They both carry weapons but are not very much alike once you get past that first part. The MP's - they are a different animal altogether.
  18. Hah... you are an impudent candlewaster.
  19. Yawn. Reread my post. I didn't say you were a dummy, I asked why you were acting like one. You completely misrepresented my post. I said I was "curious" and you somehow turned it into a fictional "question" that I didn't ask. It's not up for debate, just go back and read the posts - it's all there. Weird on your part. Thought you were smarter than that. It wasn't feigned condescension. I was, and am, serious. You need to try to do better.
  20. Yep... as you said, a "recall" It is strange how much pushback I've gotten on this one. I guess some don't like the word "recall" (even though it is exactly that.) As recalling as any recall has ever recalled. It is 100% a recall.
  21. As posted, I am curious to see what happens tomorrow. That was not my original question. Why are you acting like some kind of dummy? That was super weak. Find a way to do better.
  22. Nope. Recalls sometimes require parts & labor. Sometimes just labor. Sometimes just firmware. Details of the recall will vary - but the definition of a recall doesn't change. It's a recall. C'mon WKN, you know what I'm saying here ... and you can't possibly pretend it isn't true.
  23. Meh, not really. They are all the same gig. This is a recall. Period. Full stop. The fact that the remedy can be delivered OTA doesn't make it any less of a recall. It just makes the remedy easier for owners. Which is nice. So, they got that going for them.
  24. So, basically all the Tesla's on the road in the US have been recalled - to the tune of 2 million of them. Yet, at the close of trading today, Tesla stock was up ~1%. Makes me curious what will happen tomorrow...
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